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I wish to install Arch-Linux in a dual-boot configuration with windows 10. I have partitioned one singular drive into 7 partitions as shown here. I wish to enter into GRUB going where I can choose to boot windows or arch. I have followed the Arch installation guide to the best of my ability but when I enter into boot select Arch does not show up. I have attempted this twice now doing the exact steps of:

  1. Call reboot command from Archiso
  2. Repeatedly press F2 (Asus based motherboard: this is what it prompted).
  3. Boot to that that looks to be the Arch installation (labelled Samsung 970 evo, same as windows). It prompting me with an 'installer screen'
  4. reboot again
  5. Enter windows 10
  6. Nothing

Problem in concrete words.

I wish to dual-boot with 2 EFIs, this does not work. Can I mark an EFI as bootable or primary? If so should I disable Window's EFI's 'primaryness'?

  • Did you figure this out?
    – UpTheCreek
    Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 14:50


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