I recently upgraded my system from AMD FX 8320 (with DDR3 RAM and M5A97 mobo) to Intel i7-9700K (with DDR4 RAM and a z-390 mobo).

I have 2 different SSDs, one with Windows 10 installation and another with archlinux. After the said upgrade, I am able to boot into Windows without any issues, however the EFI bootloader does not list the drive with archlinux. Using a trial version of EasyUEFI, I added an entry for my archlinux installation to the UEFI firmware bootloader.

So far, so good. I understand that my GPT id's would have changed, and the boot might fail horribly, but I anticipated that it should atleast fallback to a rescue shell.

I boot into the newly created/restored arch entry, select my linux for boot and it fails with different messages related to kernel panic (screenshots below).



I also tried creating a USB bootable to check if I can recreate my fstab, but the bootable drive also fails with a microcode udev error.

Any ideas on how to cleanup my boot configuration for the arch bootloader?

Following the steps from comment by @VarunNarravula:

I tried creating a bootable from the windows machine itself. Downloaded arch-netinstall bootable iso, created a flash drive using unetbootin, and when I reboot to the usb interface, it also fails with similar messages.

  • I would say make an arch linux bootable from another computer, preferably one with an Intel x86_64 processor similar to the one you installed, and booting into your broken system using that. Chroot into this, and compiling a new kernel may solve it, because your kernel is still the one from before you switched CPUs. So you may want to recompile a kernel with support for Intel microcode; possibly that is what is causing the “processor context corrupt” and “microcode udev” errors.
    – user962725
    Commented May 24, 2019 at 21:36
  • @VarunNarravula I tried creating a bootable from the windows machine itself. Downloaded arch-netinstall bootable iso, created a flash drive using unetbootin, and when I reboot to the usb interface, it also fails with similar messages.
    – hjpotter92
    Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 8:01
  • Ok so you used the same Windows installation prior to switching out the CPU and mobo, right? Then try reinstalling Windows on the same computer/hard drive, then creating the bootable from that installation. Either your firmware is buggy or Windows isn’t creating the installation media for Arch Linux right.
    – user962725
    Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 14:26
  • I doubt that that is how a bootable device is supposed to work @VarunNarravula
    – hjpotter92
    Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 14:29
  • 1
    Try using Rufus. May do the job better than unetbootin. Make sure it’s GPT and UEFI (non CSM) on Rufus before writing the ISO image, and instead of creating a custom NVRAM entry for Arch Linux, try moving up the USB to the top of the boot order and let it boot automatically. Then you should install a proper boot manager, which boots the kernel a lot better than your standard UEFI firmware (I recommend rEFInd, you can install this from the default pacman repos, called refind-efi)
    – user962725
    Commented Jun 3, 2019 at 15:03

1 Answer 1


So when you replace your computer’s crucial hardware like your CPU, usually a reinstallation is Windows solves it for UNetbootin. Besides, a periodic reinstallation for Windows always solves things with Windows. But don’t use UNetbootin, it only configures hardware support for the machine Windows was initially installed on. Use Rufus.

When you use Rufus instead, it uses the current Windows kernel, unlike UNetbootin. So any Linux ISOs imaged onto a USB should work because the image now reflects the different microcode used in the CPU.

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