Does anyone know how to maintain a ClamAV container?

Specifically, it's the ClamAV container included with MailCow, but I'd like to use Docker more broadly as well, so how can I keep something like virus definitions, or other updateables in containerized services, up to date?

Can I use a cron process for something like this?

I can't really find a good way to interact with the container's filesystem to do it manually from the host system, and I get the impression that's not the right approach with containers. How should I approach something like this?

Should I pull a fresh container constantly? That worries me about the possibility of introducing new binaries/codebases all the time, and would like to maintain the model of using well known versions of software rather than push containers into production without testing. Ideas?

Thanks in advance -

P.S. - I tried freshclam from the command line, no dice...

1 Answer 1



I am also looking for the same answer and going by description provided in the Overview section, it seems that freshclam runs continuously in the background updating the virus signature database. Hope this helps!!!

Reference: https://hub.docker.com/r/mkodockx/docker-clamav/ enter image description here

  • You’re right - so I guess you would otherwise need to log in and run freshclam manually - but you’re right, it appears in the container’s crontab…
    – MJHd
    Commented May 4, 2023 at 20:23

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