For an illustration, I need the Windows XP hour-glass cursor - with standard drop shadow - as a transparent image (PNG or whatever). Any idea?

I found a page with cursors, but the hour-glass one is missing:


3 Answers 3


OK, I've added the hourglass image to the collection.

Note: The %windir%\Cursors directory is not a solution because it lacks all the standard cursors -- small white arrow, small white hourglass, D&D copy, D&D move etc.


The system cursors folder is in your windows directory;


You should be able to extract any frame from the image with a good image editting program. Gimp will do this for you, for instance.

  • Unfortunately, the drop shadow is missing from the cursor images. I will edit my question accordingly.
    – feklee
    Commented May 3, 2010 at 9:39
  • 2
    The drop shadow is added dynamically, so you will not find an icon file with it already in-place. You'll probably need to either keep taking screen-grabs (with a tool that includes the cursor in grabs) and hope to catch it at the right moment, or just use paint.net/GIMP/photoshop/what-ever to create the look manually. Commented May 3, 2010 at 10:33
  • I see. Edited the question accordingly.
    – feklee
    Commented May 3, 2010 at 13:58

For the record, I've been able to reproduce the drop shadow precisely in Adobe Photoshop 7 with the following parameters:

  • Colour: black
  • Blend mode: multiply
  • Opacity: 32%
  • Angle: 151–170°
  • Distance: 3 px
  • Spread: 0%
  • Size: 3 px
  • Contour: linear, non-antialiased

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