I am running Windows 10. When I run any of the three programs:

  1. cmd
  2. windows terminal
  3. PowerShell
  4. atom

I am not able to cursor select text (i.e. highlight the text with the cursor).

I have tried starting atom in safe mode, but that doesn't resolve it. I am able to cursor select text in other applications such as:

  1. web browser
  2. Microsoft word
  3. PowerShell ISE

So I know this is an issue with the cursor selection and not any one application. I have tried going into Windows 10 Settings > Mouse > Additional Mouse Options > Turn On/Off ClickLock. This didn't help though.

The only solution I have now to resolve this is to restart the PC.

1 Answer 1


First: run DISM and SFC:

(1) Open cmd.exe with Run as Administrator.

(2) DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup

(3) DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth


(5) Restart when all the above is complete and test.

That is the first step before a Windows 10 Repair Install

Second: Make a new, test Windows User Profile. Log into the new User Profile and test Commands and the Cursor.

If a new User works, you need to back up the documents and email in the current User Profile and make a new User Profile.

Third: If the above steps do not work, run a Windows 10 Repair Install.


Windows 10 is running, so click on the Download button (not Upgrade Button) and select Run. If the Repair will not run as per above, use the Download button to create a USB Windows Installation key, then run Setup on the USB Key.

This will launch the Repair and proceed normally. There are 3 ways to proceed, according to the severity of the error.

(1) Keep Everything: Best if it works and your computer comes back just the way you had set it up except repaired. Always have a backup, but generally nothing will be lost.

(2) Keep Data: Necessary if the operating system damage is extensive. Keeps the User Profile and makes software install quite easy. Always have a backup, but data is not usually lost.

(3) Keep Nothing: Deletes the User Profile and all else and is essentially a fresh install. Be certain you have backed up all your data. "Keep Nothing" is necessary if the User Profile is damaged, because broken User Profiles cannot be repaired and it is generally easier to back up and start over if the User Profile is damaged. It depends on the precise situation.

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