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Monte Carlo simulations and Central Limit theorem

I am simulating the revenues of a portfolio of items using one input variable. This variable is randomly extracted from a normal distribution n times, where n is the number of Monte Carlo simulations. ...
floyd123's user avatar
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Choosing a proposal density g(x) for $ f(x)= {\Large \frac{e^{x}}{(e-1)} }$ [closed]

In finding an proposal distribution function $g(x)$ for the following function: $ f(x)= {\Large \frac{e^{x}}{(e-1)} }$ where $0 \leq x \leq 1$ Tested with $$x^2+1, 1/x+1$$ and other variations, but ...
user895583's user avatar
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Why do confidence intervals width increase when sample size increases "a bit"?

I'll try to explain better. I sampled a LogNormal random variate and I extracted 12001 and 12002 samples (with same initial seed for Random Number Generator). In the first case the half width of ...
miticollo's user avatar
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Expectation of the product of iid random variables

If we have iid random variables $X_1,X_2,...,X_N$ with $\mathbb{E}X_i=\mu$, is it true that $\mathbb{E}\prod X_i=\mu^N$? I had no doubt that this is true, until I tried it out with Python, using ...
whoknowsnot's user avatar
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Is there any methodology to generate the non negative and non normal random data based on descriptive statistics of probability of lossing the game

I would like to generate non-negative random data (between 0 and 1) and non-normal. Is there any methodology to generate the random data based on the below distribution? Below are the descriptive ...
StatsUser's user avatar
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Understanding a Gaussian Sampler

I recently learned that you can generate a Gaussian sampler from a uniform sampler. One such method is the Box-Muller Transform. I naïvely implemented this transform in the following code: ...
jregalad's user avatar
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Significant bias introduced into simple simulation

Introduction Service is allocated to an infinite source of customers i.e. there is always a service in progress. The duration of the $i^{th}$ service is generally distributed $\Delta_i \sim F_{\Delta}$...
Dylan Solms's user avatar
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File Downloading Time Modeling

In my simulation model, I need to consider the time that is spent to download a file as a random variable. What is the best distribution for such a random variable? Is Log-Normal Distribution a good ...
Кирилл Волков's user avatar
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Generating random variates knowing the density function

Let's consider a random variable that is following the distribution with the density function as below: $$f(x) = \begin{cases} \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} 3.5i(0.3)^{i-1}e^{-5ix} & \text{for $x>0$} \\ ...
bajun65537's user avatar
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Calculating the sample cumulative distribution function for a Kolmogrov-Simulation test to examine the goodness of fit with given data [duplicate]

I have sample data for 'Times between successive crashes of a computer system' which is for a 6 month period and the data is given in hours. The data in brief is : 1,10,20,30,40,52..... I need to use ...
Kumaran's user avatar
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Monte Carlo simulation for grouped averages [duplicate]

Assume we have $N$ random variables $X_1, \ldots, X_N$. As an example, assume that these random variables describe test scores of $N$ students. I am interested in finding the distribution of average ...
yrx1702's user avatar
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Simulating realizations of joint Bernoulli distribution

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Bernoulli random variables with success probability $p$ and $q$ respectively, i.e., \begin{align*} X = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{with probability $p$} \\ 0 & \text{with ...
hkj447's user avatar
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Simulate correlate random variables with given marginal distribution where one is always larger

Is it possible to simulate pairs of random variables with a given marginal distribution and population correlation where one random variable is larger than the other? More formally, I need to simulate ...
Eli's user avatar
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Cross validation on unbalanced datasets using a simulation approach on a subset of data

Within my field I often end up using linear regression to look at two variables, normally how some factor (e.g. size) changes through time. I'm increasingly coming across datasets that are unbalanced ...
Thomas Moore's user avatar
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Simulating values from a random variable that is a sum of other random variables

$X$ is $\mathcal N(0,4)$, $Y$ is $\mathcal N(0,5)$, $Z = X + Y$ I need to simulate 1000 values for each of these variables, $X$,$Y$,$Z$. I have simulated 1000 values for both $X$ and 1000 values for ...
Indigo's user avatar
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