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How to report ANOVA results when comparing to negative binomial models?

I want to report the results of an ANOVA test used to compare two negative binomial models in R: anova(model1, model2, test = "Chi") I receive the ...
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Necessary diagnostics of multiple quantile regression

I am wondering what are necessary statistics for multiple quantile regression model. I am considering creating a model e.g. using the quantreg R package: ...
Mikołaj's user avatar
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The "detectseparation" package. How to interpret its results?

I am running a logistic regression on financial data of several companies. The dependent variable is the company to be a smoother (binary variable: 0, 1), and there are several independent variables: ...
Hussain's user avatar
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Beta regression coefficient interpretation

I'm trying to use beta regression on a data set where the response variable is in percentage (i.e. between 0 and 1), so let's say it's the unemployment rate. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around ...
theworldistoosmall's user avatar
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Should I report df, SSQ, F and p, or should I report estimate, std error, t and p for my linear model?

Im using multiple linear models/regressions and wondering whats the best way to report a model in a scientific manuscript? I see so many versions. Should i go for the info in summary() or anova()? If ...
EcotoxicologyGirl's user avatar
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How to report on model selection

I have run model selection and have been advised to use the BIC value to determine the best model for my purposes. However, having looked around online I cannot seem to find a standard way to report ...
Rstudioamateur's user avatar
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Showing names of levels in glmer R [duplicate]

I have a simple question that would help me a lot in interpreting my results I ran a glmer model in R with the following variables: a binary DV that is dummy coded a categorical IV1 named "...
Alaa's user avatar
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How do we report a regression with categorical * continouns interaction?

I was wondering how would be the best way to report this model ? ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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Properly displaying Categorical Variables Represented as R Factors in a Table

I submitted the following table for peer review in a manuscript. The reviewer comments showed that the table confused them. In our study we have a pre- and post-score that we measured as DVs. Our ...
Kevin T's user avatar
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How to report results from linear mixed models: interaction terms changing significance

I've used linear mixed models to test if factors genotype and sex influence colon length, while including batch as a random effect. I first ran the test...
oregaymi's user avatar
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Which model fit indices do you report from lavaan CFA for scale development?

For RMSEA there seems to be a regular value and two robust values. Are there any recommendations on which of the three values to report? Would you report 1, 2 or 3 from ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Reporting guideline for bayesian using pd and ROPE

In the bayestestR articles, I came across the reporting guidelines that they recommend “the effect of X has a probability of pd of being negative (Median = median, ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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How to report the results of an anova() model comparison?

I have two models with the same outcome variable and the same independent variables, but Model 1 has two more independent variables than ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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When should I report multiple r-squared versus adjusted r-squared in a linear regression?

I am trying to report the r-squared value for the results of a linear regression in R using the lm package. I noticed that the ...
user2352714's user avatar
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How to write fitted model using data from R?

I don't know how to write a fitted model. What I did was: Y hat = (1.222 * e^1) + (3.938 * e^-4 * sqft_living) This is for the fitted model for waterfront = 0 group. However, I don't know how to do it ...
Mary's user avatar
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reporting results of a multivariate logistic regression using the glm function in R

I would like to use the glm() function in R to run a multivariate logistic regression. I have also run bi-variate statistics for each variable but want a test that controls for all variables at once (...
B.Kenobi's user avatar
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Model averaging: predictor significance vs importance

What is the correct way to report the results of model averaging? I’m using MuMin in R, results include a p-value. It’s also possible to get the importance of each predictor. Example results below. ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Scientifi notation in CI vaue - how to present it [duplicate]

I have a question on scientific notation in a calculated CI and how to present it. The value of my CI is: 1.623497e+01. So when I write that out do I say that the CI for that variable is 1.62... or is ...
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How to report results for generalised linear mixed model (glmmTMB) with beta distribution and logit link?

I am currently analysing the effect of canopy cover on the proportion of birds scavenging on carrion left out in nature. The data comes from several national parks, which I included as a random factor....
Peter's user avatar
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How to report the results of a glm from R in a scientific paper

Say I have the following results from a glm (gaussian distribution) in R: ...
cgxytf's user avatar
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How can I report the results of a two-way ANOVA on a 3x4 factorial experiment?

I'm trying to generate some sort of table that shows statistical differences between my X1 and X2 variables, using a 2-way ANOVA test. I have a fertilizer experiment where I'm looking at the effect ...
ihb's user avatar
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How to report orthogonal contrast codes?

In my linear mixed effects model, I had a significant interaction, I followed up the interaction with orthogonal contrast codes to see where the difference was. How do I report my findings, other ...
CogNeuro123's user avatar
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Standard way to report covariates with multiple levels in regression table?

Is there a standard way to report regression coefficients for control variables that have multiple levels? For example, I have a control variable that tracks a participant's "State" -- that contains ...
Parseltongue's user avatar
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How to report t statistic from R

I'm wondering how to report the result of a t-test from R given that the degrees of freedom change when the lengths of the vectors are the same. For example ...
baxx's user avatar
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Logistic Regression with categorical predictors - how to report?

Hello Stack Exchange. I need to run a logistic regression to determine the significance of the effect of 5 categories of one variable on my dependent variable. I just can't find online anywhere how ...
Becca's user avatar
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Do I report the pvalue of the standardized or unstandardized factor loading in CFA/SEM?

Using lavaan, for a simple CFA or SEM with measurement tools, you can use parameterEstimates(fit, standardized=TRUE) to get the standardized factor loadings for the ...
debbybeginner's user avatar
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Reporting binomial logistic regression

I want to report the results of a binomial logistic regression where I want to assess difference between the 3 levels of a factor (called System) on the dependent variable (called Response) taking two ...
L_T's user avatar
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Report GLM and Posthoc with emmeans in APA format

This is the results of my anova(glm()) and the post-hoc analyses emmeans() :       ...
ranell's user avatar
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How to report negative binomial regression results from R

I have fit a negative binomial model in R, and would like to report the findings, but I'm unsure how (or if) I should convert the estimates to reportable coefficients. Here is my output: ...
MGy's user avatar
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How to report a binom.test

How do I properly report the results of an R language binom.test (see documentation). My target is the APA format. Also, I am not sure whether the proper name of ...
Francisco QV's user avatar
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How to report results based on Likert item group differences?

I collected Likert Item responses to a series of questions. My goal is to demonstrate that some of the groups are different from the others. The dataset has the following format: ...
Judy's user avatar
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Why R markdown / python Jupyter are widely used in statistical projects?

I personally hate R markdown file / python notebook, since they mix code and results all together (expose unnecessary details / show pre-mature progress in exploration stage). But I noticed there are ...
Haitao Du's user avatar
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Reporting Linear Mixed Effects Models (LMM)

I'm trying to report the difference between the inclusion and exclusion of a site type (i.e. restored habitat/natural habitat). I have done linear mixed effects models and have done an anova showing ...
Katharine Davies's user avatar
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RShiny vs QlikView vs SAP Lumira [closed]

I would love to get some opinions about those three tools. I am working with R and Shiny quite long time. I developed many apps (production side) which are actually being very popular at my company. ...
Mal_a's user avatar
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GLMER results reporting

I used a GLMM to fit a poisson distribution. The likelihood ratio test with the null model is significant, and now I should carry out a posthoc analysis. Using glht:multcomp I got this output: ...
piravi's user avatar
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How do you report results from a Beta Regression (R output)?

I am looking for advice/input on how to report results from a beta regression output. My data is bound between 0 and 1, as ratios, and I am looking at a simple relationship between the response ...
Kat Y's user avatar
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How to describe R as a method in a report

I have to do a report, and the methods is using a given data and using R to analyse it. However, I have never wrote a report only using R.. normally when I have to write a report, the methods are ...
user138450's user avatar
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How do you organize your output for a project?

When you are performing your analyses, how do you keep your results organized? Do you keep a parallel word document and copy/paste the result as you build your 'story'? Was curious to see how other ...
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Key scientific publications reporting non-normal GLMMs in marine biology

I developed Poisson and Binomial GLMMs following the steps described in the excellent book from Zuur et al. (2009) Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R and I'm now ready to include my ...
Mud Warrior's user avatar
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how to report the comparison of two samples means, accounting for covariates

I have two groups, patients & controls, and a dependent variable "performance". I want to compare the means of the two groups, but after removing the effect of two confounding continuous ...
Johann's user avatar
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How to report a value determined from a cumulative sum?

I'm reporting on methods that use discrete distribution data, for example: ...
Mike T's user avatar
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Reporting the results of nonparametric regression using kernel weights

I am wondering how I can present the results of nonparametric regression. I performed the nonparametric tests using R, and R package np. The commands used for this ...
Nieve K's user avatar
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Rule of thumb for the number of significant digits to report

What is a good rule of thumb for the number of significant digits to report? Preferably, the rule of thumb is given in a citable publication. I am particularly interested in a rule that does not ...
prettyprint's user avatar
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Reporting variable importance results using cforest

I have a large data set of odour samples. I used cforest and varimp to determine the most important variables (ie chemical compounds) in identifying sex. How do I report this in a paper? Do I need to ...
Courtney Marneweck's user avatar
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From SAS to R - what are "must" packages for reporting

One big advantage of SAS over R is arguably its ability to produce quite complex reports with few statements; think of PROC SUMMARY or ...
25 votes
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How to present box plot with an extreme outlier?

I could use some guidance about presenting some data. This first plot is a case-control comparison for the cytokine IL-10. I've manually set the y axis to include 99% of the data. The reason I set ...
Alex C's user avatar
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Reporting two-way ANOVA

I've been trying to figure out how to properly report a two way ANOVA with two between-subject variables and their interaction. Most references I found suggest to report it in the following way: ...
Pio's user avatar
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How should tiny $p$-values be reported? (and why does R put a minimum on 2.22e-16?)

For some tests in R, there is a lower limit on the p-value calculations of $2.22 \cdot 10^{-16}$. I'm not sure why it's this number, if there is a good reason for ...
paul's user avatar
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How to report a permutation test?

I want to compare a parameter between two independent groups of volunteers (see MWE below). All volunteers had baseline reading (V1) and a subsequent reading by a later visit (V2) for intervention (<...
doctorate's user avatar
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