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How could Lilliefors use Monte Carlo if the estimand is not distribution-free?

Lilliefors test is a well-known statistical test for normality. Its idea is based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, except the CDF is replaced by the CDF of the normal distribution with $\mu, \sigma^2$ ...
Student's user avatar
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I have applied many statistical tests to my data, but still cannot determine normality

I have run multiple tests to determine normality on my dataset, but I am unsure which one to adhere to, especially since my histograms, density plots, and QQ plots leave much to be desired in terms of ...
Kimber's user avatar
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Anova violates normality assumption for error data

I have a 2 x 2 repeated measures ANOVA (N = 51) with Error Rate data as the dependent measure. The error data violates the normality assumption, even when outliers are removed. I have looked at the ...
john connor's user avatar
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Comparing non-normal data between three groups

I am analyzing a dataset, where I have 3 categories (independent variable), and one continuous value (dependent variable). I am studying if the continuous value is significantly different between the ...
user81371's user avatar
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Distribution and variable analysis

I am doing a statistical test (program used is SPSS). On the basis of distribution and sample size, I have to chose the correct variable analysis. I also have to justify every decision. I have two ...
Chester's user avatar
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Importance of normality testing in clinical trials / AB tests

I’m curious to read about the importance of normality testing in AB tests and clinical trials. It seems that there is a lot of mixed (and strong) opinions about the necessity for normality testing, ...
giopico's user avatar
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Testing for normality of difference between pre-post scores

I'm currently trying to decide what test to run on SPSS for my data. I am comparing the effects of 3 different interventions on trauma scores. I have both pre and post-scores.I have created a ...
Megan's user avatar
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Alternatives to ANOVA to find differences between three groups?

So my data is looking at the incidence of emotions within therapy sessions. I am looking at three groups that I suspect have different pattern across several emotions Group 1 n=36 Group 2 n=12 Group 3 ...
user380249's user avatar
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Looking for associations between nominal and non-parametric continuous data

I'm a first-year BSc Biology student working on my end-of-module stats project, so that's the expected level of my work. I need to find associations between hindlimb length and frog locomotor modes (e....
George's user avatar
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Which statistical test should I use if the assumptions of a 2-way ANOVA are not met?

My study design consists of two factors (one with 2 levels, the other with 6) and a continuous response variable. In order to analyze the influence of both factors on the explanatory variable I built ...
Insect_biologist's user avatar
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Problem with a single outlier, non-normal data, and unequal sample distributions

I am wanting to compare two independent groups on a likert-like item. To explain, the dependent variable is structured so that a 1 = <1 units, 2 = 1-<2, 3 = 2-<3, all the way up to option 7 = ...
Amy's user avatar
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How can I perform a Tetrachoric and Polychoric Correlation on variables that aren't normally distributed?

From everything I have read, both tetrachoric and polychoric correlations assume normal distributions. However, the data I want to conduct these correlations with is not normally distributed. Does ...
SurpriseDog's user avatar
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Does aligned rank transform ANOVA require normally distributed data?

Initially, I wanted to do a two-factorial (4x3) repeated measures ANOVA in order to analyse my data. To be more precise, I do have two factors with factor1 having 4 levels (A, B, C, D), factor2 having ...
Annika's user avatar
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Is there a non-parametric test to replace repeated-measures ANOVA in R?

I have a data set with 41 individuals, male and female, and 3 different measurements of a variable for each individual. The data is not normally distributed, nor does it have equal variances between ...
michellemoyah's user avatar
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Can we ALWAYS assume normal distribution if n >30?

I'm in a debate with a coworker and I'm starting to wonder if I'm wrong but the internet is confusing me more. We have continuous data $[0, \infty)$ that is retrospectively selected on individuals. ...
Jacob Ian's user avatar
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Bounds for hypothesis testing with non-normal distributions

After doing randomized experiment with two variants (AB tests), I want to do hypothesis testing without the normal distribution assumption to compare their means. Since the samples sizes are different,...
RandomVariable's user avatar
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Testing for normality with small sample sizes in order to use t-test [duplicate]

I run into a conundrum when determining whether a small sample is appropriate for a t-test. I know that if I meet the assumptions, a t-test produces approximately correct inference with any sample ...
Alex's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons for not normal and heterogeneous data

I have a data set that has 3 groups and a single variable. Under normal circumstances, a one-way ANOVA would be used for comparisons between my three groups. HOWEVER I ran a Shapiro-Wilk test for ...
Ana Hernandez's user avatar
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Parametric v Non-Parametric?

I've recently began doing some data analysis for a sample of around 5800 respondents who are categorised into four different groups in relation to different levels of psychological connection in a ...
James's user avatar
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Coverage of confidence interval of non-normal distribution

I know that when a sample is non-normally distributed, I need to use non-parametric alternatives, as when the assumptions of parametric methods are violated, its coverage will decrease. Let's say ...
Eric Kim's user avatar
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What is exactly the non-normality requisite for nonparametric tests? [duplicate]

As the title says, what is exactly what is being tested before deciding to use a non-parametric alternative test (as Kruskal-Wallis for ANOVA, or Mann-Whitney's U for student's t)? Most sources are ...
Kuku's user avatar
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Normality Tests in samples with outliers

I'm making a code in R that contains some parametric and non-parametric tests, like ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis. To know if I should use one or another I check the "normality" of the test sample. My ...
Bernardo Amaral's user avatar
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Tests of normality - qq and Shapiro-Wilk

I am new to the world of stats ... My data had a log normal distribution, so transformed by log to get it nearer normal distribution. This is real-world data. From here I want to establish if my data ...
Cairan Van Rooyen's user avatar
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Wilcoxon Test - non normality, non equal variances, sample size not the same

I know there are already a lot of posts out there, but I couldn't find this exact combination in any of them. Comparing two samples (Prices associated with men and with women), but I have neither the ...
Heike's user avatar
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Meta analysis Cliff's delta

Cliff's delta is an effect size typically recommended whenever the normality and homogeneity assumption do not hold---and thus, Cohen's d cannot be used. However, I cannot see any reference ...
Adrian Santos's user avatar
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Paired t-test of a non-normal data with sample size 66

I have a paired data with n=66. I understand that normality condition of differences data should be met to conduct a paired t-test. However, from the histogram, it doesn't appear so normal. The p-...
Mohamad Sahil's user avatar
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Two-Way Non-Parametric Test for Non-normal Data?

I have an unbalanced design with two factors, gender and site. I'm trying to test for differences in a size variable. Levene's test reveals that the data has equal variances. However, log transformed ...
krypt's user avatar
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Theil-Sen estimator assumptions

I found by accident the nonparametric Theil-Sen Estimator as a replacement for standard OLS linear Regression. How well does it perform with autocorrelated data, non-normal residuals and ...
Neon67's user avatar
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Should I use non-parametric tests?

I am a teacher working on a simple research with the aim of studying whether the set of lesson designs I created can improve student performance. I have two groups with 15 students each. I divided ...
Teacher Researcher's user avatar
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Do I need to check for normality in a one-way test (in R)? Here it says when the LeveneTest has small p-value we can use the alternative one ...
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From what size considering that the sample is large and allows to use the parametric tests

With a large sample size we can used a parametric test whithout testing a normality of distribution. from what size can we consider that the size of the sample is large?
houneida's user avatar
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Normality test for likert scale [duplicate]

I have a questionnaire data that consist of composite Likert scale and discrete Likert items. Likert scales or variables are the sum of few Likert items while the one-item variables are represented ...
Wael Ashi's user avatar
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Transforming positively skewed data with positive and negative values

My data (see image below) is positively skewed and contains both positive and negative values. I'd like to transform it to achieve normality so I can apply a repeated measures ANOVA, but can't find a ...
E_Williams's user avatar
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Normally distributed data but small sample size, use nonparametric test?

My data set is very small (n=16) which according to a Shapiro-wilk test is normally distributed (p=0.82), despite the histogram looking questionable. When I split the data into my two categories there ...
Katharine Davies's user avatar
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Normality in ANOVA

I have an independent variable with 4 levels. Lets say Group A, B, C and D. When i see for the normality in my dependent variables, i can see, some dependent variables are normal in Group A, B and C ...
NK2112's user avatar
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what is the meaning of 'normality' as a difference between parametric and nonparametric method? [duplicate]

I'm so confused of the definition of the terminology, "normality". I mean, normality of what? According to central limit theorem, regardless of the distribution of population,the computed values of ...
Kevin Kang's user avatar
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Is the inference from a parametric test valid when the population distribution is not normal?

This question arose from reading this post: T-test for non normal when N>50? In the response to this post, the author outlines really well that the assumption of normality with regard to the t-...
jimbo's user avatar
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Non-Parametric altervative to one sample t-test

I have a the following hypothesis: $H_0: \mu=4$, $H_1: \mu\neq 4$, which I wanted to test using a one sample t-test. However, my data is not normally distributed and a transformation was not found. ...
BlueSigma's user avatar
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group comparisons - normality of the distribution

When comparing 3 different groups on a certain variable and one of the groups does not have a normal distribution (as verified by the Shapiro test) whilst the other to do, would you think it is best ...
J. Ferreira's user avatar
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Most appropriate analysis for non-normal, right-censored response variable?

I conducted an experiment with human subjects in which the independent variable has 3 treatment levels and the dependent variable is the duration of time that passes before the subject engages in a ...
PanPsych's user avatar
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Four standard deviation rules in relation to normality testing

Within our department we were given a set of guidelines for how we might decide whether to proceed with parametric or non-parametric testing (for continuous data). These were drawn up in consultation ...
Gency's user avatar
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What is an example of data where the permutation test succeeds but a normal t-test fails?

In literature, I normally see authors use a two sample permutation test on normal data to show that it works as well as the two sample t-test. However, the real power for permutation tests should be ...
user123276's user avatar
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Using ANCOVA when the covariate is not normally distributed

I have conducted a repeated-measures ANOVA, but a reviewer suspects that the observed main effect of condition are due to a the difference between hit rates of two conditions (one of them is ...
Pancy's user avatar
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Total scores are normally distributed, but subtest scores are not; what to do?

I have two sets of data for males and females: $n=33$. I'd like to compare test results for both groups. I want to do a $t$ test, and I know my data should be normally distributed if I want to use a ...
erdal's user avatar
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Comparison of cell counts with a right censoring

I have cell counts related to the action of different microorganisms and I want to compare their distribution. It's supposed they follow a normal distribution after a log transformation, but I can't ...
BonScott's user avatar
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Absolute values -- parametric or non-parametric test?

I am looking at the absolute difference in values between pairs of numbers. I am then comparing these absolute values between two groups (e.g. Males and Females). Since these are absolute values I ...
Lexi's user avatar
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What statistical test to use for my questionnaire

I have to do some statistical tests on a questionnaire and don't know which tests i need to do. The questionnaire have been marked as right or wrong and I have about 60 peoples results. The tests i ...
user24174's user avatar
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All my observations are identical. Use a non-parametric test?

I was doing test for normality on variables and came across one that had identical values for each observation. I can't do a normality test. I plotted the kernel density and it looks normal, however ...
user27008's user avatar
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Normality assumption and sample size

I know this is a very debated topic, even on this site, but I still couldn't find an answer to my problem. Recently I am working with large samples (300, 400 and more). For now, I am trying to use ...
DL10x's user avatar
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Which statistical method of anlysis should I use?

I am conducting an experiment where I will measure the strength of a material used for roads. Ideally, I would like to use a large surface area to measure this but this takes too long and is really ...
Kaish's user avatar
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