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When is Tukey post hoc test result identical to Games Howell post hoc test for Welch ANOVA?

In what situations is the Tukey post hoc test identical to the Games Howell post hoc test? I have an ANOVA analysis where HOV is violated and I have a statistically significant Welch ANOVA result. I ...
L.S.'s user avatar
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Why does the Dunn's test in online calculator rejects the null hypothesis while my manual computations cannot reject it?

In my own manual calculations of the Dunn's Test in google sheet, using the formula from a YouTube video, I managed to calculate the same Test Statistic as the online calculator. However, using the ...
FifthRevelathor's user avatar
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SIgnificant ANOVA but not significant post hoc ... what can I do?

I am analyzing some IHC data on the density of cells in two brain regions(factor 1) in two closely related species(factor 2). My data is composed of an n of 6 for each species and is not normally ...
Daniel Corrales's user avatar
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Bonferroni correction gives weird results in R

I have this dataset: Treatment data T1 0 T1 0 T1 0 T10 0 T10 0 T10 0 T11 0.2 T11 0.2 T11 0.2 T12 0 T12 0 T12 0 T2 0.7 T2 0.6 T2 0.6 T3 0.8 T3 0.7 T3 0.8 T4 0.3 T4 0.3 T4 0.4 T5 ...
MD P's user avatar
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Kruskal-Wallis returns only one significant group (out of 4 groups), when significant group is removed and test redone, another group is significant?

I am comparing 4 groups of samples using SPSS. The groups are 4 bathymetry groups (>0m, >-1m, >-2m, >-3m). Within each group are a number of samples n. Each sample has a recorded seagrass ...
SeaGrassMan's user avatar
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Need for bonferroni correction

I need help understanding if I need to / how to apply a bonferroni correction! I have one continuous variable and three unrelated groups that have completed scores on this variable (Groups: A,B,C). I ...
Newbeans's user avatar
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How to do pairwise comparisons for Kruskal Wallis test?

If the null hypothesis in the Kruskal Wallis test is rejected, How can we perform pairwise comparisons? Can we apply Dunnett's Test for that?
san's user avatar
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Are t-tests good choices here?

I would like to test if two groups of participants (dark-eyed and light-eyed individuals) respond to a drug differently over time. The hypothesis is that the drug reaches its peak effects sooner but ...
Sam Tan's user avatar
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Which pair of two distributions are more similar?

Suppose I have two pairs of distributions: distributions A and B in Pair 1, distribution C and D in Pair 2. There are non-parametric tests to determine if there is evidence to say that the ...
David Young's user avatar
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On assumptions and calculation of O'Brien's "Global Statistical Test" for Multiple Endpoints Analysis

As I understand, O'Brien's Global Statistical Test (GST) ( for Multiple Endpoints Analysis is a method for mapping a multivariate problem on a univariate scale....
The_old_man's user avatar
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Multiplicity correction after performing non-parametric tests

This is a theoretical question. I am wondering if multiplicity correction is applicable in the case of non-parametric tests. I have performed some Mann-Whitney U rank test on two independent samples ...
seralouk's user avatar
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How do I interpret the p-value in a Dunn-test?

I conducted a Kruskal Wallis test for my sample sizes, and this is what I got: Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 12.138, df = 4, p-value = 0.01635 The p-value is below 0.05, so I know there is a ...
bbqhands's user avatar
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Which pairwise comparison tests are best to use after the Kruskal-Wallis test (Dunn, Conover-Iman or Steel-Dwass-Critchlow-Fligner test)?

I have 3 sampling sites where I took 3 water samples in each site. I chose to do the Kruskal-Wallis test to find out if there is a significant difference in total nitrogen between the sites. I did not ...
Simon Leclair's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons version of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

Suppose $\mathbf{y}_{i} $ and $ \mathbf{x}_{i}\,$ are length-$m$ vectors and $D_{i}$ is some arbitrary distribution $(i=1,...,N)$. I would like to conduct the following hypothesis test: $ H_{0}: \...
Mathew Carroll's user avatar
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Calculate fraction of multiple tests for which the null hypothesis was rejected

Consider a test (e.g., a permutation test) that tests, at the individual level, if a binary event occured or not. A paper that I was recently reading, for example, tested whether or not a pair of two ...
kyuss's user avatar
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Question on non-parametric tests and comparing two groups across countries

I have a dataset with every election in various countries between 1900 and 2010. There are about 300 elections but only between 20-40 elections in most countries. I am trying to test whether ...
BobC's user avatar
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Dunn test and specific comparisons

What I need is a non-parametric alternative for Dunnett test to compare several groups with a control group (not all pairwise comparisons). And I realise that a specialised test is more appropriate ...
lapotok's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons for not normal and heterogeneous data

I have a data set that has 3 groups and a single variable. Under normal circumstances, a one-way ANOVA would be used for comparisons between my three groups. HOWEVER I ran a Shapiro-Wilk test for ...
Ana Hernandez's user avatar
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Is Dunn-Sidak approach in MATLAB multcompare identical to so-called Dunn's test?

I've asked the same question elsewhere. These two articles recommend Dunn's test as non-parametric post hoc multiple comparison test following Kruskal-Wallis test. How the Dunn method for ...
Kouichi C. Nakamura's user avatar
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Kruskal Wallis test gives significance, multiple comparision table doesn't

I'm comparing physico-chemical properties of 8 different kefir samples like viscosity at different storage times. I have 4 viscosity measurements for each group. When I conduct Kruskal Wallis test; ...
fatma's user avatar
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Nonparametric multiplecomparison tests for discrete data

Suppose I have $K$ populations each consisting of $n_i$ ($i=1\dots K$) observations $x_{j,i}$ ($j=1 \dots n_i$). Each observation is comming from a Bernoulli distributed random variable $X_{j,i} \sim ...
user202542's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons between two groups (non-parametric)

Update Added more details about the Experimental setup. My experiment comprised two groups, control (N=25) and experimental (N=26). Each participant belonged to one group. Their performance has been ...
Ioannis K.'s user avatar
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What test should one use when dealing with different treatments in plant clones?

In an experiment involving plant clones there are: 20+ treatments, 5 technical replicates for each treatment (plant clones in which the treatments were tested). Variable of interest is Biomass. Due ...
Luís Muniz's user avatar
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Pairwise non-parametric test?

I have 5 groups of patients (different sizes), for which I measured some property that is continuous but not normally distributed. I would like to compare every pair of groups in respect to this ...
R Sorek's user avatar
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Which test to use to detect if a process has significantly more errors than another?

A have a set of machines running a particular software. I want to do something that's called "canary deployment". This consists of deploying the new version of the software to a subset of machines ...
braunmagrin's user avatar
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How can I run multiple tests in a valid and random fashion?

I hope this is the correct place to ask this question. I'm currently doing research where I'm comparing two groups on their EEG frequency spectra. I wasn't too sure how to approach this. Data: I ...
Inkling's user avatar
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How to compare several means to control when the distribution is not normal and sample sizes are unequal?

I have a large dataset (n = 170,000), distributed roughly equally among 5 groups (each is 34,000 ± ~1,000). I want to compare whether the means in any of the first 4 groups are different from the ...
Khashir's user avatar
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Nonparametric test for 1 categorical IV and multiple binary DV:s?

I have a dataset where test subjects have answered three different questions (my IV). The answers to each question are scored on 10 different variables (presence or absence of 10 concepts in the ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Pair-wise comparisons in non-parametric ANCOVA in R/SPSS

I'm running a non-parametric ANCOVA in R. I'm using the non-parametric ANCOVA from the fANCOVA package. I'm getting the results below. Now I ...
Shimano's user avatar
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Can I use a permutation test to determine whether overlap of 2 distributions is significant?

I am evaluating whether two distributions are different from each other. For example, histogram A (B) has most of its binned values between 10-15 (15-20). So, histogram B has a right-ward shift in ...
user2030765's user avatar
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How to interpret results of differences of differences in interactions?

I have a dataset composed of 2 factors of several levels each (i.e. exercise[A-B-C] x muscle [1-2-3-4-5-6]. I'm interested on the effect of the different exercises (A,B,C) on the muscle activation ...
gcim82's user avatar
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How to adjust ratings of N items by pairwise comparisons

I have been keeping a list of movies I've seen in a spreadsheet and assigning them numerical rankings that approximate how I feel about them. A few years ago I implemented a program to read in the ...
Pavel Komarov's user avatar
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multiple Kruskal-Wallis instead of ANOVA for non-normally distributed data

Apologies in advanced if I supply too little or vague information, since I am a complete newbie in stats and using this forum. So I did a study which evaluated psychopathic personality traits, ...
debbiemaycry's user avatar
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group comparisons - normality of the distribution

When comparing 3 different groups on a certain variable and one of the groups does not have a normal distribution (as verified by the Shapiro test) whilst the other to do, would you think it is best ...
J. Ferreira's user avatar
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what test to use for comparing count data across multiple groups

I have five groups of students and 40 in each. And we counted the number of references spelling mistakes in their homework. We would like to compare to see if there exists any groups differences in ...
cplus's user avatar
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Why run a post hoc wilcoxon signed rank test after Friedman test, why not just skip to Wilcoxon sign test instead?

I understand that one is required to run post hoc tests after the Friedman test. For example, while the Friedman test may find a statistically significant change amongst 3 treatments, one may follow ...
user6306773's user avatar
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Multiple Comparisons test strategy

I have a test data with 3452 subjects , I have 5 different algorithms that detect the presence or absence of a disease. ...
Ezra Polson's user avatar
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multiple comparison for discrete nonparametric distributions

I have $N=24$ controls and $M=10$ patients. ($M$ can be $20$ later.) Each subject has one $3D$ image, each element of the image is a discrete value (integer) ranging from $0$ to $4$ $[0,1,2,3,4]$. It'...
Sophie Spring's user avatar
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Pairwise non-parametric test for small sample sizes

I was asked to check a small dataset (3 replicates for 5 treatments, each) for significant outcome differences. I give an example: The variance within replicates in the data cannot be assumed equal, ...
nouse's user avatar
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Multiple comparison of non-normal, heteroscedastic data. What test should I use?

I have a set of brain pathology data. These were obtained by counting certain parameters in the brain. Due to availability of human brains, the amount of cases vary a lot across the different groups ...
hintursul's user avatar
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Kruskal-Wallis post hoc comparisons different results in different software used

I'm having some trouble analyzing my data because when I use StatSoft Statistica and run a Kruskal-Wallis, I get one set of values for multiple comparisons, but when the same analysis is run in XLSTAT ...
praznin's user avatar
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Any other non-parametric alternative to Kruskal-Wallis?

It looks like Kruskal-Wallis is the standard nonparametric test for more than two groups. The problem is that it does not tell which groups are different, except that whether there exists significant ...
MLister's user avatar
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Multiple models compared over same data

My question boils down to if I really have to use a multiple comparison adjustment or not, and if so, how I can do this to retain as much power as possible. I have multiple models (say 5) that are ...
user3534094's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons on nested subsets of data for a non-parametric test

My problem: I'm using data sets where some are nested in a non-parametric test that expects independent data sets. How can I correct for that in a way that is reasonable? Or even better: What would ...
Sentry's user avatar
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Multiple comparisons in a non-parametric test

I am working with a data set that is non-parametric and has 12 treatments. I performed the Kruskal-Wallis test and got a significant $p$-value, and now I would like to conduct a multiple comparisons ...
jesse's user avatar
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How to compare multiple proportions between multiple groups

I measured prey capturing success (=proportion of successful captures divided by the total number of prey captured) in four fish species (species 1: n=19, species 2: n=18, species 3: n=4, species 4: n=...
Chris's user avatar
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How to correctly apply the Nemenyi post-hoc test after the Friedman test

I'm comparing the performance of multiple algorithms on multiple data sets. Since those performance measurements are not guaranteed to be normally distributed, I chose the Friedman Test with the ...
Sentry's user avatar
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Differences between Dwass-Steel-Critchlow-Fligner and Mann-Whitney U-test for a post-hoc pairwise analysis

If you have one control and four groups of patients with a non-normal small sample size, there are differences in these tests for a post-hoc analysis after Kruskal-Wallis?
Gabriel's user avatar
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Non-parametric paired analysis of variance with unequal data

I have tried to search, but couldn't find an answer for my problem. I have data from different subjects that are exposed to different conditions. But they are exposed to the different conditions ...
Chrelli's user avatar
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Comparing prices between different stores (non-parametric models?)

I have thousands of product info in a database with category, title, description, make, model, price and store name. I have grouped those products by store names and it seem to span to 4 stores. So ...
Umair A.'s user avatar
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