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Local linear kernel regression

It is know that the prediction for a given point $x$ is given by: $$\hat{f}_h(x) = \hat{\beta}_0(x)$$ where $$\hat{\beta}(x) = \arg\min_{\beta_0, \beta_1}\sum_{i=1}^nK\left(\frac{x - x_i}{h}\right)(...
user405777's user avatar
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How to show $\sup_{x\in [a,b]}|f_n(x)-f(x)|=O_p(\sqrt{\frac{\log n}{nh}}+h^2)$ when the kernel $K(\cdot) $ is of bounded variation?

Consider the kernel estimate $f_n$ of a real univariate density defined by $$f_n(x)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(nh)^{-1}K\left\{h^{-1}(x-X_i)\right\}$$ where $X_1,...,X_n$ are independent and identically ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Implementing Convolution Function for Gaussian Kernel in Python for PDF Estimation

I am currently working on estimating a probability density function (PDF) nonparametrically using a Gaussian kernel. My goal is to determine the optimal bandwidth $h$ that minimizes the cross-...
Tim's user avatar
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Strong consistency of kernel density estimator

I am studying the book Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models written by Wolfgang Hardle and have difficulty with the following exercise: $\textbf{Exercise 3.13}$ Show that $\hat{f_h}^{(n)}(x) \...
graham's user avatar
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Gronwall's inequality

I am reading the article. I am getting stuck with the first proof proposition 4 on page 32. To be more specific, they understood the reason why they obtained $F(x) \le \frac{2K}{1-\frac{2R\epsilon}{\...
Pipnap's user avatar
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Proving that the bias of the derivative of Parzen-Rosenblatt (kernel density) estimator is of order $O(h^2) $ and $O(h)$ when $h$ approaches $0$

I came across this property that I don't get and I couldn't find the proof anywhere: Suppose we have a density $K$ of the standard normal distribution and $K'$ its derivative. Suppose that the density ...
wageeh's user avatar
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Propensity score non parametric estimation

In several papers, in the 'double machine learning' literature, the propensity score (a nuisance parameter) is estimated non parametrically. It is a bit unclear how this estimation is performed, as ...
mich95's user avatar
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Gasser Müller estimator for estimating the derivative $m'(x)$ of a nonparametric regression function

I would like to compare the performance of the Gasser Müller estimator with other estimators for estimating the the derivative $m'(x)$ of the regression function $m(x)$. Let's say we have the ...
Mathieu Rousseau's user avatar
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Maximum bias for NW estimator when $r(x)$ is Lipschitz (question 17, chapter 5 All of Non-Parametric Statistics)

The general condition is that $Y_i = r(X_i) + \epsilon_i$, and we want to estimate $r$ using Nadaraya–Watson kernel regression. We additionally assume $r\colon [0,1] \to \mathbb{R}$ is lipschitz, so $|...
Phil's user avatar
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Bias of kernel density estimator of pdf $f$, where $f$ has bounded first derivative $f'$

Let's say the kernel density estimator is given by $$\hat f(x) = \frac{1}{nh_n} \sum_{i=1}^n K\left(\frac{X_i-x}{h_n}\right),$$ where $h_n \to 0$, $nh_n \to \infty$, $K$ a symmetric probability ...
Phil's user avatar
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Kernel Density Estimator: Misunderstanding in Taylor Series and the bias of KDE [duplicate]

Let's say the kernel density estimator is given by $\hat f(x) = \frac{1}{nh_n} \sum_{i=1}^n K(\frac{X_i-x}{h_n})$, where $h_n \to 0$, $nh_n \to \infty$, $K$ a symmetric probability distribution ...
Phil's user avatar
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Closeness of two estimators of median under non parametric setup in a large sample situation

Median Regression under non-parametric set-up (Nadaraya Watson Estimate) Data: $\{(Y_i,X_i):1\le i\le n\}$ Interested in estimating $\phi(x)=\text{median}(Y|X=x).$ Possible estimates are Minimize the ...
reyna's user avatar
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Question regarding Kernel Density Estimation bandwidth selection (Scott's rule)

I'm studying KDE and got trouble understanding Scott's rule or Silverman's rule for bandwidth selection. I saw that the optimal bandwidth is the value that minimizes Mean Integrated Squared Error (...
2eight's user avatar
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Pros and cons of Nadaraya–Watson estimator vs. RKHS method?

Recently I've been reading some materials about nonparametric methods. Two methods related to the word "kernel" rasied my interest-- Nadaraya–Watson estimator and RKHS method. What's the ...
Marksgy's user avatar
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How to prove symmetry of a Uniform kernel?

I am trying to prove this kernel is valid, $$ K(x) = \frac{1}{2}I(-1 < x < 1) $$ So far I can integrate to 1, but how do I prove $$k(x) = k(-x)$$ Also, how do we satisfy that k(x) is $\ge$ 0 for ...
user359211's user avatar
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Is Kernel-Regression parametric or non-parametric?

As the title says, is kernel regression a parametric or non-parametric method, and how can this be motivated/explained?
Alexander's user avatar
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How to calculate the expectation of the KDE using little-o?

This is possibly a duplicate of this question of mine, however, here I ask for clarification regarding an estimation that is done when calculating the expectation of the kernel density estimator (KDE) ...
psie's user avatar
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Basic properties of the kernel density estimator

This is a question from a mathematical statistics textbook, used at the first and most basic mathematical statistics course for undergraduate students. This exercise follows the chapter on ...
psie's user avatar
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Time Varying Coefficient Model with Uniform Kernel and Spline Estimator

I'm working on the BMACS data set data(BMACS) from library(npmlda). I'm looking at the the time-varying coefficient model of post-CD4 versus smoking $X_1$, pre-HIV CD4 percent $X_2$ (centered) and age ...
Dnz857's user avatar
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histogram vs. kernel in density estimation

Assume we have a problem of estimation of a density $f(x)$ over an interval $[0, 1]$. Can a regular histogram (i.e. with equal-sized bins) be viewed as some kind of a kernel?
ABK's user avatar
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Density plot with epanechnikov with exceedance data

I'm trying to replicate empirical density plot from the paper "Computing Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Generalized Pareto Distribution". The data is ...
forecaster's user avatar
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Biase of ASE estimation Kernel Regression

I'm trying to calculate the bias of the estimator $p(h)=n^{-1}\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n}(Y_{j}-\hat{m}_{h}(X_{j})^{2}w(X_{j})$ of the averaged squared error. The result I find in the literature is ...
heyou's user avatar
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Linear model with partially time-varying coefficients

Suppose we have a linear model with time-varying coefficients $$ y_i = x_i' \beta_{t_i} + \epsilon_i, \; i = 1, 2, \cdots, n $$ where the design points are $t_i = \frac{i}{n}$, and $\beta(t): [0,1] \...
Michael's user avatar
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How to detect this change-point?

Let $Y\in\{0,1\}$ be a binary random variable. Let $P(x_1,x_2)=E(Y|x_1,x_2)$. By definition we have $0 \leq P(x_1,x_2) \leq 1$. Suppose $P(x_1,x_2)$ is strictly monotone in $x_1,x_2$ and $P(x_1,x_2)=1$...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Derivation of variance for kernel density estimator

My question refers to the book "Nonparametric Econometrics - Theory and Practice" by Li & Racine. Here, the variance for a kernel density estimator using the pointwise perspective (for fixed x) is ...
Henry's user avatar
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How Parzen window density estimate $f_n$ converges to f

I am trying to understand how Parzen window density estimate converges to actual density function f(x).[Actually i am trying to learn machine learning on my own using available free resources. Please ...
Nascimento de Cos's user avatar
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Doubt in kernel based method - unit hypercube(Parzan window estimate)

I recently started studying pattern recognition on my own. Please clarify me the following.
Nascimento de Cos's user avatar
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Convergence of kernel density estimate as the sample size grows

Let $X\sim\text{Normal}(0,1)$ and let $f_X$ be its probability density function. I conducted some numerical experiments in the software Mathematica to estimate $f_X$ via a kernel method. Let $\hat{f}...
user269666's user avatar
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Kernel Estimation to Estimate Treatment Effect

I am trying to determine whether an estimator I came up with is just a non-parametric kernel estimator. I am performing a simulation study to estimate a treatment effect that I impose on my data. My ...
Alex's user avatar
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how to understand this math formula for bandwidth calculation?

I am reading a paper that uses the following equation to calculate the optimal bandwidth, however, I am confused about the position of "4" and "3" in the equation. is this a typo? or what does it mean?...
flashing sweep's user avatar

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