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Expectation of residuals in linear regression

Consider a linear regression model $$ Y=X\beta + \epsilon, $$ where $Y\in R^n$, $X = (x_1,...,x_n)^T\in R^{n\times p}$ are i.i.d. $p$-dimensional observations, $\beta\in R^p$, and $\epsilon = (\...
Hepdrey's user avatar
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Why is every predicted $y_i$ in linear regression equal to $E[Y|X]$?

I have some loose intuition with this but I don't understand it Say we have a scatterplot of data in 2 dimensions. Then we can propose a mean model where, for all $x_i \in X$ the estimated $y_i = E[Y]$...
AdmiralMunson's user avatar
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Find function $f$ such that the performance of models $h_1$ and $h_2$ is similar

Suppose that $h_1$ and $h_2$ are the first and third order polynomials respectively, which are obtained by solving the OLS equation (using the training dataset). Also consider the following ...
S.H.W's user avatar
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Calculating Best Linear Predictor: vector transposed translated into non-transposed vector?

I am studying the best linear predictor part of Conditional Expectation and the Projection part about the regression model. while we are looking for the Beta that minimizes S(B), I quite do not ...
Hiworld's user avatar
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How should I interpret the assumption of the regression?

I read an econometrics book which states one of the basic assumptions of regression is that $$E(u|x) = 0$$ In another book however I see it written that $$E(u_i|x_i) = 0$$ Are these two saying the ...
Stephen Johson's user avatar
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Intercept change issues in growth curve model in R

I am currently analyzing data using a growth curve model, and I have one question that puzzles me. I wonder why the intercept values keep changing when I add random effects or higher-order terms to ...
Roy Kang's user avatar
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Questions about the expected target value $\bar{y}(x)$

Assume a simple Linear Regression problem, where we have $n$ data points $x$, and one target variable $y$. My confusion, or more precisely misconceptions start at the following equation and its ...
kklaw's user avatar
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Finding most probable vector, given angles

Assuming you have a series of known vectors $k_i$ in $\mathbb{R}^N$, each at an angle $\theta_i$ to a single unknown vector $v$. All vectors have the same dimension $N$ which can be arbitrarily ...
Blaze's user avatar
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In an RCT, does running OLS on $Y_i = \beta_0 + \tau D_i + \varepsilon_i$ and recovering $\tau$ recover ATE or ATT

Let's say I run an RCT and then run OLS on $Y_i = \beta_0 + \tau D_i + \varepsilon_i$ where $D_i$ is a dummy variable indicating whether an individual $i$ received the treatment. If I were to take the ...
A35J's user avatar
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Finding the maximum likelihood solution corresponds to finding the root of a regression function. How?

Given a pair of RVs $z,\theta$ governed by a joint distribution $p(z,\theta)$. Conditional expectation of $z$ given $\theta$ defines a deterministic function (called as regression functions) $f(\theta)...
ironhide012's user avatar
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Find the expected value for the sum of squares of regression

For a multilinear regression model, I'm trying to find the expected value of the sum of squares of regression (SSR). I have so far, $$E(SSR) = E(\hat y'\hat y) = E((X\hat\beta)'(X\hat\beta)) = E((X(X'...
RidgeAllen's user avatar
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Expectation of MLE estimator for $\sigma^{2}$ Multiple Regression model

Given Y = $X\beta + \epsilon$, where $\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^{2}I_n)$, Under this setting, I get the MLE estimator for $\sigma^{2} = \frac{1}{n} ||Y - HY||^{2}$, where H is the hat matrix $X(X^TX)^{-...
Song Calderone Zhang's user avatar
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"Linearity" of the Normal Distribution

I am trying to understand the following statement: Can someone please explain what is meant by "the conditional expectation function m(x) is linear in x"? In the case of regression, I ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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relationship between expectation of a ratio of random variables and a ratio of expectation of random variables [duplicate]

I know that in general for random variables $X$ and a function $g$ $E[g(X)]\ne g[E(X)]$. I would like to know when the following holds $E_Z\Big[\frac{cov(X,Y|Z)}{var(X|Z)}\Big] = \frac{E_Z[cov(X,Y|Z)]}...
stataphobia's user avatar
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How to interpret mean of this estimated AR(1) process

I estimated an AR(1) process, my data looks like this: Making usual unit root test, they suggest that an estimated AR(1) from this data is stationary. Estimating the AR(1) over this data, these are ...
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