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zionyx's user avatar
zionyx's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Denmark
69 votes

git - how can I clone local svn repository?

36 votes

Unable to resolve "unable to get local issuer certificate" using git on Windows with self-signed certificate

31 votes

How can I get the current user directory?

12 votes

How to perform IISRESET with Powershell Script

9 votes

GitVersion.yml file understanding

8 votes

Migrate from Subversion to git, clone all branches and push through gitolite?

7 votes

MSBuild 15 - The type or namespace 'Fakes' does not exist in the namespace

4 votes

git svn takes forever, svn takes an hour

4 votes

How do I configure a Jenkins Pipeline to be triggered by polling SubVersion?

3 votes

How do you rename a Git tag?

2 votes

Hudson Notifier?

1 vote

Setup of a Continuous-Integration server for C# web-applications and libraries

1 vote

VSTS Deployment to a deployment group from a UNC share

1 vote

Microsoft Team Foundation Server Express 2012 - How to clean up in tbl_TestResult (old test results)

1 vote

Setting and checking null in Azure Pipeline YAML

1 vote

How I can bump the version to 1.0.0 by GitVersion

0 votes

Is it possible to get the visual studio build folder name over azure devops?

0 votes

Azure Pipelines: Fail to use DotNetCoreCLI custom command

0 votes

How do I mock Read-Host in a Pester test?

0 votes

Npm install git https address but it looks for SSH instead

0 votes

Require group directive is not working for Windows server 2008 AD Group

0 votes

Jenkins access logs for debugging issues