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Questions tagged [msbuild]

Microsoft Build Engine, also known as MSBuild, is a build platform for managed code and was part of .NET Framework.

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2 answers

Directory.Build.props only respected when building .sln file

When I build my projects with the MyConfig target, I want the code to be optimized, and I don't want any .pdb files. To achieve this, I have created a Directory.Build.props file like this in the root ...
mortenbock's user avatar
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How do I run npm build as part of dotnet publish

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 web project, where the client source code lives in a client folder. I also have an npm run build that will compile those client files, and copy the output to the wwwroot ...
mortenbock's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting exact cl.exe call when building a visual studio project or solution

When building a visual studio project or solution, how can I get the actual call to cl.exe that is executed? For instance, I would like to see something like cl.exe /c /I"C:\Path\to\Include" ...
roi_saumon's user avatar
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Can I build a project targeting .NET 8 using msbuild from older version of Visual Studio?

I have an older version of Visual Studio 2022 that came out with .NET 7. Due to system requirements reasons I cannot upgrade the Visual Studio 2022 to the most recent version that supports .NET 8. I ...
MMDR's user avatar
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Build csproj on Visual Studio without building references

Lets say you have a solution with projects A and B. A needs to B be build at least once so in order to be built with MSBuild i need it to be some kind of reference to setup the order of build. But ...
TSDrake's user avatar
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1 answer

MAUI .NET 8 on Android - throwing an exception

I have created a new MAUI .NET 8 project and migrated the Xamarin forms project code. When I tried to run the project with the Android device with Visual Studio Windows, which threw the exception ...
Anitha v's user avatar
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Issue with Nuget restore for .Net core application using dotnetbuild

We have our application developed in .Net 6. While using dotnet build/msbuild nuget restore is getting error with letter 'v' we are using along with version number. Please let me know if there is away ...
AMDI's user avatar
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Parsing .targets file with ElementTree does not find specified tag

I am trying to use ElementTree to parse information out of a .targets file from a NuGet package. What I am trying to find is the tag <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>. I am using the following ...
meetaig's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to attach Visual Studio Code debugger using System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()?

The context involves trying to debug a Fody addin (MsBuild task). Using System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch(); only prompts me with Visual Studio debuggers.
Romain Hautefeuille's user avatar
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.Net 8 Project Reference Specify .net Version of Multi-Targeted Transitive Project Dependency

I have a .net6 sdk project that I need to upgrade to .net8 for some new functionality. It has some shared project libraries with other projects that are still .net6. Project A includes Project B which ...
lrfalslev's user avatar
-1 votes
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heat.exe harvesting adding the old v3 namespace to the harvested file

I ran into this problem when upgrading from WiX v3 to v4 and want to provide an answer that worked for me, as i did not find any here. The Problem: In my case i was trying to automate the proccess for ...
Temeos's user avatar
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Building wix bundle overwrites package

Overview: I am making an installer for a web app build on 8. I started with just doing an msi installer (Package) with a custom UI. I then wanted to also include the installers for the dotnet ...
Temeos's user avatar
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Facing issue using Msbuild for building .NET Core project on Windows 2012 server

Our application is developed on .NET 6 framework and when we tried to use this command in a .bat file and ran on the local system, we are able to build solution and everything is working fine. When we ...
AMDI's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Change default path of bin and obj folders in VS 2022

I would like to change the directory of the bin and obj folders created from build by Visual Studio 2022. For example, a project in this path : C:\Users\MyUserName\source\repos\SolutionName\...
Carlos Siestrup's user avatar
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1 answer

VS2022 C++ Custom Build Step for "custom compiler"

In my C++ project I have a (large) number of .foo files that get transformed into .bar files using a custom build step that runs foo2bar on the .foo file. The resultant .bar output file is not further ...
oreubens's user avatar
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