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Questions tagged [nuget-package]

NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update open source libraries and tools in Visual Studio.

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Multi-targeting in NuGet package - wrong version referenced

This is my nuget package structure, following the guide here: When this package is installed in a project targeting .Net8.0, I get the warning that it was restored for .Net Frameworks 4.6.1 to 4.8.2, ...
Mahogany's user avatar
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How to update 100 of NuGet Package which is Vulnerable, Deprecated and Older version that is compatible with current code when Major Version Change [closed]

There are 150+ NuGet Package and some are Vulnerable, Some are Deprecated and most of the are not older version. I am updating NuGet Package one by one and see any incompatible issue arises. if any ...
user3497702's user avatar
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Packing multiple projects into singular NuGet package

I would like to pack a Roslyn source generator and another project that contains the attributes the source generator acts upon together into one NuGet package. To do this, I've decided that using a ...
dopr's user avatar
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How do binding redirects currently work for ExcelDNA plugins?

I am currently stuck in dependency hell with an Excel DNA plugin that uses the Azure SDK to talk to a blob store. I am encountering the issue outlined here
OJones's user avatar
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SSL CONNECTION ERROR- Dotmim sync httpresponse

I have Implemented the dotmim.sync nuget package to sync the data from clent to server and server to client db my client site uses a self signed certificate and the data is stored in sqlite db My ...
user3632220's user avatar
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Need to update all Nuget packages to latest version in a solution that has projects which targets both .NET 4.7.1 and .NET 8

I have many solutions, and each solution has many projects. Some projects may be used in multiple solutions. The ASP.NET MVC web app is targetting .NET 4.7.1. The API and library project both target ....
user3497702's user avatar
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.net mvc project sdk package error: MSB4019: The imported project "../Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Common.targets " was not found

My project was working smoothly until a while ago I reopen it to find the following error when trying to build it (I'm using vs code) I noticed sdk 8.0.107 being recently updated/implemented ...
Leon's user avatar
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System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=

I am trying to create a .Net Standard 2.0 library (I am using visual studio 22) I encountered the following problem while running the project: Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: ...
Ranel's user avatar
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NU1100: Unable to resolve Azure DevOps nuget package

We have an Azure DevOps nuget package that another service which is a net api uses without a problem. However, when this package is added to the worker service, pr pipeline fails at the "Restore ...
IbrahimD's user avatar
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Nugget Package - consult security issue in solution VS2022

I saw in solution explore in Visual Studio 2022 problem with Nuget Packages with vulnerabilities, exist any command get that information?visual studio explore the objetive is List all vulnerability ...
sebarigonatto's user avatar
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Include dependent DLLs of dependent csprojs in nuget package

I have the following structure in my solution: Proj1 --> Proj2 -->Newtonsoft.JSON I am packing Proj1 as a nuget and I want it to contain both Proj2.dll and Newtonsoft.JSON My Proj1 looks like ...
Silviu Preda's user avatar
-2 votes
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Try to run a program in VS Code with dotnet it don't work it say directions not found

This is the error I get whenever I try to run my C# code: dotnet run --project ProjectName.csproj Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The resource avares://ProjectName/Assets/...
Anorial's user avatar
-4 votes
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SA1201: A constructor should not follow a property

// <copyright file="CronJobSchedular.cs" company="WindSoft"> // Copyright (c) WindSoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the WindSoft license. See LICENSE file in the ...
Rohan Sharma's user avatar
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"Deprecated: This package has been deprecated" Warning When Installing Widely Used Nuget Packages

I am trying to install several Nuget packages, but Nuget labels them as "Deprecated". However, I know for a fact that they are still widely used and included in other "Non-Deprecated&...
SuperNormalDev's user avatar
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NuGet Package Creation: Duplicate File Warnings and Proper File Placement in .csproj

I have a project written with C# using .net462 (this cannot be changed becasue it is also used from power apps where the plugin will be added). I tried to convert PDF to images using PDFIumViewer and ...
Χρηστος Σγουρος's user avatar

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