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yasouser's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Bellevue, WA
33 votes

How to find the number of files changed from one commit to another in git

22 votes

numpy/scipy equivalent of R ecdf(x)(x) function?

14 votes

What is boost log, how to get it and how to build it

10 votes

Store data in Windows Store app

9 votes

Visual Studio compiles but the exe isn't there

8 votes

Good documentation for gtkmm 2.4

7 votes

Embedding Mono vs Google V8?

6 votes

big endian or little endian?

6 votes

Relative paths for git-svn SVN authors file?

6 votes

Confused about X Window and GNOME/KDE

5 votes

I love git but it's too heavy for my colleagues.. which DVCs has the lowest barrier of entry?

5 votes

Qt - Determine absolute widget and cursor position

5 votes

How to ignore certain files in Git

5 votes

const char* and char const* - are they the same?

4 votes

Can I make fgets() accept only letters?

4 votes

Working with Arrays in C

4 votes

QMap and QPair, C++, Qt

4 votes

Compile C++ to asm in Visual Studio

4 votes

Pointer, Class and void* in C++

4 votes

how to configure vim commands to windows style?

3 votes

Shifting a string of characters?

3 votes

A good tutorial for Visual Studio c++ linker

3 votes

Is Boost IPC any good?

3 votes

How can I use use C++ to send data through a websocket?

3 votes

I am looking for a simple socket interface for C++ using MS Visual C++ Express

3 votes

How to learn to write idiomatic c++ code

3 votes

How to repair Visual Studio locals/watches in C++ (Debug build)

3 votes

Codeblocks and Qt -- how to work with them?

3 votes

Need to concatenate std:string + WCHAR moving gcc code to Visual C++ 2010

3 votes

Gedit with Git in Windows?

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