I've got a project that needs to use the gtkmm 2.4 API, however documentation for it has been really hard to find. The official gtkmm site has the following statement:

Versions for the older gtkmm 2 API are also available.

However I can't seem to find it anywhere. Anyone know of a place good place to get documentation?

1 Answer 1


See the following links:

gtkmm: gtkmm Reference Manual

Programming with gtkmm 2.24.2

Gtk+ API Documentation (both, GTK+ 2 and 3


  • That is all for gtk3, the OP wants gtk2.4 documentation
    – PlasmaHH
    Commented Nov 27, 2011 at 15:35
  • The links are fixed now, pointing properly to GTKmm 2.24.2. OTOH, the link to GTK+ points to both GTK+2 and GTK+3.
    – gpoo
    Commented Nov 28, 2011 at 19:35
  • Second link is now dead (the 1st one was the one I was looking for, thanks)
    – yPhil
    Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 14:00

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