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Questions tagged [store]

A store is a data repository of a set of integrated objects. These objects are modeled using classes defined in database schemas. Data store includes not only data repositories like databases, it is a more general concept that includes also flat files that can store data.

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Angular State of ComponentStore<T>.updater is undefined

I have this ComponentStore @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class SceneGraphStore extends ComponentStore<SceneGraphState> { private readonly sceneGraphUtils = new SceneGraphUtils()...
Son Hai Vu's user avatar
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How could I call backend to save all currently in store entities to a remote storage in NgRx Data?

How could I call backend to save all currently in store entities to a remote storage in NgRx Data? There is the addAllToCache() method, it allows to add to store more than one entity at a time. Now, I ...
manymanymore's user avatar
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Mobx will not reorder the component to change the observable variable

Hey, If I change the observabl variable using a function in the provider, the value of this.loaded in the sorter is changed to false, but the component that reads this value is not re-rendering. ...
xttx's user avatar
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Change of Program.cs in ASP.NET Core 6 for seedData

I work in ASP.NET Core 6. I have a Json file containing user information to be stored in the database. I also have a class as (SeedUserData) that reads from that json file and stores users one by one ...
amir's user avatar
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In Selenium IDE, how could an element array position be captured to coordinate selection of related elements?

The Problem: I can have a list of linked elements, but they could be in a different order over time as the user adds or removes from the list. The linked name is unique, but it's related hamburger ...
svstackoverflow's user avatar
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SvelteKit store undefined when accessed from a different component

I'm attempting to set a store within one Svelte component and access it another. I immediately log the store after setting it (in Component.svelte), and it's what I expect however my reactive ...
jylesy's user avatar
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React is not defined while using Mobx in production build but working fine in dev

I am working on the Shopify node app and the front end works with Vite. I am using Mobx 6 for state management with a structure like Mobx 5 and it is working fine in development mode but not working ...
Dev Sharma's user avatar
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How to make connection between a typescript file and a single file components in vue.js

i have a function in my single file components function moveCircle(step: number) { if (activeCircle.value < 2) { activeCircle.value += step; activeLine.value += step; } } and i would ...
seb test's user avatar
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ExtJS - how to add data to store and filter in combobox

I added combobox to my application: getParticipantsStore() { return Ext.create('', { fields: ['marketName'], data: [], // Początkowo puste, dane zostaną ...
Michael's user avatar
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Store gets called even if set to the same value more than once

i am using vue3 with options api for the storeTest.vue posted below, every time i set a value to it, the respective wachter gets executed, but it also gets excuted even if the i set the same object ...
Amr's user avatar
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Watcher does not detect changes occured to an array of objects

I am using vue3 with options api as shown in the section titled code. I set an object to a store. storeTest.vue shows how the Store is implemented, and in watch it shows how I listen to changes that ...
Amr's user avatar
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How do you store a quadtree from jsts?

I'm using a quadtree from the jsts library. I am wondering what ways of storing the quadtree would preserve the properties of it so that when it is being read again I could access the methods in the ...
user24807131's user avatar
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How to save custom "card" to Shared Preferences in dart/flutter?

I'm trying to save the progress AKA "cards". I can not serialize it, because it is not a map I guess. Therefore the following code doesn't work. import 'package:...
My Name's user avatar
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Get Shopify Store Images using Api

I need to get all Shopify store images which have empty alt text using GraphQL or admin API? how can I achieve this? i am building app and need to fetch all those image files from a store that have ...
Shop SlashCart's user avatar
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Filter Solutions on shopify

guys! I installed the Boost AI filter for product filtering on my Shopify store. However, it only appears on the collection product page. Is there a way to display this filter on the homepage? i want ...
usama's user avatar
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