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Questions tagged [yarnpkg]

This tag is for Yarn v 1.x. See version-specific tags, as version differences are significant. Yarn is an open-source JavaScript package manager. With Yarn, engineers have access to the npm registry and can install packages quickly, and manage dependencies consistently across machines or in secure offline environments.

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Yarn Build Error: TS2305: Module '"web-vitals"' has no exported member 'ReportHandler'

I'm using Yarn as part of an intro to React Testing course through Udemy. I am getting this error when executing yarn build: $ yarn build yarn run v1.22.22 $ react-scripts build Creating an optimized ...
Steve's user avatar
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Facing error in yarn install for isolated-vm on macOS

Trying to build Backstage App on my MacOS, one of its pre requisites is Yarn , But i am unsuccessful in trying to install it. Please help I am encountering an error when running yarn install for a ...
vidhi yadav's user avatar
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Cannot create property 'lastUpdateCheck' on string 'lastUpdateCheck 1713521810483 nodeLinker node-modules ces nodeLinker node-modules'

Got this error after installing the node_modules. TypeError: Cannot create property 'lastUpdateCheck' on string 'lastUpdateCheck 1713521810483 nodeLinker node-modules ces nodeLinker node-modules' ...
Gokulnath Thirukkamu's user avatar
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npx hanging during initialization of react, expo, and next app

I am currently experiencing an issue where the following commands (and potentially more) hang indefinitely when trying to initialize a project: npx create-react-app npx create-expo-app npx create-...
James's user avatar
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Npm vs Yarn on Expo [closed]

On Expo, I heard that PlugnPlay is not supported by Yarn. So there is no reason to use Yarn Berry and hench I don't see any benefits of using Yarn V1 over using npm. Also, I have faced multiple ...
seans's user avatar
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Too many package installation in Expo React Native

This is my current package.json and I am installing packages using yarn. Although I only have these dependencies, it installs over 1000 packages and frequently fails to install and gives ➤ YN0001: │ ...
seans's user avatar
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Can`t install nodemodules for Mac High Sierra 10.13.6 [closed]

I have spent the whole day trying to solve this problem but I couldn't and I would be very grateful if someone could help me. I use a macbook pro 2011 on high sierra, which is no longer supported, I ...
Pavel Ogaryshev's user avatar
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Appropriate loader to handle this file type .mjs | webpack

I recently added @radix-ui/react-navigation-menu to my project. However, upon attempting to rebuild, I encountered the following error message: the error.. Interestingly, other components from the ...
AronikTV's user avatar
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Facing issue while upgrading yarn 1.22.x to 3.8.3 in azure build pipeline

I need to upgrade yarn 1.22.x to 3.8.3 in azure build pipeline. I have modified the pipeline yml file: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: '16.x' checkLatest: true ...
Arun Singh's user avatar
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How can I keep standalone lockfiles working in a mono-repo managed by Yarn?

I'm using a monorepo with Yarn workspaces as a means to manage a dozen or so WordPress plugins. Each plugin needs to be able to build (webpack) and deploy independently. The issue happens occasionally ...
m_i_rite's user avatar
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Error while Creating docker image, ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c yarn install" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c yarn install" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1 FROM node:slim WORKDIR /usr/src/app COPY package.json yarn.lock ./ RUN yarn install COPY ...
ASIF KAIF's user avatar
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How to develop with an external npm package into a Yarn PnP monorepo?

I do have to work with a large Yarn PnP mono repo (~30 packages and 3 micro apps). One of the packages (package-b) is using an external npm package package-a (which is using npm as a package manager) ...
mitchkman's user avatar
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Issues with zxing-js/library and Rollup Build: "this" has been rewritten to "undefined"

I'm new to JavaScript and TypeScript and I'm using the zxing-js/library package in my project. When I try to build my project with Rollup, I'm encountering the following errors: (!) "this" ...
Ophir Yaniv's user avatar
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Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory

Rails 7 with Import Maps and CSS Bundling: Assets Not Served from /builds Directory I'm working on a Rails 7 application where I'm using Import Maps for JavaScript and CSS Bundling via Yarn instead of ...
bonhoffer's user avatar
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how to call 'preinstall', 'postinstall', 'prepare, in yarn version - 3.6.4

how to call 'preinstall', 'postinstall', 'prepare, in yarn version - 3.6.4 I need to call above yarn lifecycle methods in ym react native app after giving yarn install
S H I V A's user avatar
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react native 0.74.2 yarn install error "YN0007: │ com.shiva.test@workspace:. must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed"

react native 0.74.2 yarn install giving following error "YN0007: │ com.shiva.test@workspace:. must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed" also yarn lifecycle ...
S H I V A's user avatar
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React Native 0.74.2 yarn lifecycle method is not called after running 'yarn install'

How to call lifecycle events of 'yarn install' on react native 0.74.2 and yarn version is 3.6.4 I've added yarn lifecycle methods in my package.json under the scripts section. However, when I run the ...
S H I V A's user avatar
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"1: This: not found" at any yarn command | NodeJS

I've been trying to setup an environment for a project I was working on windows using WSL. It uses yarn for package management. After setting up everything and installing node, any command with yarn ...
Raihan Rafeek's user avatar
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Install a TypeScript package from GitHub repository subfolder

I'm using react-select on my ReactJS module, and I needed to make some changes to fit my needs. But now, I'm trying to install my own fork using NPM, and it doesn't work. Error message: Module not ...
William Brochensque junior's user avatar
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Using the equivalent of yarn offline mirror on yarn berry

We have a setup using yarn offline mirror pointing at a create-no-modify sharepoint. The build server and half the developers use it exclusively and end up fetching all of the packages locally using ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Yarn does not keep packages installed

I have a problem with Yarn, it does not seem to keep Angular packages. $ ng version Angular CLI: 17.3.8 Node: 20.15.0 Package Manager: yarn 1.22.22 OS: win32 x64 Angular: 17.3.11 ... animations, ...
serge's user avatar
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How to watch node_modules/sdk/src in a vitejs project?

We have a vitejs web project and 3 local sdks (built by vitejs' lib mode). The web project depends on the 3 sdks (through yarn link) CURRRENT SITUATION: Currently we have to start 4 watches (yarn dev) ...
user2990181's user avatar
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Yarn adds .yarn and .yarnrc.yml to my repo

Whenever I run yarn install, .yarn/ folder and .yarnrc.yml are added to my repo. I have to manually remove them all the time before commiting in git. How can I prevent this behaviour? Why does this ...
AlbertMunichMar's user avatar
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Migrating from yarn to pnpm - ENOENT errors in jest tests

I am trying to migrate a yarn based monorepo to pnpm. For the context, the repo contains a shared folder, which most other projects use. We are using Jest v26 with React v17, and node v20. Trying to ...
Frexus's user avatar
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Cannot find type declaration in yarn workspace common packages

Need some help declaring global modules using yarn workspaces. Can't figure out where to put declarations so they work as expected File structure: root/ ├── app/ ├── common/ │ ├── assets/ │ │ ├──...
Karolis's user avatar
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error AggregateError [ECONNREFUSED] at internalConnectMultiple (node:net:1116:18) on yarn install in vue3 project

I'm trying to run yarn install in a Vue project and I receive this error: yarn install v1.22.22 [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... error AggregateError [ECONNREFUSED]: at ...
tao's user avatar
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How to install npm package from private GitHub repo using yarn?

I have npm package in private GitHub repo. How could I install it using yarn v1 in Dockerfile? Without Dockerfile on my machine I use "package_name": "git+ssh://[email protected]/org_name/...
Tarasovych's user avatar
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How can I make yarn --silent always?

By default, yarn outputs version and timing info every time you run it: $ yarn yarn install v1.22.22 [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages... success Already up-to-date. ✨ Done in 0.02s. Is there a better ...
Denis Howe's user avatar
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Getting "semantic error TS2339: Property 'hgetall' does not exist on type 'Redis'" when creating a package with ioredis and tsdx

I used npx tsdx to create a basic module. I then added ioredis package. When I use methods like hgetall or del in the package I get this typescript error (typescript) Error: /sample/redis-package/src/...
kheme's user avatar
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Yarn start not working, on mac, I tried uninstalling & installing process completely but still giving error

Yarn start not working, I tried uninstalling & installing process completely but still giving error wingspro@Mac-Pro resident-connect-mobile % yarn start node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1080 ...
Kishan's user avatar
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Caching yarn and python pip in google cloud build

Currently building with cloud build takes arround 10 minutes (5 minutes frontend, 5 minutes backend). Is there anyway I can cache the yarn install and pip install so the build time cut significantly? ...
BlueBeret's user avatar
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How to use different yarn versions in separate projects on the same system

I am working on two projects on my Mac OS, let's call them Project1 and Project2. Project1 uses yarn version 3.1.1 Project2 uses yarn version 1.22.22. This project has been around for several years, ...
Kunal Nk's user avatar
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Publishing new versions of my package without needing to update package.json with each new version. Caret doesn't work. ^0.0.9 doesn't install 0.0.10

"dependencies": { "@plugin/my-plugin": "^0.0.9", } Above is the version as listed in my package.json. There is also a version 0.0.10. When I do a yarn install, it ...
OpticalFlow's user avatar
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Is it possible to update a version in a preinstalled ubuntu-latest image in GitHub Actions?

The ubuntu-latest runner in GitHub Actions by default has Yarn v1 according to their docs. I would like to override that to Yarn 4. Is this even possible? If yes, is there a path I should look up to ...
DJ123dd's user avatar
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yarn add --dev @chainlink/contracts showing error :Permission denied Publickey

**While running yarn add --dev @chainlink/contracts it shows error : Permissions denied: Public Key Error: Exit code: 128 Command: git Arguments: ls-remote --tags --heads ssh://[email protected]/ricmoo/...
vatsal sharma's user avatar
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Unable to install iohook in my node server (error during installation)

I'm trying to add the ability to detect keypress anywhere on my PC, and I saw about iohook. So I'm installing it with yarn add iohook, though the process always fails because the download link seems ...
Drake's user avatar
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Yarn rebuilds all packages when running the add command

I am having the following problem with Yarn Whenever I run the yarn add or yarn remove command all previously installed packages are rebuilt I have tried with other versions of Yarn but the problem ...
Huy Tran's user avatar
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How on "yarn install" install dependencies with different yarn versions?

My yarn version is 3.3.1. On package.json file I have some dependencies, like this: "dependencies": { "sampleA": "1.2.3", "sampleB": "0.0.4" } ...
Atousa Darabi's user avatar
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On Amplify Push getting "Packaging lambda function failed"

I tried amplify push and got the error: Packaging lambda function failed with the error Command failed with exit code 1: yarn workspaces focus --production Unknown Syntax Error: Command not found; ...
Zubair Mahmood's user avatar
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In my three.js and react project getting error 'TypeError: fetch failed'

I got this error. how can i resolve this? Parse TypeError: fetch failed at node:internal/deps/undici/undici:12618:11 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:...
Haider Aamir's user avatar
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NPM is choosing incorrect Node.js version for FE solution (on specific pc)

Locally I'm using nvm to manage Node.JS version; current node version is 18.19.0; I don't have ver. 12 installed. Before installing nvm - I have removed Node from computer, now I can't see it in "...
user3190541's user avatar
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error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "[email protected]". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22

error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "[email protected]". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22. cmd open paste = npm pkg set packageManager="...
pushpendra Singh's user avatar
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Windows Error: 'This app can't run on your PC' When Trying to Run a Maven-Built Project

I'm developing a web application using Maven and Angular, and I'm trying to run it on a Windows machine. However, when I attempt to start the application, I encounter the following error message: This ...
Hamza Boukbir's user avatar
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yarn get error:Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory

I install node_modules for my project. yarn [1/5] 🔍 Validating package.json... warning knight-operation: "dependencies" has dependency "@testing-library/jest-dom" with range &...
toma77's user avatar
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Yarn cannot find nodejs especially in VS Code

When I run yarn with PowerShell in VS Code. I got message like this: yarn yarn install v1.22.22 $ node preinstall.js 'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or ...
Niyuta's user avatar
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Error when running npm script with Yarn: "ERR spawn EINVAL

I'm encountering an error when trying to run an npm script that involves Yarn. Here's the sequence of events: I've initialized a project with create-react-app. Added the following script to my ...
Pritam Ghosh's user avatar
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Getting deasync error when trying to install yarn dependencies

error C:\FOLDER\FOLDER\automatarium\node_modules\deasync: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: node ./build.js Arguments: Directory: C:\FOLDER\FOLDER\automatarium\node_modules\deasync Output: node:...
Excalibur 11's user avatar
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Yarn Install fail in Dockerfile when using proxy

I've got this build that fails everytime we try to install Yarn, thus I tried to use Yarn set proxy but still without success. I tried this since am forced to use a proxy with my self-hosted agent: ...
Elio's user avatar
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Why is yarn producing this undefined error?

I am trying to upgrade eslint-config-airbnb so I run npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-airbnb But I get the error: install-peerdeps v3.0.3 It seems as if you are using Yarn. Would you like to ...
grabury's user avatar
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yarn dev hangs on "Linking dependencies"

I have just started working on a reactjs application, and found that I cannot run the app using yarn on localhost at all, as it hangs after reaching "Linking dependencies". I am running this ...
Excalibur 11's user avatar

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