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This tag is for Yarn v 1.x. See version-specific tags, as version differences are significant. Yarn is an open-source JavaScript package manager. With Yarn, engineers have access to the npm registry and can install packages quickly, and manage dependencies consistently across machines or in secure offline environments.

Yarn is a fast, reliable and secure package manager for Node.js and JavaScript projects, which is compatible with the npm package registry. It aims to avoid the issues caused by npm, such as non-deterministic installations, complex dependency trees, and unreliable package combinations.

Yarn takes inspiration from Cargo, the Rust package manager, and Bundler, a Ruby tool.

The majority of packages created with npm (version 3) should be compatible with Yarn and the node_modules directory produced should satisfy all dependencies.

When should I use ?

Use when your question directly relates to Yarn. Questions about package installation issues, or Yarn's performance are in the scope of this tag and are welcome under .

Don't tag questions just because you use Yarn in your project when it's clearly not relevant to the core of your question. For example, "Why doesn't this if statement work?" is off-topic for this tag even if you used Yarn to set it up. Consider or instead for these questions.

Useful References

Comparison of npm and Yarn commands

  • yarn add = npm install --save
  • yarn global add = npm install --global
  • yarn ls = npm ls