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Questions tagged [yarnpkg]

This tag is for Yarn v 1.x. See version-specific tags, as version differences are significant. Yarn is an open-source JavaScript package manager. With Yarn, engineers have access to the npm registry and can install packages quickly, and manage dependencies consistently across machines or in secure offline environments.

1,837 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
23 votes
0 answers

With Yarn workspaces, how can compiled binaries be linked to the workspace post-compilation?

Context Yarn workspaces provide for a convenient mono-repo-like functionality where packages are automatically linked. I.e. they can require/import each other, and their binaries are linked and ...
Tom's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Attempted import error: 'shouldUseActivityState' is not exported from 'react-native-screens'

I'm getting this error : C:/Users/Mobile/node_modules/@react-navigation/drawer/lib/module/views/ResourceSavingScene.js Attempted import error: 'shouldUseActivityState' is not exported from 'react-...
Notation's user avatar
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11 votes
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Allowing deep imports from npm packages without a build directory (like lib/dist) in the path

The standard approach when packaging code for npm is to place transpiled or bundled code in a separate lib, dist or build directory and to set the package.main property (and module/browser) to point ...
slikts's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

npm equivalent of yarn install --check-files (or yarn check)

Update for 2020 This question originally referred to the yarn check command, but the docs state that this is deprecated in v1, and removed in v2, and yarn install --check-files should be used instead. ...
davnicwil's user avatar
  • 30.3k
11 votes
1 answer

yarn 2 (berry) doesn't use .yarnrc.yml from home directory

I would like to use npmAuthToken from .yarnrc.yml which is located in my home directory ~/.yarnrc.yml content npmScopes: company: npmAuthToken: NpmToken.token ~/Project/MyProject/.yarnrc.yml ...
Georgii Savin's user avatar
10 votes
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Deploying yarn workspace monorepo app with internal dependencies to Google App Engine

I want to deploy my app from my monorepo to GAE. The app depends on local packages that I pre-publish to github packages. To make life easy, I just tell my app to always get latest: "...
FrozenKiwi's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Specify different Yarn install paths for ‘devDependencies’ and ‘dependencies’

I’m using Yarn to manage my dependencies for my project. I have developer dependencies (devDependencies) required for development and front-end dependencies (dependencies) that my project will require ...
ScoobaSteve's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Force version of transitive dependency (dependency of dependency) with yarn

I am using the package "csv-file-validator": "^1.8.0" which comes with 3 dependencies famulus "2.1.2" lodash "4.17.15" papaparse "^5.2.0" I would ...
Léo Coco's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to permanently exclude specific transitive dependencies in NPM

I have a Vue.js project with only 24 direct dependencies in the package.json. That results in 1230 total dependencies in the package-lock.json. One of the transitive dependencies has a license that is ...
Robert Reiz's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Yarn/NPM linked package is not showing changes in browser

Context I have two projects, main and styles. Main uses styles as an npm package, importing it as @companyname/styles. I need to make changes to styles and want to link it locally to see these ...
Lauripops's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to remove yarn workspaces correctly?

I configured 2 workspaces in package.json e.g example and gatsby-theme but later I found I was actually developing a gatsby-starter so I removed the example workspace that depended on the latter ...
TizeeU0U's user avatar
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9 votes
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Find cross-package dependencies between yarn workspaces

Having multi-module TypeScript codebase living in monorepo and linked together using yarn workspaces. Root package.json declares each module as a workspace and dependency. { ... "workspaces"...
Roman Safronov's user avatar
9 votes
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yarn / npm bulld completes then hangs indefinitely

Anyone have any experience with this? Running yarn build completes the build but never exits the process, it just hangs... The same thing happens when i run npm run build stars-app|master⚡ ⇒ yarn ...
rimraf's user avatar
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Yarn behind corporate proxy ignores npmrc settings

Is there a possibility that Yarn does use the configuration from npm? All the necessary settings are existing in the .npmrc file and yarn should use them too. One of the standard errors behind ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Yarn Workspaces And Webpack Hot Module Reloading React App

I am using Yarn Workspaces to manage a mono repo. I am using webpack 4 for hot module reloading. In my mono repo I have an app, a UI component library, and another component library for authorizing ...
pizzarob's user avatar
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