
Whenever I run yarn install, .yarn/ folder and .yarnrc.yml are added to my repo. I have to manually remove them all the time before commiting in git.

How can I prevent this behaviour? Why does this happen? Why this is not happening to other team members?

  • Tell git you want to ignore them? But you probably should track .yarnrc.yml.
    – jonrsharpe
    Commented Jun 12 at 11:56
  • why should I add something to gitignore that should not be there in the first place? my team members don't have this issue, why should I polute gitignore just because yarn does weird things? moreover, why my question is downgraded? is it a stupid question? because i've tried everything to avoid that yarn polutes my commits Commented Jun 13 at 8:31
  • 1
    Maybe you're using different Yarn versions. Maybe they have higher-level .gitignore files (stackoverflow.com/q/7335420/3001761). Maybe something else - you're in a far better position to investigate that than any of us are.
    – jonrsharpe
    Commented Jun 13 at 8:33
  • @Albert Maybe because it is not answerable here, then? You should ask yarn developers, why they generate such files in an install, not us. If yarn documentation, which I added to my answer, is not sufficient for you.
    – Jerry
    Commented Jun 13 at 12:42
  • these files are not always generated, for some colleagues it does not happen, it's an issue that we have in the team. But I guess it's a bad question, we must be stupid in our team. Keep downvoting, stackoverflow is an amazing place to ask questions and super useful nowadays Commented Jun 17 at 6:09

1 Answer 1


Add the folder and the file to .gitignore:


That way will git not show these items as changed/added.
But in the documentation is stated, that .yarnrc.yml file should be included in your project, as well as some .yarn/ subdirectories. I suggest you read it, there is also explanation of individual generated files.

Check out other resources about ignoring files and directories:
How to ignore certain files in Git
How to write .gitignore so that it only includes YAML files and some specific files?
Yarn v2 gitignore

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