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Questions tagged [webassembly]

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a new portable, size- and load-time-efficient format suitable for compilation to the web.

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kIsWasm always return false / How to compile for WebAssembly support?

Following the official Flutter Wasm documentation ( I tried to compile my Flutter Web App for Wasm-support, but constant kIsWasm returns always ...
Kuhlemann's user avatar
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About c++ multithreaded code converted to WebAssembly view rendering problem in js call

var Module = { print: (function() { var element = document.getElementById('output'); test_element=document.getElementById('test_element'); // if (element) element....
user25527891's user avatar
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How can I use imported memory in Rust code targeting `wasm32-unknown-unknown`?

I have the following Rust code: use wasmer::{ imports, AsStoreRef, Function, FunctionEnv, FunctionEnvMut, Instance, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Store, }; const WAT_CODE: &str = r#" (...
Archy's user avatar
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How to load wasm which uses SharedArrayBuffer in Chromium Embedded Framework application

I am using CEF v116 (C++) for a desktop application and trying to load a WebAssembly bundle. This bundle has a js wrapper layer which allocates memory using SharedArrayBuffer and exposes wasm APIs to ...
amoadb's user avatar
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Chrome extension manifest file and content_security_policy and inline JS script

I'm using to make a Chrome browser extension using Blazor WASM / Webassembly. The library generates the HTML and JS for the extension, one of the ...
levis84's user avatar
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Getting console errors when trying to run model in browser using rust, wasm and wonnx

I'm attempting to embed some text as vectors in the browser using rust, webassembly and wonnx. When I try and run my model in the demo, I get these errors in the console: wonnx_embeddings_repro_bg.js:...
Jacob Marshall's user avatar
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Assertion Failed: Compiler flags to be set for a linker in qmake file of qt, so that we won't get Uncaught Runtime error , after main() function exits

I am trying to expose a UI(built using qt) on the browser, using Emscripten. Compiled dependencies, and could able to link those to the UI, it got compiled successfully without any errors, but while ...
Mallakbasheer's user avatar
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Blazor .Net Core 8: How to use Server Side Component on the Client side?

I want to use the InteractiveAuto feature of WASM. So I want to create my pages on the client side. But I also want to access server side components that have access to my SQL database. It seems ...
sTaLa's user avatar
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Npm cannot find an executable while running the create-wasm-app JavaScript project template

I have been following a Rust + WebAssembly Tutorial and on the 2nd part of the 2nd chapter, after looking into the files and telling you how to build them, the tutorial asks you to run this command: ...
Waffleleroo's user avatar
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How to Integrate Wasmer (WASM) with Swift iOS Project?

I am working on an iOS project where I need to integrate a WebAssembly (Wasm) module using the Wasmer runtime. I have successfully compiled my code into a .wasm file, but I am struggling with ...
Artisan Craft's user avatar
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Compiling Raylib-Rust game to WASM

I've successfully compiled my game to WASM with the flags: EMCC_CFLAGS="-sUSE_GLFW=3 -sGL_ENABLE_GET_PROC_ADDRESS -sASYNCIFY -sASSERTIONS --preload-file src/resources" cargo build --release -...
coolguy123's user avatar
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How to load SVG in Flutter web wasm?

I'm currently developing a Flutter web application with the latest Flutter version 3.22.2 and targeting WebAssembly (WASM). I need to render SVG images without relying on HTML or any packages that ...
Yawar Osman's user avatar
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Looking for a way to build a windows / linux / wasm distributed app

I have a few bits of hardware that I can access: some windows/linux computers where I can copy to & run binaries (not all of them are on the same network, but luckily at least one of them has a ...
Anton's user avatar
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Unresolved reference: multiplatformResources in Kotlin Multiplatform Project using MOKO Resources

`I am working on a Kotlin Multiplatform project and trying to integrate MOKO Resources. I followed the installation instructions according to the official documentation, but I'm encountering an "...
Riccardo Queiros Casu's user avatar
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How can I determine if a key is pressed in Dioxus?

I'm working on a dioxus desktop app where I have a long list of check boxes. I want to be able to shift select to check off a range of them at once but can't figure out how to determine if the shift ...
crfellows's user avatar
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Issues with building Speed Dreams using Emscripten

I'm a bit confused on how to build Speed Dreams, an open source racing game, with Emscripten (to port it to the web). When building with 'emcmake cmake' (emscripten's cmake toolchain), the building ...
Priscilla Lagunas's user avatar
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Osgearth emscripten

I use open scene graph and osgearth libraries to run file in linux with this command: osgearth_viewer this works fine, however, I want to display file in web ...
Osman Sarı's user avatar
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How to handle graphics output with Container2WASM

I wanted to see if container2WASM could compile a docker container containing a game like Speed Dreams (open source racing game) to WASM. I am unsure however how to output the graphics from the ...
Priscilla Lagunas's user avatar
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Issue with HttpClient Injection in Blazor WebAssembly .NET 8

I'm encountering an error in my Blazor WebAssembly application running on .NET 8. The error occurs when the application launches: InvalidOperationException: Cannot provide a value for property 'Http' ...
NickoZero's user avatar
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C# Webassambly with Angular 16

I created a project using C# where I used the following settings: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <OutputType>Exe</OutputType> <...
Ala' Jaber's user avatar
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Firebase-admin dependency farmhash-modern throws webassembly error

I'm trying to configure firebase-admin SDK on my nextjs + TS project. Whenever i try to invoke any SDK function, i get a webAssembly error. In my case, i am trying to configure a middleware for the ...
Buchi's user avatar
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How to play audio (mp3) in Compose Multiplatform with Kotlin/Wasm target?

I’m developing a Compose Multiplatform application, and I’m targeting Kotlin/Wasm for the web. I need to play audio (mp3) files within my app, but I’m not sure how to achieve this using Compose ...
AndrazP's user avatar
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Why use WASI if WASM supported languages have their own standard libraries?

I might have a fundamental misunderstanding about WASM, tried to google it and read some of the docs, but it is not clear to me yet. As far as I understand, WASI is an language agnostic API for many ...
Matheus de Moraes Peixoto's user avatar
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Dynamic code evaluation is not available in Middlewares or Edge API Routes

./node_modules\mongoose\dist\browser.umd.js Dynamic Code Evaluation (e. g. 'eval', 'new Function', 'WebAssembly.compile') not allowed in Edge Runtime Learn More:
M.A.Rahman's user avatar
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I keep getting a deadlock error any time i attempt to make an api call in golang compiled to wasm

As the title describes i am trying to make an api call in golang that is compiled to wasm it works fine when it is run on a machine but returns a deadlock error all go routines asleep whenever i run ...
Crowbin's user avatar
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Stuck on black screen when converting my Pygame project to web using webassembly/wasm | pygbag [duplicate]

So i've created a game called rapid math racing where you do math to win races but as I finished the game, I wanted to convert it to web using wasm so other people can use it. But i encountered an ...
Night Squad's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds in Blazor WebAssembly with SQLite

I'm developing a Blazor WebAssembly application that uses SQLite for local storage. I've encountered a RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds error in the browser console. This error seems to occur ...
Niranjan Chigulla's user avatar
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How do I import a golang compiled WASM function into js and use it?

I am trying to import a function from my golang WASM file to use in javascript but anytime i try and use the function i get a undefined error. But if i import my WASM file and then use the console i ...
Crowbin's user avatar
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Cannot find global type 'Promise'

I tried to import functions in index.ts. My codes const functions = await import("./avs-directory/index").then( (m) => { return m; } ); I got errors like tsc -p tsconfig....
Chengcheng Pei's user avatar
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How do I work with a large (~3gb) file in web assembly

A bit of background: I would like to avoid using stdweb, because it seems to be unmaintained. use web_sys::{File as WebFile}; // What I get pub fn process_emails(file: WebFile, json_file_path: &...
Jacob Marshall's user avatar
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how do I import my webassembly into nextjs

as you can see in the picture I copied the contents of pkg to the public nextjs projects folder. The nextjs app is initialized inside my rust lib project. [package] name = "chess" version = &...
hacker man's user avatar
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fixing a blazor wasm System.PlatformNotSupportedException: Cannot wait on monitors on this runtime [duplicate]

foreach (var user in userIdentifiers) { var response = await client.sendMsgAsync( accesscode: paswoord, userIdentifier: user, ...
Ioannes Arkhipov's user avatar
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What is the purpose of a Wasm Declarative Element Segment?

The Wasm spec defines 3 kinds of element segments: passive, active, and declarative. Passive element segments can be used to set the values of a Table at runtime, and Active element segments ...
zstewart's user avatar
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How to Deploy a Kotlin Multiplatform WebAssembly Project on a Web Server?

After building the project using JetBrains' official Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard and selecting only the Web option, I tried to deploy it on the server but only encountered a white screen. What I Did ...
Ojav's user avatar
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blazor wasm: Nuget package inheritance

Is it possible to create a nuget package of a Blazor WASM standalone that has some generic logic inside of it like; authentication, dependency injection etca. That way when I make a package of it and ...
Rick Huisman's user avatar
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How to compile a wasm via rust to access the Global Val?

Currently, I am working on a project which uses the wasmtime (a wasm runtime implemented by rust) to load and initiate some wasm modules. And I would like a wasm module to access the global val. So I ...
jiangNan langzi's user avatar
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WebAssembly wait & notify not working across wasi threads

I'm trying to make a thread_join function in WebAssembly by setting a mutex to 1 in the main thread, and then launching a thread. the thread unlocks its mutex before exiting. the main thread can get ...
Ali Qanbari's user avatar
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RuntimeError: Illegal cast in Kotlin Multiplatform with Decompose and Koin on Web/Wasm target

I'm trying to run a Kotlin Multiplatform project on the Web/Wasm target. Koin version: 3.6.0-wasm-alpha2. An error occurs when invoking a factory method to create the Decompose rootComponent. It works ...
Yeldar Nurpeissov's user avatar
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Kotlin Multiplatform - wasm streaming compile failed: TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': Incorrect response MIME type

Getting this error when running the web app build using Kotlin Multiplatform in live, but works well on localhost. do we need to do anything with host server?, I am very beginner with this, please ...
Dinesh G's user avatar
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Why is DateTime.Now returning 4 hours more than my Eastern timezone system time?

I am converting a Blazor Server app to WASM WPA using Visual Studio 2022 Community v 17.10.1. The apps are virtually identical except for the underlying architecture and some backend code that ...
Cincy Steve's user avatar
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Compile C++ Shared Object library to Web assembly

I have C++ shared object library that was compiled for linux_x86 architecture. I would like to write my application in C++, link to the shared object library but build both of them together ...
Bazbaz's user avatar
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Split Blazor RenderFragment into a list of RenderFragments

Is it possible to split a RenderFragment into a list of RenderFragments seperated by the parent nodes? Lets say I have a RenderFragement (without parameters) like this: <label><InputText />...
JoL's user avatar
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emscripten_request_pointerlock() returns EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT_UNKNOWN_TARGET

I have made an example that calls emscripten_request_pointerlock("screen", false); by mouse click: void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override { EMSCRIPTEN_RESULT result = ...
8Observer8's user avatar
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emscripten module usage and multiple instance?

emscripten 1.38.31 I compiled C++ to a pure JS file with the following command line: call emcc -fno-exceptions -s ASSERTIONS=1 --closure 1 -s MODULARIZE=1 --memory-init-file 0 -s WASM=0 -g0 -v -s ...
user558185's user avatar
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Does WASM Bindgen copy &mut [u8] zero times or twice?

From JavaScript, I call this Rust function. Does Bindgen copy the memory twice or zero times? #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn mod_u8_slice(input_output: &mut [u8]) { input_output.iter_mut().for_each(|x|...
Carl's user avatar
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Cors Issues - Nextjs and wasm scripts

I am trying to rewrite deployed Wasm app to nextjs route. Actually I have tried different approaches, but it always fails. Here's probably the simplest app I wanted to rewrite. Here's the entry point: ...
Wiktor Kujawa's user avatar
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WebAssembly support for Electron Application

Does WebAssembly support Chromium web browser which is the backend browser for an Electron application? The website mentions that it does support Chrome which is similar to Chromium
InputBlackBoxOutput's user avatar
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Build wasm with import memory wasm

I want to write code in rust which I will then compile into wasm so that it uses import memory. In the compiled file the wasm from rust want to see similar code (module (import "host" &...
Danila's user avatar
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Blazor WebAssembly Standalone App Accessing An Already Authenticated ASP.NET Core Web API

I have set up an ASP.NET Core Web API where I was able to successfully configure authentication where I can post my email and password to API/login and then access API/data where it shows a 401 error ...
Robin Wilson's user avatar
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Preload WASM Module when instantiating another one in Javascript

What is the equivilant of this cmd in JS: wasmtime run --preload mod0=mod0.wat --invoke 'hello' hello.wasm The underlying code errors out: const importObject = { imports: { imported_func: arg =&...
GenK's user avatar
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