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Questions tagged [visibility]

Visibility is an attribute of an object. It may refer to the concept of having something visible (or not) on the graphical interface, or a symbol visibility in linkage. This tag should not be used in place of the more specific tags [memory-visibility] or [class-visibility].

-1 votes
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How to correctly link a C++ library that has different behaviors depending on its compilation?

I have a library called Print and the function println, which mimics printf. If compiled with the directive USE_DEBUG_PRINT, println actually prints something. If compiled without this define, it ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Go Property Visibility & API Design

So I have a LineItem struct that contains a Price property that needs to be exported for SQLx to set the value from the database but the desired value requires logic to be applied to get the value (e....
JSP's user avatar
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Swift Package's extension property's visibility

When defining a property as an Extension in a Swift Package, if it was created with internal visibility, is it safe to define a property of the same name on the side that uses it? Or could there be ...
Byoungchan Lee's user avatar
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Android - Why this TextView is moving its position after changing its visibility programmatically?

Initially both TextViews are visible and aligned correctly: After clicking the Button, I set both TextViews visibility to GONE. Second time I click on the Button, I set the visibility again to ...
xerez's user avatar
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I read that 'hidden' comps cause issues in IE. What is the safest method to show/hide elements for cross browser compatibility?

I have several components such as tooltips and menus that are not always visible. I read somewhere that visibility = hidden can throw errors in IE but I don't know how accurate that is. If so, for ...
Yvonne Ayala's user avatar
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Dynamically added Views not visible

I am trying to add TextViews to a LinearLayout wrapped in a ScrollView during runtime, but the visibility of the TextViews will eventually not display on screen even though their visibility flags are ...
brutal11's user avatar
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C++ program symbols visibility issues in libgcc and ld

For this question: version-script and hidden visibility I saw this comment: Visibility annotations are preferred to linker scripts as they allow more aggressive optimization by compilers. Scripts are ...
Home of the Brave's user avatar
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How to make sibling div element visible when list item is hovered on

I have the following simple header component with navigation items, which when hovered on should add the following two css rules to the mega-menu div element so that it appears: visibility: visible; ...
cts's user avatar
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What are the visibility rules for package in oracle open jdk version 20?

I am writing a database management program in java in maven in intellij IDEA. For now, the code is only connecting me to the database in MySQL. The code itself has no errors. However, upon running it, ...
amama's user avatar
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Hide divi module with advanced custom fields

I hope anyone can help me. Is there a way to toggle the visibility of a Divi module with ACF in Wordpress? I tried it myself an searched in forums
Phil's user avatar
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How can I make an element stop glitching if it gains visibility when another element behind it is hovered?

I have two divs; let's call them div 1 and div 2 and the one on top of the other is set to visibility:hidden: Basically the info div is supposed to appear whenever you hover the other one. That part ...
poppy pelt's user avatar
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How can I make my Flutter application visible to users with email addresses on the Google Play Store?

I have recently deployed my Flutter application to the production mode on the Google Play Store. The application is targeted for 177 countries and should be available to all users, regardless of their ...
ASMA's user avatar
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DOM Operation Unsuccessful - Show HTML in Element

Working code here is mixed with non-working code. The code works up until the line where it commands the innerText to be of x.innerHTML.substring(3,-3) This is the function I am calling on a click ...
Anthony Pulse's user avatar
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Having trouble getting button visibility to work with view binding

Here is the github link: Here is the XML for a button for updating a budget entry: <Button android:id="@+id/updateBtn" android:...
bradd's user avatar
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Allowing binary in the same crate to use library's modules but disallowing external crates to use the same modules

I have three files under the src directory: src |____ // a 'sub-module' under `` |____ |____ // binary file In my cargo.toml, I specify specifically the paths to the lib ...
Jim's user avatar
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Strip symbols from static library, or import only specific symbols during linking

The setup is the same as in my other question here. I thought a bit more about the problem, and it turns out, of all symbols exported from the libraries I'm using, I only need a few of them. In the ...
swineone's user avatar
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Rust idiom for exposing public fields while restricting direct struct construction

I know of the visibility rules in Rust and the typical 'constructor' patterns in Rust, e.g. via associated functions, commonly named as new or if all fields of the struct are public, via 'direct' ...
Jim's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can BlockingQueue make MemorySegment visible for multiple threads?

I am using JDK20's FFI, and I need to pass a Object to a BlockingQueue to shared it from one thread to another. The Object contains several MemorySegment field, which belongs to Arena.openShared(). ...
benrush's user avatar
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TCL - invalid command name ... but different

I try to add two buttons to the console window for convenience and to play around with it. The problem is: The first button just triggers an "exit". This works fine. The second button ...
dietmar bos's user avatar
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Toggle visibility of the meshes from the scene in Three.js

I have faced with an issue. when I set the cubes' visible property to false. It is hiding the mesh from the user, but it is actual place is staying there and preventing from clicking the another mesh ...
Asadbek Eshboev's user avatar
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UML classes diagram the question of relations and visibility of fields

I have a few questions regarding my design after having reviewed a number of information sources. I decided to link the User and UserSettings classes with a composition relation (since user settings ...
Smth_Unknown's user avatar
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Override fvisibility in Fortran routine

In a shared object, I can make my Fortran routines unavailable from outside using -fvisibility=hidden. In C/C++ you can override this setting in your routines by void __attribute__ ((visibility("...
Mads M Pedersen's user avatar
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SSRS Report Incorrectly Displays Conditionally Hidden Tablix After a Hidden Subgroup is Toggled on a Separate Tablix

My SSRS report has multiple Tablix elements. Their visibility is conditional to the content of the datasets they use. It works as intended when first displayed. When the dataset is empty, the Tablix ...
ETS333's user avatar
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How can I make a control invisible with code in a Python FMX GUI App?

I made the following GUI in DelphiFMX for Python that contains two buttons and a rectangle. I simply want to hide and show the rectangle with the button clicks: What I've tried doing so far is: def ...
Shaun Roselt's user avatar
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Access Private Variable in Solidity

I already have searched for my question on Stack Overflow and on the documentation (, but I am not sure of the answer. To ...
luca gualandi's user avatar
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How can I make an element's attribute only appear on hover when another element is hidden?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the data-title only appear on hovering of the up-arrow only when the footer is down/not showing. However, I would also appreciate another solution where the ...
florizer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Using only javascript and css: can I enable the user to selectively display and hide divs of different classes, via a single drop-down menu?

I have an html page consisting of 80-100 css-styled divs each containing a grid with an image and information about a single artwork. (Each div already has a unique Id, to enable linking-in to a ...
Dr No Know's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Get current index/visible item of FlatList

I have a scrolling view of posts. Each post has a corresponding user and I have a header that shows the user info of the current visible post. With Flutter this was simple, I just wrapped the post ...
Globe's user avatar
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Do inherited methods use the visibility, methods and attributes of the superclass or subclass?

What I assume is that an inherited method will, by standard, use the methods and attributes of the class whose object is used to execute that method. Here's an example for my question, it's from a ...
grecode97's user avatar
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UX: should I hide basic functionality that users can't reach?

I'm working on dashboards now, e.g. employee form. Some users have permissions to delete employee and some are not. Usually these permissions are changed only if user assigned to new type, e.g. from ...
Joules's user avatar
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Icon does not become invisible in jetpack compose

I have simple viewpager and toolbar in my code : @Composable fun DefaultAppBar( mainViewModel: MainViewModel ) { CompositionLocalProvider(LocalLayoutDirection provides ...
A.G's user avatar
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Showing only one of several widgets in Flutter

I have a space where I to show either widget1 or widget2 (and never both). How? In fact, widget1 to contain a simple case of retrieved information and a button to switch to show widget2 (with more ...
porton's user avatar
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three js weird artifacts with objects intersection

Trying to get into three js and following some tutorials here and there but I'm stuck on some very basic stuff I feel, that I can't find the solution to. The problem I have is shown better on the gif ...
Monochromatic's user avatar
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Avoiding globally overloaded new and delete(in one shared library) to be called while calling new from other shared library

I have overloaded new globally in get_seven.cpp. Also, I am using -fvisibility=hidden option, but still If I do new from get_seven.cpp, my new is called. I do not want that. How can I achieve that ...
Hemant Kr's user avatar
2 votes
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Rust visibility across files in same folder

I have divided my Rust project into multiple files in same folder for tidiness. Now each file is perceived as a mod of its own and I have to mark everything pub(crate). Is there a way to publicize all ...
corsel's user avatar
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why can't I access a protected method from a private method if the protected ones are inherited by the subclasses?

I do not understand this particular case or what Alexander says. class instance is not the same as class? As already Alexander Larikov said that you can't access protected methods from class instance ...
user avatar
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Get all visible windows with JNA

I am programming an overlay in Java showing information for multiple windows. I need it to follow the window that it is tracking, and to do this I regularly take information about the current windows ...
Noah Fraiture's user avatar
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How to Hide a Button with a Visibility widget

Few Informations about me: Im 17y/o and from Germany. I have made a ListView to show Multiple Headers. Each Header should be a able to store multiple Subheaders which can be opened or closed. It ...
LEGACY's user avatar
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My widget is rebuilt when toggling visibility where it shouldn't

I have a StatefulWidget that basically consists on a background widget (an playing video) and foreground HUD Column of Widget. The later visibility can be toggled by taping on an ElevatedButton. The ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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How do I keep a mod private and use it in another module within the same project in Rust?

So I want to have some modules defined in but not make them public but only available for use within the project. in my, if I have the definition as this: pub mod args; in my, I ...
Finlay Weber's user avatar
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how to unhide a hidden div with bootstrap

I'm working on a site built on bootstrap and have a column down the right side that contains a search module and some other things. it gets hidden on smaller screens. I'm hoping to restore just the ...
Joe's user avatar
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Can functions with the onlyOwner modifier be called by the owner if they are set with visibility external instead of public?

I have some functions that I'm trying to save gas on. onlyOwner modifier is self explanatory. This is related to a previous question that I had, where I noticed that address(this) is different from ...
Ashraile's user avatar
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My visibility condition in SSRS caused "[BC30516] Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'IIf' accepts this number of arguments." error

I am using the following expression for a row visibility rule: =IIF(Sum(Fields!bt_actual_usage.Value) > 0 AND (Count(Fields!bt_actual_usage.Value) < Parameters!Consecutive.Value)), true, false) ...
Eugene Berkovich's user avatar
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React Native: How do I change the scroll position of a ScrollView when the element is not visible?

I have a horizontal FlatList which renders a list of vertical ScrollView cards. When I scroll the FlatList, I would like the ScrollView cards to reset their scroll position to the top. I do not want ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to remove white space on website from SVG symbol at botton of index.html

On youtube I learned how to place my SVG code inside a elements at the bottom of my index.html and whenever I want to use the SVG then I would use the tags. Doing this makes sure that my code ...
Tony Stark's user avatar
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Make element visible when Validation.HasError is true

I have the following xaml markup: <GroupBox Margin="10" Padding="20" Header="Case 5 - Custom Error Object"> <GroupBox.DataContext> ...
vso's user avatar
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Weird behaviour regarding visibility of symbols in C++

I was trying to hide all symbols in a shared object file except for a certain selection The hiding part I was doing via -fvisibility=hidden compiler option The exception part I was doing via ...
Ivan Lazaric's user avatar
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How can I show a Visibility widget based on multiple conditions?

I'm building a restaurant menu app and one of the features of the menu is to allow the users to pick their allergies so the app will turn the menu items containing those allergenics unclickable. bool ...
HG Florence Tours's user avatar
6 votes
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How to import/use macro from different module in the same crate?

Real life scenario: I wanted to use crate::app::verbose_trace!("string literal") inside crate::app::args::parse module. Reproducable scenario: After an hour of attempts, I came with ...
Siiir's user avatar
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'void android.widget.LinearLayout.setVisibility(int)' on a null object reference when i want to display a LinearLayout

I have a problem with a button that modifies the visibility of a LinearLayout I always get the error java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.LinearLayout....
11itachikun's user avatar

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