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Questions tagged [project-panama]

Project panama is the OpenJDK project that aims to create a new way to do native interop from Java.

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Java Foreign Function & Memory API, problems with Locale

Long short story, I've been calling the native Lammps using the latest Foreign Function & Memory API (Project Panama) in JDK 22. I have problems with the locale. atof will parse 2.2598258677677969 ...
elect's user avatar
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Why does a binary produced by graalvm's native-image try to load on macOS?

Does anyone have a clue why a binary produced by native-image on macOS would try to load when ran... and not, say, libc.dylib or something similar...? Might someone have ideas on how to fix ...
eploko's user avatar
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Java FFM: how to manually release a MemorySegment?

I'm reading the documentation for JDK 22 and I cannot find a way to release a native MemorySegment. According to the documentation the only way to create a MemorySegment is to use an Arena, unlike ...
GrumpyRodriguez's user avatar
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Gradle Java include native library (Project Panama)

I've a rust library that I want to call from Java. I've managed to create the corresponding .h-file and extract from that the Java bindings. As long as my project structure looks like the following, I ...
Simon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Java 22 Foreign Function & Memory API: traversing structs

I'm trying to use the Foreign Function & Memory API in Java 22 to call into FFmpeg's libavformat. First, I used jextract to generate a binding: jextract --target-package org.ffmpeg.avformat \ -...
alexantd's user avatar
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Java Panama / Foreign Function & Memory API: Reading byte arrays of unknown length

Consider a header file defining this method: ErrorCode_t GetBlob(Handle_const_t hHandle, uint8_t* const pValue, size_t* const pnSize); This method writes n bytes into the array starting at the ...
Sven Döring's user avatar
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Jextract WinUser.h

I am trying to use Jextract of project panama jdk22-ea When I run jextract WinUser.h Then I get the following error: ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.19041.0\um\winnt.h:173:...
Vml11's user avatar
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Java Project Panama result from reading from MemorySegment differs from ByteBuffer

I'm currently investigating switching from memory mapped files using the ByteBuffer/DoubleBuffer API to the newly introduced project Panama API. Since MemorySegment has the .asByteBuffer method, I ...
bergelch's user avatar
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Java Panama executes the MessageBoxW function of Windows system with garbled characters

now I use the panama interface to call the MessageBoxW function and the code is garbled. The performance is as follows: enter image description here normal enter image description here err1 enter ...
Xianzhan's user avatar
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How to use jextract to work with MacOS Framework header files?

I am looking at exploring Java's project Panama for use with some MacOS native programming. I got jextract built and running (thanks to this Q&A). There is a good doc site at
Gunnar's user avatar
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How to access a native byte array via Java java.lang.foreign API

I want to access a PKCS11 library from Java via FFI/Panama. Let's say we have the following packed group layout under Windows x64: GroupLayout groupLayout = MemoryLayout.structLayout( MemoryLayout....
swaechter's user avatar
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MemoryLayout::varHandle Problems with structuring via mutable arrays

When constructing a varHandle using MemoryLayout::varHandle, I passed in a self-assembled Object array to implement the public method for constructing the MemorySegment. However, I find that it seems ...
jdragon's user avatar
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How to get a C++ struct return value from Java using the Foreign Function & Memory API

When I try to get the struct return value in C++, I cannot resolve the value in the struct. This is my structure. struct Point { int x; int y; }; This is my C++ method Point test_point(Point ...
jdragon's user avatar
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'IndexOutOfBoundsException: Out of bound access on segment ...' when accessing pointer read from MemorySegment

I am attempting to test the Foreign Function and Memory features of Java 21. Here is my code : public static void main(String[] args) { // 1. Find foreign function on the C library path ...
Abdelfettah Ghazi's user avatar
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Java panama FFI, read (char **) from SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions

This is the sample code that im trying to run, both SDL.h and SDL_Vulkan.h extracted with JExtract The problem im having is getting the pNames which is declared as char**, my understanding of java FFI ...
YShow's user avatar
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