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Questions tagged [export]

"Export" refers to the automated or semi-automated conversion of data sets from one data format to another. The term refers to both act of exporting and to the result of the action, i.e. the exported data set.

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using tshark to extract text similar to wireshark export packet dissections

I am trying to use tshark to export text files from pcap with the same amount of information as I would get from wireshark -> file -> export packet dissections > as plain text. when I use ...
activemorta's user avatar
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How can I export this deconstructed data from Matlab into a single file?

I have located a public data set that I want to analyze but it is stored currently in Matlab. I am not a Matlab user and would love to get a tip/solution for exporting this data in a useable format. I ...
braddo's user avatar
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Export to SVG in Objective C? [closed]

I have an application where I can render certain shapes with overlays on a view and I can export those creations to PDF and EPS. I've been requested to export to SVG. Is there any library which can ...
GeraldTheGerm's user avatar
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Javascript exporting multi dimentioanl array results in some values to be empty

I am coding a practice react application in which I am exporting a primitive array with a separate file named data.js export const data = [ { type:"multiple", difficulty:"easy&...
Rivi's user avatar
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Java: saving Aspose PDF Document with Umlauts [closed]

I want to save a PDF via Aspose and have used the minimal example from the Aspose documentation page. Unfortunately, the whole thing does not work if I enter Umlauts in the string: package ...
MoreTags's user avatar
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Exporting web table (Not a simple plain html table) to excel or csv [closed]

I want to automatically export table from a web page to excel. you can use any method. The web page I am referring to uses a different kind of coding, which when tried to export the table from usual ...
Anant Chirmade's user avatar
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Send contents of Google Sheet when one cell is not empty

I'm trying to write a script that sends the content of one sheet when one particular cell is not empty. The checking part of the script is working. The email part is working too. I would like to ...
To Do's user avatar
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Export a GraphQL collection in Postman

Is it possible to export a GraphQL collection? When I right-click on a regular collection there is an 'export' option, but right-clicking on a GraphQL collection lacks this option. Is it still somehow ...
Arno van Oordt's user avatar
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rio.to_raster method is not working (rioxarray package)

I want to export a data cube (hyperspectral data) to a .tif file using the rio.to_raster module, which should be inside the rioxarray package. But when I try to recall the module (rio.to_raster) it ...
user26346265's user avatar
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Work with updated value of a variable in a exported file in Javascript

A variable at the beggining of a file is empty, that variable is imported in another file. In the program the variable is modified in source file and I need the updated version in the exported file, ...
vasile ion's user avatar
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2 answers

Javascript: How do I import and export async functions?

I am creating a weather app using front end only (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) using NWS (National Weather Service) API, Google JavaScript Library API, Google Places API, and Google Geocoding API. I ...
Nick's user avatar
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export ag-chart and insert to my project?

I installed npm module and used ag-chart react. However, I am having trouble trying to customize ag-chart react and export it to my project. Please tell me how to export it and insert it into my ...
Daniel Lewis's user avatar
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Exporting TSIBBLE object to CSV (forecasted values with prediction intervals)

I would like to export to CSV the results of my forecast project, summarised by following tsibble object # A tsibble: 7 x 6 [1M] # Key: .model [1] .model Month ...
Mark_'s user avatar
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Export able to export to csv using Highcharts Vue

I have a simple chart, I want the export-data to export the data to CSV. But I do not see that option. What is wrong with my code: main.js: import Vue from "vue"; import App from "./App....
nb_nb_nb's user avatar
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Export Swagger/OpenAPI not working because endpoints

Currently, I have several APIs created for a project and want to export this file as yaml or json to import it in SwaggerHub. However, when I try to save the file and click on OK, I'm getting the ...
Albert Timoner's user avatar

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