I have three files under the src directory:

|____ keys.rs // a 'sub-module' under `lib.rs`
|____ lib.rs
|____ main.rs // binary file

In my cargo.toml, I specify specifically the paths to the lib and bin, i.e.:

name = "lib"
path = "src/lib.rs"

name = "urs" // name of my binary
path = "src/main.rs"

In keys.rs, I defined several structs and functions.

In lib.rs, I declare mod keys;, i.e.:

pub(crate) mod keys;

use [...]

In main.rs, I want to use the module keys from lib, so I do:

use lib::keys;

use [...]

I want to expose the module keys to be used anywhere within the crate but disallow its use outside of it, hence, I use the visibility modifier pub(crate) when declaring pub(crate) mod keys; in lib.rs.

However, cargo is telling me this:

error[E0603]: module `keys` is private
 --> src/main.rs:5:10
5 | use lib::keys;
  |          ^^^^ private module
note: the module `keys` is defined here
 --> F:\rust_projects\sui-utils-rust\src/lib.rs:1:1
1 | pub(crate) mod keys;
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

My questions:

Is it possible to achieve what I intend to achieve? I.e. by declaring pub mod keys; I'll be allowing external crates to use stuff within the keys module, how can I prevent that while retaining crate-exclusive access to the keys module?

  • 1
    When you have a library and one or more binaries in the same folder, they are considered to be different crates. I don't know any way to make a module from the library available only for the local binaries.
    – Jmb
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 6:44
  • 1
    However you can make keys public, and add //! #[doc(hidden)] to the top of keys.rs so that at least it won't appear in the docs, which should discourage others from using it. See doc.rust-lang.org/rustdoc/write-documentation/…
    – Jmb
    Commented Apr 4, 2023 at 6:48

1 Answer 1


You can do this simply by changing your project structure like this:

  1. Make keys.rs a shared module: Instead of making keys.rs a submodule of lib.rs, you can make it a shared module that both lib.rs and main.rs can access.
  2. Modifying lib.rs: Remove the pub(crate) mod keys; declaration from lib.rs.
  3. Modifying main.rs: Instead of using use lib::keys;, directly reference keys.rs as a module.

Here's how you can modify your files:


// Your structs and functions


mod keys;
// Rest of your library code


mod keys;
// Rest of your binary code

fn main() {
    // You can use items from keys here

This makes the keys module a shared module between your binary and library within the same crate. This way, it's not exposed to external crates, but both your binary and library can use it.

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