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Questions tagged [vim-fzf]

The tag has no usage guidance.

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How can I make fzf.vim split the window evenly when I use ctrl-x or ctrl-v?

When using the fzf plugin in vim, my configuration is as follows let g:fzf_action = { \ 'ctrl-e': 'edit', \ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split', \ 'ctrl-x': 'split'), \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' } I want to use ...
dongwei's user avatar
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What did i do wrong with my neovim telescope config

I am getting the following error when i first open neovim in my powershell 7. Can you let me know what im doing wrong? I'm using Lazy package manager, and running check health for telescope works and ...
btolsen131's user avatar
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Fzf.vim does not work due to fzf missing programs

In OS X, I load the fzf.vim plugin using the command call minpac#add('junegunn/fzf.vim') without any subsequent configuration. The Find, Buffer, etc., commands are not executed because Neovim can't ...
Nellinux's user avatar
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How to use ansi colors in fzf --header?

I have try to change the font color in fzf's header. Here's an example: But the ansi ...
linrongbin's user avatar
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Neovim: Moving selected text to another file selected by fzf

I find myself selecting text from a vim buffer and appending it to another file. I currently do that by: select the text with Shift + V in commend mode, execute: w >> my_file This requires ...
user1602031's user avatar
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fzf.vim - How to create git branch command with git log preview?

I'm trying to create neovim fzf command FzfGBranches to use git branch -a as input, and use git log --oneline as fzf preview: command! -bang -nargs=0 FzfGBranches \ call fzf#vim#grep( ...
linrongbin's user avatar
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ag (the silver searcher) does not automatically search recursively

When performing ag pattern it only searches in the files in the current directory, even when providing --depth NUM>1. Performing ag pattern ./** looks in all subdirectories as well. I am currently ...
hilbor's user avatar
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Plugging in a custom command to vim/fzf

I have created a command that lists "interesting" files. The output is a list of file names separated with new lines (much like the output of grep -l). The command is called lif - for 'list ...
az5112's user avatar
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How to create custom find files command using fzf.vim?

I am using fzf.vim, I have set FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd' to improve search speed. But 'fd' default behavior will respect .gitignore, .ignore files, and filter hidden files. It's useful in most cases, ...
linrongbin's user avatar
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Force fzf :Tags to use a specific file with vim

I'm using fzf for a few weeks now and it really changed my workflow. I'm working on a big project with multiple things interconnected. I'd like to use :Tags command to have an overview of all existing ...
Corentin Michel's user avatar
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How can I use Telescope.nvim to complete a path in insert mode?

Fzf.vim implements a fuzzy finder in insert mode, extending the native ins-completion functionality. For example: in insert mode, we can map <c-x><c-f> to enable Fzf.vim to fuzzy find and ...
Gustavo Basso's user avatar
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Best workflow using Vim buffers

In the last 2-3 years that I started using Vim as my main editor, I've learned to use windows (splits) when working with multiple files (Because in every task, I need lots of files to work with) But a ...
Mostafa's user avatar
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Vim FZF : list buffers as they are shown on tabbar

I am trying to use fzf.vim to quickly switch between buffers. I have fzf and fzf.vim setup in Neovim and it is working. But, I would like to change the way the buffers are listed in fzf list. Here is ...
NESHOM's user avatar
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FZF VIM: removing leading portion of absolute path

I am using the following to search my project: let g:fzf_directories = join( \ [ \ "/some/long/path/to/project/dir", \ "more paths here..." \ ], ' ') let $...
eclipse's user avatar
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Fake the version number of a binary

I'm trying to get fzf to work in vim on a Debian buster distro. The version of fzf in Debian buster is 0.17 but the Vim package fzf.vim requires 0.24 A temporary workaround for this was suggested at ...
uroboros's user avatar
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