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Questions tagged [fzf]

fzf is a general-purpose command-line fuzzy finder written in Go.

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how to use custom preview function for fzf command on zsh

foo() { echo "bar" } export -f foo fzf --preview "foo" leads to opened preview window and error msg: zsh:1: command not found: foo How can I define my custom function that ...
Jiri Kremser's user avatar
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Is there a way to increase the size of fzf-preview window length?

I'm playing around with fzf and fzf-tab in zsh and have attempted to set up the following zstyle command. zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:bat:*' fzf-preview '[[ -d "$realpath" ]] && ls --...
mxcury's user avatar
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how use fzf-lua to prompt with directory listing ; then file listing in selected directory

I would like to use fzf-lua to prompt for a specific directory listing and then prompt for files in the selected directory. I have looked at the fzf-lua github repo and the advanced options are really ...
Boyd's user avatar
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How to pass specific list of files to fzf and ripgrep

I have been recently discovering the combination of fzf and ripgrep and it is working just fine. ww(){ export BAT_THEME='gruvbox-dark' RG_PREFIX="rg --column --line-number --no-heading --...
user2156115's user avatar
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unable to use fzf-preview in zshell

I am trying to add plugins like in this script which I found on dreams of autonomy here is the link to that .zshrc below is my attempt without using zinit # Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should ...
Anshul Goyal's user avatar
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fzf in powershell, indexing, buffering, interrupting

I have two simple functions in $PROFILE: function fd() { Get-ChildItem -Directory -Name | fzf --border=rounded --margin 5% --info=inline-right | Set-Location } function fdd() { Get-...
Futman's user avatar
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Bash script for timezones displays all countries time as that of GMT [closed]

I am trying to write a bash script for a world clock This is my script #!/bin/bash # Define time zones declare -A timezones timezones["Germany"]="/Europe/Berlin" timezones["...
Farhaan Khan's user avatar
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fzf.vim :Changes command raises errors

I have installed fzf and fzf. in Vim on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine. So far all the fzf.vim commands are working fine except the :Changes command. Every time I enter this command a long list(literally ...
Spencer Sumboh's user avatar
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fzf to replace kubectx and kubens

FZF stores the argument number that is passed to it and I'm unable to reuse $1. The idea is to create a nested fzf so that we do not have to run kubectx followed by kubens to switch to correct ...
Jerrin's user avatar
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How to redirect the fzf matching output to a file?

I am using fzf with etcdctlv3 keys and then dynamically searching for some prefix in fzf and getting some matches with the keys. Now I want to save the matches into a file. How can I a do that? The ...
Mayukh Sarkar's user avatar
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How do I set up fzf fuzzy finder to use ripgrep in Powershell?

Goal I want to be able to invoke fzf in Powershell with Ctrl+T and it should use ripgrep so it's faster. Context I don't know what to set up in PowerShell_profile.ps1 to achieve the above goal. Every ...
Lernkurve's user avatar
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How to open all folders in CWD as tmux windows

I would like to find out how to open all folders in CWD as tmux windows. Imagine you are in the terminal and you have folders ls -al folder1 folder2 folder3 ... I would like to achieve that ech ...
user2156115's user avatar
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Xargs to cd for files with spaces on mac

I have referred to quite a few answers on SO but haven't been able to figure out a solution for this. What I am trying to do is to have a cd command that uses fzf to match the directory to jump into. ...
Akshay Sehgal's user avatar
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zsh keybind giving error it isn't a widget

I am trying to create a keybind that maps to a function. whenever I call the function from the terminal it works perfectly but whenever I use my keybind it doesn't and I get this error: No such widget ...
Rextano's user avatar
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How do programs in unix know whether the input stream "is over"?

Maybe I'm not using the right terminology in my question, therefore I'll elaborate here with a clear example. You can send the output of a command to the command line utility fzf, and if the former is ...
Pythonist's user avatar
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