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Questions tagged [streamwriter]

StreamWriter is designed for character output in a particular encoding, whereas classes derived from Stream are designed for byte input and output.

-1 votes
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OutOfMemory Excpetion when write a large txt file

In my program recovering data from the db (there are over 500k lines) I create a path with this data and write it in a file (in the db as a where clause I insert what the date range is, the lower it ...
DevMD's user avatar
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Delete a string value in a CSV File with C#

I deleted my previous post in hopes this one is better and clear to be able to get help. I appreciate it. So far, with my code I am uploading a CSV file to format it as: I have skip the headers and ...
Ivonne Aspilcueta's user avatar
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need to close after FILE.READLINES

I need to read all content of a file but keep only some of the content and append new content. So I tried to use READLINES filter the lines I need to keep then rewrite the file with the kept lines and ...
Ernesto's user avatar
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ASP.NET - HttpResponse.WriteAsync() vs HttpResponse.Body.WriteAsync() vs HttpResponse.BodyWriter.WriteAsync()

In ASP.NET one has three options (that I know of) for writing directly to the response buffer. Given the following data: var str = "Hello World"; var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); We ...
user3163495's user avatar
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NamedPipeClientStream stalls after the first ReadLineAsync, and stalls on the first WriteLineAsync

I chose NamedPipes over TCP because I needed two applications on the same machine to talk to each other. I wanted exceedingly simple, quick, and easy, unfortunately it has proven to be the opposite. ...
Zoop's user avatar
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streamwriter and special characters & ’

To my understanding when I write a file using notepad++ I can write the symbols ’ and & without a problem in a text file. Both are valid ASCI symbols and they are not that exotic either. & = ...
Peter's user avatar
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How to Remedy Error System.UnauthorizedAccessException in My Console App?

I've programmed a console app using C#. When I run the console app I receive the error noted above. My programming logic is as follows: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ...
SidC's user avatar
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How do I download an xml file written with StreamWriter as an xml file

I have an XML file written in C# using StreamWriter with this code: String filename = Session.SessionID + ".xml"; String filepath = "h:\\root\\home\\mchinni-001\\www\\site1\\OUTFolder\\&...
Mike Chinni's user avatar
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C# StreamWriter with using-block inside a while loop intermittently fails on slow network drive

I have a logging class in which I spawn a Task to append all messages from a BlockingCollection<string> to the log file, sleep two seconds, and repeat infinitely, until the fifo is completed. ...
amonroejj's user avatar
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C# Export Logs to 2 txt files

So I have a button made from my xaml file (view), called Export. When the user clicks on it, the logs created during the run of the app get exported to Logs.txt. If there are Warnings, Errors or ...
PinkGoat_'s user avatar
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Does a MailMessage Attached to a Stream Generate a File?

In one method I have the below code: var newMessage = new MailMessage(); newMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(ToStream("testAttachment"), MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain)); Then I have this ...
user98's user avatar
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How to ignore commas in cell value when using StreamWriter to write to csv output

I am processing a .txt file, which needs to be repeated every 10 lines. I then want to turn this into a .csv file. However, some of the .txt file contains commas which I want to keep in a single cell ...
Tommy K's user avatar
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Does WriteAllLines delete the existing file and recreate it, or overwrite the data inside it?

I use the File.WriteAllLines() method in my project. The txt file is to be synced to a remote server (via another application, Autodesk Docs in my case) upon Save action. I am not sure why, but using ...
IdoEng's user avatar
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C# StreamReader throws OutOfMemoryException on last line when splitting large delimited text file

I am writing a function in C# to split a large delimited file into smaller delimited files. I am writing this function because a 2.7 GB file was taking hours to ETL and was causing a bottleneck to ...
zBomb's user avatar
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C# Unable to overwrite file contents when file extension is .txt

I am attempting to write a string to a file that the user specifies using the SaveFileDialog component. The output file is created and populated successfully if it does not already exist. However, if ...
M Markov's user avatar
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StreamWriter.Write that returned by a method not working

I have a program file in C# that in some point looks like this: var lowest3Students = studentAVGsOrdered.Take(3); using var writer4 = GetStreamWriter(folder, "file4.txt"); WriteStudents(...
mz1378's user avatar
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C# System.IO : The process cannot access the file path because it is being used by another process

I am trying to debug the code for uploading the .xlsx file through my application in my local system. At the time of appending log data to the log file this exception The process cannot access the ...
Akbar Shaik's user avatar
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process cannot access the file while trying to use StreamWriter [duplicate]

The process cannot access the file 'C:\csharp\notebook.txt' because it is being used by another process. How is it used by another process, if I haven't used StreamWriter yet? I want to add new text ...
Michał's user avatar
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How do I open with read-only mode while saving csv file?

In C#, my program creates *.csv file. And append data to this file every 1ms. While append data, when I open *.csv file, this error occurs I JUST want to open "ONLY READ MODE" while append ...
BobKim's user avatar
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Text file is locked for openning when running the script but I can open it manually

I have the following PowerShell script: do{ $Error[0]= $null $StreamWrite = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($PathToTextFile,$true,[system.Text.Encoding]::Unicode) }while ($Error[0] -ne $...
POL's user avatar
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SerializeObject & StreamWriter created file not complete

here is my code : string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(stocksArticles,Formatting.Indented); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Export\\Stocks.json"); sw.Write(json); it's working fine ...
ced's user avatar
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using Steamwriter to write to a file gets stuck in foreach loop

I'm trying to create a small program that takes a html file as an input, and writes all links into a new output file. My problem is that the output file is empty. When debugging, it looks like I get ...
Schmuli's user avatar
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"WriteLine" stop writing a file. (Windows PowerShell)

I am trying to create a script for the university, that sorts the number of processes in the system by their handles number and saves them in a file. So far so good, sounds easy. But when I thought I ...
Altiubb's user avatar
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How to access a relative URI using StreamReader in C#

So I'm trying to read/write to a generic .dat file which contains plain text. I've been trying to do it with StreamReader/Writer as this seemed to be the neatest way of doing things. The data.dat file ...
AuthorBrotherGames's user avatar
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How to edit specific line in a textfile?

I know, that i can use ReadAllLines method and edit line using it's index. But this way not good for huge files. For example, i have file with 800,000 lines, and i need to find a line, which contains &...
Murrchalkina's user avatar
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In C#, using "using" results in errors, is there a better practice than just not using "using"?

I have the following method: [SuppressMessage("Reliability", "CA2000:Dispose objects before losing scope", Justification = "If we dispose of the csvWriter, it won't be ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
-1 votes
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StreamWriter fails to create a text file inside a folder with added DateTime.Now [duplicate]

I wanted to add a timestamp to the writing file and tried this: TextWriter iterationLogger = new StreamWriter($"{DateTime.Now} Iteration log.txt"); Then StremWritter throws exception The ...
Humble Newbie's user avatar
-3 votes
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C# "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" error

I've been trying to figure out what's my error here for a few minutes now. can someone help? public void UpdateItemList(string word, string replacement) { StreamReader ...
tin's user avatar
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Do I need to dispose of StreamWriter when generating a stream from a string?

So I have the following code to convert a string to a MemoryStream public static Stream GenerateStreamFromString(string s) { var stream = new ...
JKennedy's user avatar
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Within a File StreamWriter scope how to get the Total lines counts in a file

How to do get the Total lines of the file when we are within in a StreamWriter scope. Based on the total number of lines count I am writing some more lines at the end of the file. I have tried the ...
Kumas's user avatar
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no duplication of username does not work on my C# windows form, it only debugs the first array of my .txt file

Example .txt file output will be: lastname|firstname|tintin|password|Manager lastname|firstname|carley|password|Manager If I try to register username 'tintin' and other data, it debugs it and says ...
tin's user avatar
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Using Stax2 to escape special characters in Scala

I am trying to use Stax2 in order to write xml files with escaping special characters for the attributes. When I am trying to achieve is an exact output like this: <elem1 att1="This &#x0A; ...
Usr654789's user avatar
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How to detect and print the encoding of a list of .sql files in a particular directory?

I have a list of .sql files that need to checked for their encoding before i make changes to them. They are either in utf 8 or utf 16. How can I make some changes to my code so that it enter code ...
Vemala Valas's user avatar
2 votes
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My windows service in C# cannot write to file, when at the same time another C# app is trying to read the file

I have a Windows service in C# that is writing some data to a text file every 35ms. Normally everything was working fine. But recently I have programmed a simple windows forms app that is reading data ...
Mdarende's user avatar
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Declaring new TextWriter with StreamWriter causes "System.IO.IOException: 'The process cannot access the file"

I have the file being used by another process. However I need to be able to save to it using TextWriter (C# .NET). What can I do to get around this? ("The Process cannot access the File error&...
user3312266's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I overwrite a text file line by line using StreamWriter WriteLine in c#

As part of my c# learning, I have a simple game on a console application. I have now added a text file to record the top score. It has 4 lines, date, number of attempts, time in minutes and additional ...
Adrian's user avatar
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How to create multiple Files regarding to an object-attribute

A method receives an object list each entity has the following attributes: name room The list contains, for example, the following objects: name: pc01 room: a1 name: pc02 room: a1 name: pc01 room: ...
3xcelsior's user avatar
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Should i close each substreams of filestream or closing filestream will be enought?

I readed a lot of topics about C# streams, but did not find my situation. For learing purpose i did list-file json-bd like: public sealed class JSONBD<T> : IDisposable { private FileStream ...
VladisS's user avatar
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How to store specific lines in a text file in a array (i.e 2 seperate bank accounts)

I am doing a ATM project for my computer science class and we are required to make an ATM that stores and reads accounts in a text file. I am stuck trying to figure out how I can get an array in the ...
Optik's user avatar
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How to overwrite a string in a text document

Doing a ATM Machine for my computer science project and I wanted to know how to overwrite a specific string of text in a text document. Ex: The program asks the user how much they want to deposit; ...
Optik's user avatar
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C# MemoryStream csv file not writing

I'm writing something that will create a .csv file in memory and email it as an attachment. The code below successfully emails a .csv file, but it is empty. I'm sure I'm missing something simple... ...
Jeffrey Van Laethem's user avatar
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XStream - data within a tag should be indented identically

I could use some help to get a better XML output. I hope to find a solution here! Couldn't find any solution for this. That is my current output: <java.util.Arrays_-ArrayList> <a class=&...
Jochen's user avatar
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Running cmd in a single textbox: how to put the cursor in the right place

I would like to run cmd.exe in one single textbox. When I use the code down below, everything works fine. The only thing is that the cursor is located below the prompt line, so: C:\Users\myuser\...
Eric van Loon's user avatar
-2 votes
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My json string is too long for the StreamWriter object [closed]

I'm trying to serialize a json string into an object. I'm forced to use .net version 4.6.2 so I can't use the tools I would normally use. I can't either user async because of the framework I'm working ...
Kresten's user avatar
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Keeping multiple StreamWriters open or constatly open a new one?

So I have this application that needs to write to 12 different files 10 times a second a few thousand characters strings via different Tasks, figure something like this: public static void Main() {...
MrBott_a's user avatar
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Preserving basic application functions when using StandardInput/Output redirection

I’m trying to run an external (non-GUI) application and use RedirectStandardInput and RedirectStandardOutput to send data to and receive data from this application to a TextBox. The main problem is ...
Eric van Loon's user avatar
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stop streamwriter writer and convert to string

i want to pull git log with cmd panel. this is relatively easy to do with Process process = new Process(); ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.FileName = "cmd.exe"; info....
Rene Krause's user avatar
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Is it correct to leverage a stream writer WriteLineAsync with WhenAll

I have a snippet of code that is writing to a memory stream in an asynchronous way (.NET Standard 2.1) Create a list of hot tasks, one per a line Then await when all of them will be finished Flush ...
AllmanTool's user avatar
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how do I make a text file line into a list

is it possible to make this into a list and then make a code where I can delete what's inside the list per line (text file) and then searching the contents of the list class data { public ...
Jay Delos Santos's user avatar
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Asyncio stream writer persists data

I'm using asyncio to create a websocket between my clients and server. I am using StreamWriter.write() to send data to and from the client. data = { "type": "DRAW_RECT",...
jaal kamza's user avatar

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