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Questions tagged [out-of-memory]

An error or exception which is thrown when a program makes a request for memory that cannot be satisfied.

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Python : Speed up FFT over an axis in an multidimensional data

I would like to know if there is a better way to speed up the performance of my FFT over the first dimension of a tensor that is 1000 x 512 x 512, for example I tried the following to overcome memory ...
João Luiz Pacheco's user avatar
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What exception guarantee level does std::vector::operator=() have? [duplicate]

When I assign one std::vector to another std::vector, and std::bad_alloc raises internally, does the C++ specification guarantee that my vector will be left in the correct state? Does it have a basic ...
Andreev Gregory's user avatar
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Doesn't work handling "JavaScript heap out of memory" error in nodejs/nestjs

I have nestjs app and it crashed with "out of memory". I increased memory ofc, but I need to handle this error also. I tried to make a primitive example of nodejs(macos if it depends) and it ...
Andrei Bulatau's user avatar
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I was running a code of c++ in visual studio when this exception showed up. Can anyone please tell me what it is? [closed]

This is the exception I am beginner. I am programming for Bank Management System in C++. I am facing issues when i m compiling the program. I mention error below. Please suggest. Exception thrown: ...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
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SLURM --mem v. --mem-per-cpu for the purposes of running MATLAB in parallel

I'm learning how to submit batch jobs using SLURM, and I'm curious if there any difference between #SBATCH -n 32 #SBATCH --mem==128G v. #SBATCH -n 32 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G If I'm not mistaken, --...
John Kim's user avatar
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How to deal with the ArrayMemoryError problem? Unable to allocate memory for an array?

I am trying to process data but i constantly run on this Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\CSlab\", line 60, in <module> cpg_data = ...
邱品潔Jessica's user avatar
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PySpark is running out of memory using Splink

I am using the splink library for user clustering. I am currently using DuckDB as my database, I read that SparkDB is more efficient and I wanted to try it. The problem is that I get an ...
Anthony Tacquet's user avatar
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Why I can't catch and log "Out of Memory" exception? [duplicate]

I'm running .net 6 application as a windows service like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\dotnet.exe" c:\MyApp\MyApp.dll Application is starting like this: var builder = WebApplication....
InfernumDeus's user avatar
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Jupyter Lab Desktop- how to increase memory limit?

I am trying to run a code in Jupyter lab desktop, but the kernel keeps dying halfway through. I am quite sure that it is due to the application running out of memory since this has happened to me ...
xiansch's user avatar
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This Python 3 code takes too much memory(using NetworkX package)

data = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/processed_data.csv') G=nx.from_pandas_edgelist(data, 'Primary_id', 'id', edge_attr = ['Location','month', 'day','year'], create_using=nx.DiGraph()) G....
조준우's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make a C++ struct that can have multiple independent static variables for each object of the struct? [duplicate]

I'm currently working on a Predator/Prey simulation in C++, and I'd like to keep track of certain stats (number born, number alive, and number died, specifically) for each one of various types (Animal,...
GorgeGrouse's user avatar
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Python: ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor out of memory

I have written an interface, which is mainly used to query data and return it to the front-end data file after processing. In the process of querying data, I use multiple threads, and processing data ...
ning's user avatar
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Load multiple images from Photos folder causes Out of Memory Exception

I have a small application that wraps a website that processes pictures. I can not upload more than 5 pictures from my phone, the application crashes with error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to ...
Roman Kozulia's user avatar
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How to specify the nodejs snapshot directory when I use the --heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit option

The node service is subject to occasional oom. He runs on Kubernetes, and every time an oom occurs it causes the container to restart, and the snapshot printed using heapsnapshot-near-heap-limit is ...
Citrus Lee's user avatar
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Loading int8 version of llama3 from llama.cpp

I'm trying to load an 8 bit quantized version of llama3 on my local laptop (linux) from llama.cpp, but the process is getting killed due to memory exceeding. Is there any way around this? I've already ...
Anagha's user avatar
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