I've programmed a console app using C#.

When I run the console app I receive the error noted above. My programming logic is as follows:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string path = @"\\mypath\\mydirectory";
        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
        FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles();
        string year = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
        string month = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString("d2");
        string day = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString("d2");
        string feedVersion;
        string manifestFileName = "MyFile_" + year + month + day + ".manifest";
        string manifestDest = di + manifestFileName;
        string manifestHeader = "FileName|Version|Line_Count|SHA256HASH";
        StreamWriter oFile = new StreamWriter(manifestDest);
        FileStream uploadFile = File.OpenWrite(manifestFileName);

        using (SHA256 mySHA256 = SHA256.Create())
            foreach (FileInfo finfo in files)
                if (finfo.Name.Contains("labdata"))
                    feedVersion = "200";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("pharm"))
                    feedVersion = "200";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("claim"))
                    feedVersion = "200";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("enrollment"))
                    feedVersion = "220";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("member"))
                    feedVersion = "202";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("provider"))
                    feedVersion = "220";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("hierarchy"))
                    feedVersion = "200";
                else if (finfo.Name.Contains("member*attribution"))
                    feedVersion = "200";
                    feedVersion = "NA";
                using (uploadFile)
                        var lineCount = File.ReadAllLines(di.ToString());
                        var fileName = Path.GetFileName(di.ToString());
                        byte[] hashValue = mySHA256.ComputeHash(uploadFile);
                        //Console.Write($"{finfo.Name}: ");
                        oFile.WriteLine(fileName.ToString() + "|" + feedVersion.ToString() + "|" + lineCount.ToString() + "|" + hashValue);
                    catch (Exception ex)



    public static void PrintByteArray(byte[] array)
        for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
            if ((i % 4) == 3) Console.Write(" ");


What modifications are needed to ensure that the file can be created in the directory as specified and that it contains all the needed information in it?

  • 1
    Assuming you are debugging this from Visual Studio, Does user running this process (most probably your windows user) have full access on the path your application is trying to access ? Some times organization GPOs don't allow any modification on the C: drive. If your folder is on the C: drive try to put it on the D: drive and see if that helps.
    – A P
    Commented Feb 27 at 18:53
  • @AP Thanks for this guidance. I've tried using several network locations, both inside my development environment and in the production file system all to no avail.
    – SidC
    Commented Feb 27 at 19:54
  • File.ReadAllLines(di.ToString()) is the problem, you can't read a directory like it is a file. Commented Feb 27 at 20:38


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