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Questions tagged [qt5]

Questions specifically for version 5.x of the Qt library. If your question applies to other versions of Qt, use the tag [tag:qt4] or [tag:qt3]. It is recommended to use with the tag [tag:qt].

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Problem embedding qquickview into qlayout

I'm using multi-threaded opengl in my qml so qquickwidget is not an option, when I use qwidget::createwindowcontainer to manage qquickview and embed it into qlayout it works fine . but if I take it ...
黄滨滨's user avatar
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TableViewColumn in Quick.Controls 2.15

I need to rewrite the view from QTableView to qml when using quick.controls 2.15 in qt 5.15 in quick 2.15. I have a c++ model, but I need to display them in a table, with the ability to display them ...
kira20's user avatar
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AIX: C++ application with shared Qt5Core lib dependency has thread-local-storage runtime issue

I am on IBM AIX-7.2 and have this sample C++ code: #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtCore/QDateTime> #include <cstring> int main(int argc,...
cellist's user avatar
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How to use pyqtSlot() without @

I need to create a method in a foreign PyQt5 window class at runtime (that will be called later from a different thread with QMetaObject.invokeMethod()). Therefore I cannot use the decorator style. Is ...
Andreas Koten's user avatar
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"make: *** There is no rule to build target "sub-mysql". Stop." error when trying to create a MySQL driver with Qt

I'm trying to install the QMYSQL driver on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with Qt version 5.15.3, but I'm running into some issues. Problem: The sqldrivers directory only contains the SQLite driver, and I'm missing ...
HeaVito's user avatar
-2 votes
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QSqlQuery is not meant to be copied

I have defined a QSqlDatabase as follows: QSqlDatabase m_db; And use it repeatedly for each new query as follows: QSqlQuery query(m_db); query.prepare(querystring); success = dbquery(query,...
TSG's user avatar
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Install Qt5 libraries on Debian 12

I would like to install the Qt5 libraries onto Debian 12, but I do NOT want Qt Creator. I just want to be able to compile a C++ app which uses Qt5. And I would like to use packages from default ...
TSG's user avatar
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(Qt version 5.15.3) This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"

when i run qtcreator like this ./qtcreator, the error come out enter image description here and the ubuntu version is 22.04 ,qmake version is 3.1 enter image description here i have tried many ...
xyh's user avatar
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Data sent from CPP causes interface crash in QML

first of all, I have a problem like this. I want to transfer the data to the QML side with a signal from C ++, but after a while my interface crashes without giving any error. I can't find the reason ...
Ctnkaya's user avatar
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Building Qt 5.15.1 from source code but facing issues with configure

I am trying to build Qt 5.15.1 by cloning the repo and following the README but I came across an issue an issue. Everything went seemingly well till the step where I needed to run the configure file ...
Fares Hesham Abdelmoneim's user avatar
1 vote
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Qt QModel view use QSortFilterProxyModel fucntion is so slow,something wrong? [closed]

I use Qt Model view with QSortFilterProxyModel QListView with checkbox and name ,only one column QStandardItemModel setData ,100w row use QSortFilterProxyModel function setFilterFixedString and add a ...
codeTestUser's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create customized barcode in qt c++?

I'm using qt 5.15 i have to develop application for Code 128 barcode generator and now I want to reduce the barcode strips. How do I create customized barcode strips? My code is below, Code128.h #...
Mahadev's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Q_DECLARE_METATYPE results in assert failure after upgrading from Qt 4.8 > 5.15

I have a large file which uses these macros: Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(boost::function<void()>); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(boost::function<void(const QPoint&)>); But sadly after upgrading from Qt 4....
user17242965's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code doesn't display visualized Qt5 objects on Linux

Using VSCode 1.85.2. I have qt5.natvis on my Linux CentOS 7, and my launch.json file includes the following properties: { ... "visualizerFile": "/path/to/qt5.natvis", ...
gil_mo's user avatar
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In QT6.5, when using QGraphicsView to center an image, the white space outside the image cannot be displayed, resulting in a centering failure

As shown in Figure 1, I want to implement clicking on the green rectangle to jump the green rectangle to the center, and if the green rectangle is closer to the border, it should be centered and ...
Hasegaawa Haruka's user avatar

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