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Questions tagged [qt5]

Questions specifically for version 5.x of the Qt library. If your question applies to other versions of Qt, use the tag [tag:qt4] or [tag:qt3]. It is recommended to use with the tag [tag:qt].

7 votes
2 answers

How to write QT system tray app without a window class, and integrate it with another process?

Here is my setup: A background process that keeps running and does it's job. A launcher which launches the aforementioned process and monitors it, relaunches it if crashed or killed. I wish to add ...
0 votes
1 answer

Preventing QStackedWidget auto focus

QStackedWidget seems to focus and select content of the first child widget when starting or switching page. This is what I get when starting the program (the timeedit widget is focused and the first ...
5 votes
4 answers

How to change QComboBox items' height

I want change only the height, I need it larger.
0 votes
0 answers

Problem embedding qquickview into qlayout

I'm using multi-threaded opengl in my qml so qquickwidget is not an option, when I use qwidget::createwindowcontainer to manage qquickview and embed it into qlayout it works fine . but if I take it ...
0 votes
3 answers

Is there any API or Flags in Qt to check available physical network interface/ports on Windows/Linux/MAC OS?

I am trying to get MAC address for all physical ports available on my laptop for Windows/Linux/MAC OS. I also want to check if I can detect physical connection/disconnection of the network cable. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the path to Qt, and path to Qt's configure file on Ubuntu

I am following this documentation for deployment. It need me to specify /path/to/Qt and /path/to/Qt/configure. I am unable to find the path to Qt on my machine. I am using Ubuntu 17 and I installed ...
0 votes
0 answers

TableViewColumn in Quick.Controls 2.15

I need to rewrite the view from QTableView to qml when using quick.controls 2.15 in qt 5.15 in quick 2.15. I have a c++ model, but I need to display them in a table, with the ability to display them ...
0 votes
0 answers

AIX: C++ application with shared Qt5Core lib dependency has thread-local-storage runtime issue

I am on IBM AIX-7.2 and have this sample C++ code: #include <QtCore/QCoreApplication> #include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtCore/QDateTime> #include <cstring> int main(int argc,...
48 votes
8 answers

Dark theme for Qt widgets?

Background I'm building a PyQt5 application, that I'd like to have a dark theme for. Previously I've worked with Android development where there was a dark theme that I could set for a whole ...
0 votes
2 answers

Calculating the exact needed height for a QTableWidget

I want to calculate the exact height a QTableWidget needs so that no vertical scroll bar is shown. What I do right now is for example: tableWidget->setMaximumHeight(tableWidget->horizontalHeader(...
0 votes
0 answers

How to use pyqtSlot() without @

I need to create a method in a foreign PyQt5 window class at runtime (that will be called later from a different thread with QMetaObject.invokeMethod()). Therefore I cannot use the decorator style. Is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why are widgets "shaking" when the window is being resized?

In my UI design, I want four QPushButtons stay on the right side of the window. So I create a HBoxLayout for the centralWidget, and add a QWidget and a VBoxLayout(which contains the four buttons) to ...
7 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to remove Weston toolbar?

Is it possible to have weston run without the toolbar at the top and change the background to black. So that when i have a script in init.d it calls weston first than my qt5 app? such as: weston &...
0 votes
1 answer

QML module not found (QtGStreamer)

I have been trying to install gstreamer on my ubuntu 18.04 and to integrate it into a Qt 5.14.1 project. These are the installation steps I followed in order to install gstreamer: git clone git://...
0 votes
0 answers

"make: *** There is no rule to build target "sub-mysql". Stop." error when trying to create a MySQL driver with Qt

I'm trying to install the QMYSQL driver on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with Qt version 5.15.3, but I'm running into some issues. Problem: The sqldrivers directory only contains the SQLite driver, and I'm missing ...

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