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Questions tagged [qt6]

For questions specific to version 6 of Qt.

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disable] handshake failed errors in QWebEngineView

For this little example , from PySide6 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets # or # from PySide2 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets class BetterWebView(QtWebEngineWidgets....
iMath's user avatar
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Can’t sign Qt6 app on MacOS, even though same process worked before with Qt5 App [closed]

Can’t sign Qt6 app. We recently switched to Qt6 and signing doesn’t work anymore. I fixed one problem with signing the QT frameworks. Apparently those now need to be signed on '
Peter Brülls's user avatar
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Sign in With Apple: ASAuthorizationController doesn’t show Authorisation Window from QT app

I’m trying to use Sign in With Apple with a QT app. We did use ASWebAuthenticationSession to be able to use OAuth in AuthenticationServices for Non-Apple logins, like Google. But now I’m trying to ...
Peter Brülls's user avatar
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QRhi uniform buffer re-usage

Is it correct that dynamic uniform buffers can only be used once per frame with the QRhi rendering layer ( For instance, this ...
Hyndrix's user avatar
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Connecting to MySQL in Qt6

I want to connect to MySQL in Qt6, but the connection is not working. My instructor said that you want to run a diesel car with gasoline and that you need to use a different library instead of ...
dmrecepH's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I avoid visual artifacts around text when taking a screenshot? [closed]

I'm working on a Qt application where the background is drawn using OpenGL, and the front is rendered by QPainter to a QImage that is then used as an OpenGL texture to be displayed at the top. On ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
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How can I implement an InsertPolicy on a QComboBox attached to QSortProxyModel?

I've got an editable QComboBox with a QCompleter set to a QSortProxyModel, which wraps a QAbstractListModel. If the user types a wholly new string into the box, I want to write that string into the ...
Crashworks's user avatar
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How to set color mask in Qt 6 RHI

I am currently porting OpenGL code to QRhi (Qt 6.7). For glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha) there seems to be a documented flag (
Hyndrix's user avatar
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QT no matching function for call to 'makeCallableObject'

I'm trying to use the default Qfontcombobox in my qt app to change the font of a text edit, and i am getting this error for some reason. Here is my definition for my mainwindow.cpp #include "...
icy icy's user avatar
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Qt Android create files in content:// URI folder [closed]

I want to create an Android app by using Qt. The app should have the ability to ask the user for a destination directory (which could be provided by an cloud storage app) and then creates files in ...
gerum's user avatar
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Qt Tool qmllint not working on imported C++ modules

I want to use qmllint on my Main.qml, which uses modules exposed from C++ side, such as the mainCtrls import and the mainControls keyword: import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import ...
Ironside's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Calculating the exact needed height for a QTableWidget (Qt 6 update)

When calculating the height that is needed for a QTableWidget so that all rows are visible and no scroll bar is added, it's not enough to take the number of rows, multiply them by the row height and ...
Tobias Leupold's user avatar
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Update figure - clear axis including secondary_y

I wrote a small PyQT6 program to get familiar with QT and matplotlib. In a tab, some graphs will be plotted and should be updated in a certain way after a pushButton is clicked. The program works fine ...
spam me's user avatar
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No known features for CXX complier Error for Windows

enter image description hereI was trying to install opencv file paths and qt on cmake. I added the appropriate paths and configured, I did not receive any errors, but when I try to generate, I get a ...
Anka Hanım's user avatar
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How do I force a QWidget to be repainted?

Given the following main window implementation: #include <QApplication> #include "MainWindow.h" namespace ui { MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar

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