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Questions tagged [prompt]

prompt is a command-line or graphical interface which presents the user with a line editor or modal dialog and suspends execution until input is returned

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How to Render Prompt String in Semantic Kernel for Evaluation with Prompt Flow SDK in Python?

I am currently working on a project where I utilize the Semantic Kernel with a plugins directory and multiple skills. My ultimate goal is to develop a GitHu. workflow to evaluate my prompts using the ...
Ta Abd's user avatar
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How should I use Llama-3 properly?

I downloaded the Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct model using the and the url provided by Meta email, and this is all the files in the folder. enter image description here And when I tried to use ...
Joey1205's user avatar
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SAS Enterprise Guide Creating Date Range Prompt

I created a date range prompt using SAS Enterprise Guide Prompt Manager. I right click the prompt to see its related macro variables. 1- I just want to run the program and select the prompt values. ...
ffdd's user avatar
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Comments in Anaconda Prompt

I paste some comments in Anaconda Prompt such as: ls # comment 1 pwd # comment 2 The commands are executed perfectly fine. For the comments I get: The command "#" is either misspelled or ...
Ohumeronen's user avatar
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how to keep a command window open after run a batch file?

When I run a compilation command from batch file, the command did execute but after it completed, the command window close immediately I'm expecting the result shows in the command window after ...
zarul_88yahoocom's user avatar
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Gemini API : Code returning error GenerativeModel.generate_content() got an unexpected keyword argument 'temperature'

import google.generativeai as genai def query_gemini(model_name="models/chat-bison-001", temperature=0.7, top_k=40, top_p=0.95, max_output_tokens=1024): """Configures ...
Jacob's user avatar
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type error: object of type ChatPromptValue has no len()

I was trying to create a chatbot using a LLM and Chat Prompt Template. But I am facing this error :type error: object of type Chat Prompt Value has no len(). Could someone let me know where this error ...
Porselvan Prakash's user avatar
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Showing actual numbers in files added, removed or modified in zsh prompt

Begun going down the rabbit hole of modifying zsh prompt to show relevant git information and I did manage to get the colors to change accordingly based on various statuses. That's all well and good ...
Newbie's user avatar
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MATLAB Optimisation where the user must return the value of the objective function

Here is the context : A function has 3 variables. All are positive integers ranging from 0 to 100. The value of all variables are passed to a human that operate of processing equipment and a result is ...
nitramine_x2's user avatar
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Sharprompt: Input data with a regular expression and a selection list

I decided to use the Sharprompt library to enter data in the console application. The Prompt class contains the Input method where I can customize my template, and the Select method for selecting ...
Konstantin Makarov's user avatar
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Changing color of oh-my-posh segment based on SSH session

The way I handle this now is by having two Session segments and having one of them (one that contains only an indicator icon) only appear when I'm connected to a machine via SSH. I tried the following ...
FoA's user avatar
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How can i get placeholder text from prompt in js

I need to get the default value from prompt via selenium. If this is my prompt : prompt("Please enter your name:", "Harry Potter"); I want to get "Harry Potter" to my ...
DRASHTI POKIYA's user avatar
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How to print input requests and output responses in Ollama server?

I'm working with Langchain and CrewAI libraries to gain an in-depth understanding of system prompting. Currently, I'm running the Ollama server manually (ollama serve) and trying to intercept the ...
Max Zemsky's user avatar
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How to detect multiple tasks in a single command using LLM or any NLP model?

I am building a bot that takes inputs from users and performs action. Now I want it to differentiate between commands that contain single task and multiple tasks. How can I make this a reality? Should ...
Rishabh Tripathi's user avatar
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Mistral model adds some comments from itself when it is asked just to translate the input

How to make a prompt so that the model just translates the text without adding any comments from itself? Here is how we use it: url = "" ...
Alexey Bogdanov's user avatar

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