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Questions tagged [langchain]

LangChain is an open-source framework for developing applications powered by language models. Use [py-langchain] for the Python-specific package.

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Add vector embedded data from pdfs to Pinecone using Langchain and OpenAI

Im not sure what the alternative to .get() is for pinecone and langchain. I want this code to run but keep getting an error that .get is not an attribute for Pinecone Im not sure what the alternative ...
Ralph Stout's user avatar
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Enabling Conversation Memory for Pandas or CSV Agent in Langchain 0.2.10

I have been struggling for the past 3 months to create a pandas agent in Langchain to respond to queries on very large numerical tabular information (dataframes and SQL servers). I have managed to ...
R_Student's user avatar
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Vespa long context ColBERT from sample apps throws Java error

Here is the code I am trying to run: app_package.schema.add_fields( Field( name="id", type="string", indexing=["summary"] ...
celaltrk's user avatar
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1 answer

Langchain cannot connect with Azure SQL Database

Trying to connect with my Azure SQL Database, it contains multiple tables. Here's a sample of my code from sqlalchemy import create_engine driver = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}' odbc_str = 'mssql+...
Lisa's user avatar
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How to format LLM output of my Streamlit + Langchain app like ChatGPT does?

I'm new to langchain and AI , currently developing a PDFRAG app . Currently , I'm able to upload a PDF , ask questions from it , the response is streamed back to me . This is working fine . Now , I ...
Gaurav Pant's user avatar
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LangChain: Ensuring LLM Only Uses Explicitly Stated Information in Mental Health Assessment Tool

I'm developing a mental health assessment tool using LangChain and OpenAI. The goal is to analyze user inputs and answer predefined questions about their mental state based solely on the information ...
ASH's user avatar
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Langchain: Output of one chain as input for another using LCEL

I've started working with Langchain to get a feel of it and a lot of the videos seem outdated. After some research I learned about LCEL being used as the other methods seem to be deprecated. In my ...
enchance's user avatar
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Is updating points in Qdrant vectordb without re-embedding the data safe?

I'm building a RAG chatbot using Langchain, using the data I've stored in a Qdrant vector database. I wanted to change the metadata of a few documents in my qdrant vector database. For this, I stored ...
Akshitha Rao's user avatar
-6 votes
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Using LLM to convert a word document that contains tables to an excel spreadsheet (could be csv too) [closed]

I am successfully able to use ChatGPT and upload a word document that is a course script and then upload a spreadsheet with a few exact examples showing the LLM how I want the word doc script to be ...
James Cochrane's user avatar
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Adding Contents of ChatPromptTemplate from multiple parts - Langchain V0.2

I have a prompt which consists of some fixed text parts and other varient text parts. I am using langchain v 0.2. I would like to build up ChatPromptTemplate from multiple parts, and then use it in a ...
user84209's user avatar
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ValidationError: 1 validation error for GoogleGenerativeAIEmbeddings model field required (type=value_error.missing)

I am trying to integrate the GoogleGenerativeAIEmbeddings from the langchain_google_genai library into my Streamlit application. However, I am encountering a ValidationError related to missing fields ...
Vivek Raj's user avatar
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How to fix "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'query'" in langchain?

retriver = PineconeVectorStore( pinecone_api_key=pc_key, index="index-1", embedding=OpenAIEmbeddings() ).as_retriever() qa_chain = ( { "context": ...
Denuwan Kalubowila's user avatar
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How to get JSON output from gemini in colab for langgraph agent use case

I am coding an agent in colab using python & I want gemini to return me the output as JSON but it is not happening. I am using langchain_google_genai library. Here is the reference I used. https://...
J.Baker's user avatar
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Handling Multiple Embedding Types in LangChain for RAG Applications

I'm building a RAG application using LangChain. It works well with one type of embedding in my database, generating specific code based on context. Now, I want to add support for Q&A. I've ...
Om Khade's user avatar
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Input Variable Error in Prompt When Using Example Selector in Langchain

I'm new to using LangChain and currently experimenting with the SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector to avoiding adding unnecessary examples in the prompt. However, I've encountered an issue when trying ...
Komal Gilani's user avatar

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