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Questions tagged [ios-universal-links]

With universal links, iOS users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari.

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why is my flutter app opening a deep link url in the browser and not automatically opening route in app?

I have tried in both the iOS simulator and Android Studio simulator to run my deep linking test. Android worked in the event that android:launchMode="singleTop" because it rendered the app ...
Spencer's user avatar
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Expo iOS Universal Links valid but not opening application

I am in the process of implementing some Universal Links into my Expo project so my forgot password flow will still work on both the mobile application and PWA that I have built. I have verified that ...
Doug Niccum's user avatar
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iOS Swift-Universal Link jump to the App, can't open detail page

I have a universal link, https://domain/user/123123 when app opens, I can open the user profile by the universal link, but if turn it off, just can open the app, can not jump to the profile page. I ...
Mark's user avatar
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How to retrieve the Universal Link URL clicked inside my app

I am looking for a way to retrieve the universal link full URL inside my swift app. My universal link setup is (I think) complete in that clicking a link in Safari opens my app in the emulator. My ...
pieroxy's user avatar
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Open via universal link doesn't toggle bool on device

I have a pretty easy code solution, that opens the app as it should. The Associated Domains and the apple-app-site-association file all work, but if I have a variable in there, or even a print ...
bennyyy999's user avatar
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Universal Links with ASWebAuthenticationSession where prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession is set to false

I have an iOS app. I want to implement the social login with Notion. Using ASWebAuthenticationSession I could set up the whole flow using prefersEphemeralWebBrowserSession set to true. This is a bit ...
kdrtibor's user avatar
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When clicking on a facebook post, sometimes I receive fb deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app

Since recently, Universal links were working well with our app but recently for some users while clicking on a facebook post we receive via func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Universal links, while clicking on a facebook post doesn't redirect on my iOS app for all users

We have implemented universal links since a moment on our app (so everything should be setted to make the universal links work with the well known and the metadata for facebook), but it seems that on ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Flutter app universal links not working on iOS but works on Android

I have flutter app and deeplinks works fine when I click on button from gmail for Android app but not for iOS. the URL in the email templates comes from courier, courier generates the cta URLs itself ...
Sarah Sami's user avatar
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How to handle deep linking for iOS and Android apps

I am working on a project replacing deep linking in house for an iOS and Android app. I know iOS has universal links and Android has app links. They can be synced up and the OS abstracted away if they ...
Braeden Meikle's user avatar
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iOS universal link (applink) opens the app for any path and even for domain itself

I am facing one weird issue in universal link. Here is my implementation. let suppose these are the details. AppId (TeamId) - ASDFASDF Domain Name -- path -- /login Here is my apple-...
Naresh's user avatar
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applinks not showing in swcutil_show.txt

I have a React Native (RN) application that supports App Links (Universal Links) functionality. Whenever I upload the application to our TestFlight, everything works as expected, and data for the App ...
idrizovDjem's user avatar
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How to execute deep link in Flutter app with url?

[What I want] User sends certain url to friend -> Once friend clicks url then app is opened and userId is passed to app [What I did] I deploy https://hayatshin....
Hyejung's user avatar
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Flutter ios: universal links is not working - No devices are booted

I tried to use deep link in my flutter project. Since https link process is quite complicated in Android, I will use custom scheme for Android and https scheme for ios. Android is well set and I check ...
Hyejung's user avatar
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Open universal link when app is in background

I have a case with this problem iOS. When I click an universal link, when the app is in background, the below method not fired func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: ...
vinu's user avatar
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What configuration to open App Store with Universal Link

I'm creating a Universal Link for my application. We created a site in next js and configured the files correctly apple-app-site-association file:
Marco Brugali's user avatar
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Does iOS Universal Link work with website redirections?

I have completed the setup of iOS Universal Links from official Flutter guide. Including hosting the AASA file in my server's /.well-known/apple-app-site-association: { "applinks": { &...
Compaq LE2202x's user avatar
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The apple-app-site-association file not found

We're trying to set up an association file for a website that didn't have it before. We've uploaded the file to (as suggested in the ...
Andrii Chernenko's user avatar
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universal link with query parameters is not working (IOS)

I have configured AASA file to support path such as https://domain/forgot-password?token=asadsad3ddsd. It is not opening in browser nor app. do we need to configure something in flutter app delegate ...
Banka Uday's user avatar
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Detecting a specific app in the mobile from safari browser using universal links

I am using the below code to detect my app in mobile phone and the code works fine on chrome(for both android and IOS). But in case of safari the issue is when my function is called it causes a popup ...
MFI's user avatar
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iOS Universal Links not Opening App, Opening in Browser Instead

I'm facing an issue with implementing Universal Links (applinks) in my iOS app. I've followed the necessary steps outlined in the Apple documentation [link to documentation], but the links still open ...
Oussama Ridéne's user avatar
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Universal links and AppleWebKit browser

We are trying to develop an authentication mechanism where in the user clicks on a button to open an authentication app from the browser. We are using the universal link of the app (not maintained by ...
Bharath Bhandarkar's user avatar
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Universal Linking Issue with Edge Browser in iOS App

I have managed enterprise app. universal link is working as expected from the safari but when I tried the same functionality from the managed edge browser, edge does not detect the universal link. ...
Rahul Juyal's user avatar
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Deep Linking using Universal Link in iOS - Swift

I had setup deep link and it is triggering the below callback in both cases when my app is in foreground or in Background. Now I have Splash View Controller, Login View Controller and ...
Irtaza Hussain's user avatar
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How to debug deeplinks/universal links from a killed app state in Flutter?

I'm developing an app that uses deeplinks (myapp://products) and universal links ( and routes to certain views based on the URL path components. While I've tested this on my ...
Andy Shephard's user avatar
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universal link doesn't work when user change default browser

after iOS 17.4 users can modify the default browser from safari to any other browsers that they installed on their iPhone, and the problem is when the user changes the default browser from Safari to ...
mohsen's user avatar
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How do I get the Universal Link to redirect to my Capacitor iOS app? SWCErrorDomain error 8

I'm running my Capacitor app on my iPad on Developer mode and I haven't been able to get the Universal Link working. in browser and via ...
moonjelly's user avatar
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iOS universal links not working for new bundle identifier

Currently universal links are working for our production app identifier(com.dubizzle.dubizzlehorizontal), so we've introduced a new bundle identifier for beta environments in app. Surprisingly the ...
rao usama's user avatar
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tvOS: Universal Links Handling in Media App

I am reaching out for assistance with an issue I am encountering in my media app related to executing universal links. My app is designed to handle universal links to navigate users directly to ...
Prakash.DTI's user avatar
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Force Safari to Open a Universal Link in a Native App from the Home Screen

I have a webpage whose URL is represented by a Universal Link and opens in a native app when clicked from messages. However, when users save this webpage to their home screen, the page opens in Safari,...
Alex Khismatulin's user avatar
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iOS Universal links match only query component at root

I'm trying to come up with an AASA file that is going to: Match only URLs that have a query component named "t" at the root of the domain Ignore all other URLs (open in browser) E.g. example....
Danylo Kurylo's user avatar
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Deep Linking in iOS - Navigate to Apple Store if app not installed (Flutter)

I followed the steps in this to implement universal links and created a link that I published to the App Store. However, when I ...
Aleksandar Djordjevic's user avatar
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While passing the LinkedIn profile url to open the LinkedIn profile in LinkedIn app, it's opening in web

I want to open the profile of LinkedIn in LinkedIn app if app is installed otherwise in web. So, I added the code like this: if let linkedIn = "
Swarna Pandey's user avatar
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iOS universal links: excluded paths open my app

Here is my AASA file (my appID changed): { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appIDs": [ "A123B4567C....
Andriy Trubchanin's user avatar
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IOS Universal link association between my app and website not working

I'm using Qt creator to build an iOS, iPadOS Qt app. I'm following this Apple documentation to associate Universal links to my app. I placed the apple-app-site-association file in the .well-known ...
NightFuryLxD's user avatar
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Universal Deep Linking in react native 0.73

I have recently upgraded my React Native project from version 0.70 to 0.73. In the previous version (0.70), my universal linking functionality was functioning properly. However, with the upgrade to ...
Mohsin's user avatar
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How to implement "Open in app" button to a website for an app that uses iOS Universal Links?

I have an React site that uses Apple App Site Association file to handle Universal Links and open the links to my site in my iOS app instead, in case the user has the app installed. This works ...
tiou's user avatar
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Cannot track clicks with Universal Links integration on app

I've implemented Universal Links on a news app so that links to the website will open the app instead (if it's installed), but I cannot find a way to track this. Since the link mechanism to open the ...
Ferris's user avatar
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Sending universal links with brevo (Sendinblue) email leaves a 404

Im sending my universal links through brevo (Sendinblue). It redirects and sends email fine, but leaves a 404 page in safari with the error: build-verify URL: build UrlParms: build-verify URL: ...
learncode's user avatar
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IOS Universal Link works and redirects from website to app but leaves a 404 (safari) sendinblue email error behind. Why?

Im wondering is this is normal: I have set up universal links which work - after clicking on link I see my website for like a second and then im being redirected to my app. When I open safari ...
learncode's user avatar
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Flutter App links and universal links are now working?

I am learning flutter and want to apply the app links and universal links functionality in the app but wondering some issues. I want to implement this functionality with the help of my domain. I want ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Exclude rule not working in apple-app-site-association file for URLs containing `#` sign

I'm facing an issue with deep links in iOS. I have a URL that needs to be excluded, and it includes a # sign, for example, I've tried excluding this path in the ...
serhanaksut's user avatar
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Implementing Deferred Deep Linking in iOS App

Question: I have an existing iOS app, and I want to implement deferred deep linking. The goal is to provide a URL or link to customers that, when clicked, should: Direct users to the app if it's ...
Abhistin's user avatar
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can't handle universal links when app is killed ( userActivity is nil )

I'm trying to run app by using universal links. I want to make sure that when I open the app through universal links, the app runs and go to the viewcontroller I want. it works when app is still alive ...
TWONS's user avatar
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Can universal links / android app links be used for the redirect urls sent to AuthSession.AuthRequest in ReactNative?

Should I use Universal Links / Android App Links in ReactNative code that uses AuthSession.AuthRequest from expo-auth-session? Specifically, I pass a redirect URL to that method and the server-side ...
user756366's user avatar
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Can a Universal Link be triggered from a different domain than the AASA file's host domain?

Short Question: If the Universal Link is triggered from a domain that is not the parent or sub-domain, essentially a completely different domain than where it is hosted, will it open the app? ...
d27saurabh's user avatar
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Can I host the AASA file on heroku without the possibility of naked domains?

Since its not possible to have naked domains with heroku (in combination with godaddy), I can only forward my to Now when I check the validity of the AASA in
learncode's user avatar
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Universal Link handler not called in the first open

Hello I'm trying to handle universal links in my app and works properly on background mode when I launch the app and then open a link, the problem is when I try to open a link the first time the app ...
Antonio Labra's user avatar
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iOS / macOS: How to implement Shared With You without using Universal Links?

I'm working on an iOS and macOS app and I'm interested in implementing the Shared With You feature. However, I'm facing a challenge as I want to add all shared links to my app, similar to how Safari ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to serve AASA file (for deep links) with a react create app?

I have a simple react create app where I want to host the AASA file so I can have deep links to my native app. Im using expo and based on their documentation, I only have to put that file into my ...
learncode's user avatar
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