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Questions tagged [ios-universal-links]

With universal links, iOS users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari.

40 votes
3 answers

How to support Universal Links in iOS App and setup server for it?

How i can support Universal Links in my iOS application and setup my server in order to support Universal Links?
Vineet Choudhary's user avatar
154 votes
47 answers

iOS Universal Links are not opening in-app

So I followed this tutorial exactly and use the same values as the ones provided: The Apple Association file is also ...
Legolas's user avatar
  • 12.3k
17 votes
0 answers

Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook

There are too much Deep Linking (Universal Links or App Links) tutorials. But most of them shows how to enable it in Android or IOS Apps. Also there are paid cloud solutions but they offer to much ...
Mustafa Atalar's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Universal Link broken in iOS 11.2

I am using Branch deep links in an app for sharing links to content in the app via social media. Everything was working fine quite a while. When updating to iOS 11.2 I encountered the following ...
nice_pink's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Universal Links not working on iOS10

Just updated my iPhone to iOS10 and the Universal links stopped working. If I run my app in an iPhone with iOS9, or lower, the Universal Links work fine, but the are just not working at all in iOS10. ...
6rod9's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to make your push notification Open a certain view controller?

I looked on SO but I wasn't able to find any question that discusses when you receive a push notification how can you then open a specific view controller. For example if you are creating an app like ...
mfaani's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

App Search API Validation Tool displays " is returning 469. Please check your url and try again."

I am online a fresh webpage for the purpose of universal links. I put the file in .well-known folder. In the server log I can see that Applebot got 200 on "GET /.well-known/apple-app-site-association ...
itsdarja's user avatar
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64 votes
5 answers

Requests to /.well-known/apple-app-site-association

I just checked my server logs and found the following weird requests coming in quite a lot. I have iOS 9 Universal Linking implemented, but those requests are running against /apple-app-site-...
Tim Specht's user avatar
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43 votes
2 answers

Does the apple-app-site-association json file ever get updated in app?

Other than the first initial install of the app, does the apple-app-site-association json file ever get updated? For example, if I add an additional value to the path array in the json file, will my ...
wolfprogrammer's user avatar
18 votes
12 answers

How to serve apple-app-site-association file on /apple-app-site-association page in ReactJS

I'm having a lot of trouble with serving a apple-app-site-association file in ReactJS project. I've searched a lot of GitHub issues pages (for ReactJS, Gatsby, and Angular), forums, and a lot of ...'s user avatar
  • 395
17 votes
4 answers

Universal link - The domain has some validation issue

Im working on universal link to open the application while tap the url. I am using https server and done all the steps from apple (Apple Doc). But the apple universal link validator show below error, ...
Karthik Saminathan's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Open email app url

I want to add link to my website "Check your email". If user is on mob version link should open mail app or email service url in browser if app is absent. For example user has [email protected]. Link ...
Dmitry Teplyakov's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

iOS Universal Links and URL Shorteners

We have recently begin to encounter issues with our Universal Link implementation when the UL is accessed via a shortened URL. This Works: This does not: ...
Matt Baker's user avatar
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55 votes
4 answers

Universal links on iOS vs. deep links (URL schemes)

As I'm reading, iOS 9 introduced Universal Links. In the "Support Universal Links" section in Apple's App Search Programming Guide, it says that this is not exactly like deep linking with URL schemes, ...
AppsDev's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

iOS Associated Domains (Universal Links) with Wildcards not working

In an iOS app I am working on I have setup Associated Domains (Universal Links). The app hosts multiple domains. Some domains I have set up with a wildcard. These domains do not seem to work. For ...
Bocaxica's user avatar
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