I'm creating a Universal Link for my application.

We created a site in next js and configured the files correctly apple-app-site-association file: https://rune-links-webapp.vercel.app/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

I took inspiration from this service that opens the store correctly: https://h-art.dynalinks.app/.well-known/apple-app-site-association

I configure xcode on associated domains, and a link like https://rune-links-webapp.vercel.app/aaaa open my application. But if the application is not installed it doesn't work. while with h-art.dynalinks.app/dl/665ec70949eae19a0e437087 open App Store

I check here https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/ and is correctly configured.

What configuration needs to be done to open the app store?
