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Questions tagged [facebook]

Facebook Platform lets developers integrate their apps directly into the Facebook social networking service. Use this tag for questions which may arise when developing FOR Facebook. This tag is NOT for support questions about using the Facebook website or the official Facebook app. It is also NOT for questions of the “I want to implement a feature similar to what Facebook has” variety.

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Login using facebook using passport-facebook

On facebook developer tools I have created a new app & even obtained app id & app secret but cannot put a redirect url as 'http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/secret' due to error that: http://...
Akshita's user avatar
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Instagram Basic Display API return "Sorry, this content isn't available right now"

I have been trying to fetch posts from instagram user profiles that are not professional/business profiles. I am using below url:,caption,media_type,...
Wahid Ahmad's user avatar
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Facebook Like Button Iframe Error for Guests Only

I'm having a very strange issue with my Facebook like button. When i'm logged into Facebook.. everything works fine. When I click the button when i'm not logged in, my like button actually tries to ...
Steve Payne's user avatar
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Facebook Login for Business: "It looks like this app isn't available" error

My app is working well, as long as I only use the account that "owns" the app with Facebook Login. As soon as I try to log in with a different facebook account, I get the "It looks like ...
Andy Wallace's user avatar
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How to have a Facebook App which can create more than 25 ad accounts?

I'm developing a SaaS where users can select from a variety of templates and publish their Facebook ads. I'd like to have a separate Ad Account for each user so if there is a problem with one ad ...
Phillip's user avatar
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Create Saved Audience using Facebook Ads API

I need to create a Saved Audience so that I can use them for other AdSets. Refer here. I found the documentation to read the Saved Audiences available in an ad account. But Create operation is not ...
Aromal S's user avatar
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Facebook Insights API - Can't Return Standard Events Besides Leads and Purchases

I have been able to successfully query the data in the API for Impressions, clicks, spend, leads, and purchases, but I have a couple standard events that I can't seem to find a way to return. '...
Lance Dobson's user avatar
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Retrieve Conversation from Facebook Graph Error Code 2

I manage several Businesses and Pages. When requesting the API for conversations I get an error for some pages and success for other pages. The endpoint I'm requesting is:
Eltaf Abbasi's user avatar
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Facebook Crawler not picking updated OpenGraph meta tags via Sharing Debugger but does via crawler curl call

Setup It's a React App with React Helmet. It's deployed with Docker on a VPS and is exposed with Nginx. Cloudflare is used for SSL and as a worker. Problem explaination I make a change to ...
mszan's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API /me/accounts Empty But Token Debugger Not Empty

I have a Facebook token that I'm trying to access Pages with but the API is returning an empty array. That seems like a simple permissions issue but when I debug the token in Facebook's Token ...
chrislondon's user avatar
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Unable to post photos into facebook page using GraphAPI error #200) The permission(s) publish_actions are not available. It has been deprecated

Following facebook's GraphAPI docs, i got a post request as seen below:{pageid}/photos?access_token={here I insert a permanent PAGE token}&url={here i insert a ...
user25625614's user avatar
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1 answer

Difference between LoginManager and LoginButton in Facebook Login for Android

Following the Facebook Login for Android quickstart at, step 9 requires to register a Callback, where two options are mentioned to achieve ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to fetch videos of facebook page using graph API

I have and Facebook developer account created around 4 years before. The problem is when i try to fetch page videos, its not returning any result. Note: i am using laravel-socialite package and the ...
kishan maharana's user avatar
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In Facebook Graph API, I want to get week to date country of Page followers

I want to get week to date list of country names with respective count of followers in that week or date. Facebook is always giving data of life time. The code I have used is as follows: import ...
Slide Scope's user avatar
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I am facing issue in ads_management Permission After App Review

I'm encountering issues with obtaining ads_management permission for my app after a recent app review. Before in previos app reviews i did not require this permission, but now i want this ...
Aamir Ali's user avatar

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