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Questions tagged [android-facebook]

The Facebook SDK for integrating an Android app with Facebook. Questions should involve the usage and development of the Android Facebook SDK, not merely about using Facebook.

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Facebook Android SDK: number of standard install and activateApp events extremely low compared to what it should be

I think I implemented the Facebook Android SDK properly but when I check the number of events in Facebook Events Manager, I see a very low (and clearly wrong) number of installs compared to the number ...
toto_tata's user avatar
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Difference between LoginManager and LoginButton in Facebook Login for Android

Following the Facebook Login for Android quickstart at, step 9 requires to register a Callback, where two options are mentioned to achieve ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
2 votes
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Facebook Request for App Review. How to enable "Submit for Review" button

I implemented a Facebook Login feature for an Android app. When trying to execute my Facebook login implementation (after upgrading some Google and Facebook libraries to make it work), I was getting ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:preDebugBuild'

When trying to build an Android app, I am getting the following error. The interesting thing is that the exact same source code builds correctly on another computer, which makes me think that maybe ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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Why callback functions are not called in Android Facebook Login?

There is no any Log.w is appear in Logcat after logged in, why? This Code inside onCreateView in LoginFragment CallbackManager callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create(); fragmentLoginBinding....
Taha Sami's user avatar
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ShareLinkContent on facebook in android

I encountered 1 problem. Hope everybody help please. I have 1 android application using Facebook sdk. Recently Facebook reported that the app violates policy 4.a, (as attached image), So what should ...
Han Nguyen's user avatar
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App was deactivated because of violating the Facebook Platform Policy 6.1 (Why it showing the response code as 0)

I have received a mail from the Facebook developer regarding the deactivation of my app because of violating policy 6.1. Here I have checked using the tester account. It shows the error as "...
sejn's user avatar
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Facebook SDK getting hash for app with Google Play Signing

I need to get some hash from my app signing for Facebook SDK We could get like this but old way because seems Facebook doesn't know that ...
user924's user avatar
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The SDK has not been initialized, make sure to call FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize() first react native

I know this was asked before, but none of the solutions seem to help. I'm using first time Facebook SDK in my application. package com.spade; import com.facebook.react.ReactActivity;...
raja ali haider's user avatar
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How to check facebook login status in Webview android?

I am developing an android application where i have redirected to inside a web-view. What is required? I want to check the login status, once login is successfully done and ...
User's user avatar
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In Facebook Android SDK, How to fetch is_verified flag using GraphRequest?

We are trying to fetch is_verified like below: GraphRequest.newMeRequest(loginResult.accessToken) { `object`, response -> Log.v("LoginActivity", ...
Ashok's user avatar
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android facebook login button behaviour

I implemented Facebook Login functionality in my android app. But there is a unwanted behaviour that appears. loginButton.registerCallback(callbackManager, object : FacebookCallback<...
nasibeyyubov's user avatar
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Is there a way to track Facebook Campaign Ad Installs with Expo managed workflow?

Stack: Expo React Native, expo-branch I am searching for a way to track Facebook Campaign Ad Installs with Expo in the managed workflow. I have integrated expo-branch (link below) and set up the ...
Spencer Levitt's user avatar
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Android Kotlin - share on specific app like facebook

I want to make a custom share menu on which apps stuff can be shared and add some custom options. I don't like the standard createchooser because apparently nobody knows how to customize this crap: ...
TheGreatCornholio's user avatar
12 votes
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How does the Facebook Android App install Facebook Messenger?

I was very surprised when I found out that the Facebook app on Android apparently is able to install the Facebook Messenger app without asking for permission. I'm aware that it is possible to install ...
Yannick's user avatar
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