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Questions tagged [doparallel]

R package that is a “parallel backend” for the foreach package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute foreach loops in parallel.

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memory usage when splitting large dataframe using lapply

I have a large dataframe 54k rows, 38k columns. My goal is to run a simple function, test_func, on this dataframe. test_func requires the use of 8 index columns that contain generic information, such ...
ThallyHo's user avatar
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When is furrr::future_pmap() faster than pmap()?

I implemented a function that is quite expansive. start<-Sys.time() plan(multicore, workers = 4) grid <- expand.grid(v,x,y,z) mapping<-pmap(list(grid[,1],grid[,2],grid[,3],grid[,4]),.f=...
mexx's user avatar
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doPar does not initialize when run through Rscript

I want to create an Rscript that uses dopar to count the lines of many files using many cores, then outputs a TSV of the file names, plus the number of lines (divided by 4). I am using Ubuntu 20.04. ...
Alex Krohn's user avatar
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Parallel tasks not removed after stopping cluster

After running and stopping a parallel process, workers still appear to be running on my system and taking up resources. I know processes belong to parallel because they are the same number as the ...
APD's user avatar
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54 views function within %do.par%, function arguments not found

I am implementing a Monte Carlo simulation to test several methods (many of them). The methods are implementented in a methods.R script. To illustrate, let's say that I have only implemented 2 methods....
Telmo Pérez Izquierdo's user avatar
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Ordering issues in foreach in R

To my knowledge, the results obtained from parallel computations are expected to be unordered. Does foreach perform any operations by default to ensure that the order of results matches the order of a ...
lemmingxuan's user avatar
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Acceleration with DoParallel in R not working in my code

# approximation of PI using random numbers and large iterations # the surface of a square of one by one = 1 # the program will generate random numbers between 0 and 1 # these are x and y as ...
Hein Brat's user avatar
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Limit iterations in foreach and doParallel

I'm trying to implement a nested for-loop using foreach and doParallel, but I don't want to loop over all combinations of values. Basically, I've got a square dataset and I want to run a function over ...
scjForR's user avatar
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Error in parallel calculation on R function

I am mastering parallel programming in R simple examples tried to implement the function given in the code, it loads the processor, but the results of calculations are not. Could you please tell me ...
n_nikitin's user avatar
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What causes "subscript out of bounds" when using doParallel

I am using the MethylMix package, which requires equal rowlength for KIRP.meth, KIRP.mrna, and normal.meth. My code raised "subscript out of bounds" error. library(MethylMix) cl <- ...
Anon's user avatar
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Getting foreach to store its return value in a 3d array

I have a function which returns a (numVals x N) array/matrix. This function needs to be evaluated K times. My goal is to store all results in a multidimensional array containing doubles with shape c(...
titfortat's user avatar
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Difference between the working process of `mclapply` and `foreach()` loop

This is a general question out of curiosity. I am using the doParallel package for parallel computing. I use these packages for the simulation purposes. What I observed is that when I was using the ...
ann's user avatar
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Parallel collapse + reduction not working

I am trying to parallelize a two nested loop and the collapse clause fails. Hey there, I am trying to parallelize these two nested loops in order to calculate two integrals (int_coulomb and ...
Pablo Grobas Illobre's user avatar
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Subgraph count from a large graph (undirected) in a efficient way. How to increase performace of the R code? (Rcpp, doParallel)

I am working with a very large graph (The number of vertices in the graph is 1000+, which means I working with a (1000+ x 1000+) adjacency matrix). My laptop has an 8-core CPU and 8 gigs of RAM (...
ann's user avatar
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R zombie processes

Is there a way to safely remove/stop/shut down those R processes? Using doParallel package I'm always calling stopImplicitCluster() but apparantly it doesn't affect. Thanks in advance!
user2545517's user avatar

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