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Questions tagged [agal]

The Adobe Graphics Assembly Language (AGAL) is an assembly language used to create vertex and fragment shaders for use in Adobe Flash and Adobe AIR applications.

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Inverting texture color with AGAL

I've been using the Genome2D library and wanted to create a filter that inverts all color. After reading Adobe documentation, I can't seem to figure out what's going on with the alpha channel since ....
dinorider's user avatar
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AGAL seq opcode works on hardware, but doesn't on software emulation (float number comparison is different on both?)

From docs: seq set-if-equal destination = source1 == source2 ? 1 : 0, component-wise I haven't yet tested it thoroughly, but so far my fragment shader worked on both machines (desktop pcs), where ...
Markus von Broady's user avatar
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Pass position to fragment shader in AGAL

I am trying to get into shading with AGAL. I have set up a full screen quad to be drawn with shader programs, but I ran into something unexplainable. I have these vertices var vertices:Vector.<...
Róbert László Páli's user avatar
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Proper way to apply translation to vertices

I have the simple vertex shader: m44 op, va0, vc0 mov v0, va1 and the fragment shader: mov oc, v0 I pass this vertices to it: x y z w r g b -0.3, -0.3, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0, ...
patrick's user avatar
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How do AGAL registers get added or subtracted when they 'contain' 3D vectors?

I'm working on adding a shadow to planetary rings in a space game I'm developing. For this I need to calculate where a cylinder (the shadow of the planet) intersects with a plane (the mesh of the ...
moosefetcher's user avatar
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minko bone animation with hardware support causes Error #3659: AGAL validation failed

I updated minko as3 code to run on standard profile instead of baseline and i have a mesh with animations that i know for a fact, has 185 vertices constants, maximum allowed amount is 250 on standard, ...
RIAwolf's user avatar
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Gradient shadow for Starling extension for lighting

tell me how having it to get it Found an example on website -> gradient-shadow-filter-starling.html but I can not use it. ...
Jekel's user avatar
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How to draw a single-pixel width line in Stage3D

I'm working on a 3D game set in space. I'm currently adding orbit-lines of the planets. Ideally I'd like to draw the orbit lines at 1 pixel width, irrespective of the line's distance from the camera. ...
moosefetcher's user avatar
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Stage 3D - draw orbit lines 'mathematically'

I'd like to know if there's a way, using Stage3D and AGAL, to draw just the perimeter of a circle without using an actual mesh; I’m thinking the vertex shader could, somehow, be ‘tricked’ into ...
moosefetcher's user avatar
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Why do AGAL shaders need to be compiled just-in-time?

Flash Player 11 introduced the AGAL unified shader assembly language, which is able to compile into OpenGL GLSL shaders and DirectX HLSL shaders transparently to the Flash developer. Pretty much ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
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AGAL undocumented ops

While glancing at the source for the AGALMiniAssembler class, I noticed a handful of op codes that don't seem to be documented anywhere - ifz, eif, brk, and a bunch of others - and what look like ...
Conduit's user avatar
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Render to texture not functioning

I'm trying to test Stage3D's setRenderToTexture function, but my test code is not providing any output. I was hoping someone could tell me why - I've tried practically everything to get this working. ...
Conduit's user avatar
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Stage3D, AGAL - vertices' and textures' coordinate systems

I've been trying to work with more complicated shaders, and have run into issues with the coordinate systems used by the vertex shader and texture sampler. In short: they don't seem to make any sense, ...
Conduit's user avatar
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Stage3D function

I've been learning about stage3D, and am trying to render something for the first time. No run-time errors appear during the course of this program, but I am not seeing any output... my code is as ...
Conduit's user avatar
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AGAL - Optcode NRM - normalize the vector to size 1 - why it is used?

Good evening everyone! I have a sample of code which I am trying to understand: // fragment tex ft0, v0, fs0 <2d,repeat,linear,miplinear> nrm, v1 nrm, v2 nrm, v3 dp3 ...
user3261305's user avatar

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