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Questions tagged [fragment-shader]

A GPU program used in rendering. It is executed for each sample taken from a rasterized primitive. The output of this process is a number of values and a floating-point depth.

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Fix Incorrect Colors on Godot4 Shader

Inconsistent Results for Grass Shader Sampling Ground Texture Between Different Renderers I'm currently developing a Grass Shader that samples the ground texture in Godot 4. However, I've encountered ...
ilies's user avatar
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Sync issue for gl_InstanceIndex between vertex and fragment shader

I'm trying to implement this OpenGL text-rendering tutorial in Vulkan: and the improvements in this video:
rgos's user avatar
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Issue with reading texture data inside RESHADE Pixel Shader

I am new to reshade, but not new to programming as a whole. I tried to implement a compute shader using modern re shade, who's information was then passed to a pixel shader that passed that data to ...
The Armored Panda's user avatar
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When using points in ThreeJS there is a black background on each point if using depth writing

I have a scene where I use points, like so <points ref={gPoints} position={position}> <bufferGeometry attach="geometry"> <bufferAttribute ...
user25766836's user avatar
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GLSL fragment shader Sine wave change the direction and color

I have glsl Fragment shader code need to change the line color, background color and, direction of the sine wave eprecision mediump float; #endif uniform vec2 u_resolution; uniform vec2 u_mouse; ...
Wimal Weerawansa's user avatar
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Planetary rendreing in unity and shader performance

I'm doing a personal project in unity (URP) about generating a large entire planet that allows the player/viewer to approach the planet without loading and in a dynamic way (for example like in the ...
Massimiliano Ferrari's user avatar
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OpenGL depth test with unclamped range

I'm using a OpenGL pipeline with a vertex and fragment shader, which is such that early fragment tests need to be enabled. So the depth test is always done with the vertex shader output gl_Position.z ...
tmlen's user avatar
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How do I make 2D shadow cones in GLSL fragment shader?

I'm trying to make a 2D renderer in OpenGL with lights and shadows, and the lights work pretty well. But the shadows are not cones, they project the object as it is onto an object with a lower z-...
Aseed Second's user avatar
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A Godot shader to scroll a sprite along a turn

I am making a factory game in Godot 4 and I am trying to have a scrolling effect of the arrows in corners (bent) belts. For straight belts I am using this shader which works great, but how can I ...
bre_dev's user avatar
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Drawing text over a shader

I have been going through Ebitengine's great tutorial for Kage (it's own shading language), and haven't been able ...
Ethan Leonard's user avatar
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How can i use GLSL shaders with raylib-rust?

Right now i'm trying to use a simple shader in my raylib app. This is my simple_shader.fs file #version 330 out vec4 fragColor; void main() { fragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); } This is my ...
Dennis K.'s user avatar
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Writing to a RWTexture2D in Fragment shaders

I'm new to this topic, and I know this sounds stupid, but I just really want to learn! So I found out I can write to RWTexture2D from my fragment shader(according to forum), but I can't really find ...
phal5's user avatar
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GLSL input/output variables with same name in different sources

I have a GLSL program that contains 3 fragment shader sources that would get linked together, like this: 1. #version 460 core void RunA(); void RunB(); void main() { RunA(); RunB(); } #version ...
tmlen's user avatar
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Shadow casted from custom GLSL unity shade doesn't match "surf" method output

Problem: I wrote a custom shader for making animated sprites from a sprite sheet (not going into why I'm doing that rather than use Unity's animation player for this project"). It works well, but ...
Marco Flores's user avatar
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Finding x/y screen position of a Metal fragment shader modifier for custom ARKit/SceneKit occlusion

I have a simple ARKit/SceneKit app that draws a cube in front of the camera. Using the depth map, I want to hide the cube pixels that are occluded by an object. RealityKit supports occlusion, but ...
Steve Potter's user avatar
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