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Questions tagged [registry]

The Windows Registry is a database where configuration settings for hardware, software and the Windows operating system itself are saved.

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How to programatically find if Windows Hello Facial Recognition is enabled

I'm seeking some advice on how to programmatically determine if Windows Hello Face Recognition is enabled. I initially thought this could be done easily via the registry. However, I haven't found the ...
Kiralyn's user avatar
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How do I write the value "hex(4):ff,ff,00,00,00,00,00,00" to the Windows registry using C#?

If I export a registry key from the registry, in the new created .reg file I see this key and its value. "ThisIsATest"=hex(4):ff,ff,00,00,00,00,00,00 How do I write such a value to the ...
Francesco Giossi's user avatar
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How to edit NTUSER.DAT files it insert a new registry key for that user to prevent Microsoft Teams reinstallation?

I am creating a script to insert a registry key PreventInstallationFromMsi in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Teams. I am doing this because my environment doesn’t want teams to install on ...
Motivator6310's user avatar
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Broadcasting WM_SETTINGCHANGE doesn't update setting in Settings app

I'm trying to write some code to programmatically disable and reenable the touchpad. I've written code to update the registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PrecisionTouchPad\Status\...
Ian Newson's user avatar
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Normalize registry path in PowerShell

There are several ways to reference a registry key in PowerShell: Using a builtin PSDrive, such as HKCU or HKLM, for example HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. Using a user-created PSDrive, such as HKCR for ...
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Remove "set as desktop background" in Explorer Context Menu (works with below method) but still shows under (Show more options)

When you right click on a .avci, .avcs, .avif, .avifs, .bmp, .dib, .gif, .heic, .heics, .heif, .heifs, .hif, .jfif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff, or .wdp image file, you can use the Set as ...
toparge nz's user avatar
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Right click open new powershell file open in PSIDE

I'm still running windows 10 and I'm currently still running psh 5.6 due to company policy. I have local admin on my machine so I can write to the registry. I'm trying to figure out the quickest way ...
Matt Williamson's user avatar
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Windows contextual menu activation

I have an application I wrote to Open , Create and Edit Windows *.ico files. I made a Contextual menu item to Open the icon using the "%1" method in the registry. The Application opens but ...
Michael Mulvey's user avatar
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Python winreg is updating SOMETHING, but not the Windows registry

I am using winreg to read, write, and change the Windows registry. My program flips a lot of different settings to fix things that annoy me about the windows defaults. When I run it, it seems to work. ...
not_a_generic_user's user avatar
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Setting up Gitlab Container Registry for a Docker Installation behind nginx

I am running a Gitlab Community Edition Installation with docker-compose. I try to enable the Container Registry for this Installation. The GitLab installation is running behind a nginx. When I try to ...
Scasto's user avatar
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How to resolve node modules proxy issue? [closed]

I'm Not able to install node_modules and its showing you are behind a proxy Error: npm ERR! code ECONNRESET npm ERR! errno ECONNRESET failed, reason: Client network socket disconnected before secure ...
Saiprasad Pagar's user avatar
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Using Python's winreg, how can I make changes to the Windows Registry that I can confirm worked in Regedit?

My python code is below. Online guides and Stack Overflow posts suggest this should work, but it doesn't seem to. When I change the registry, it does a new get to confirm the change was made properly ...
not_a_generic_user's user avatar
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VS2022 - c# installer will not create regentry

So I have a simple C# program - I want/require an MSI file And I need the application to load/run at startup so it can live in the tray. What is it? It is an internal company tool that I need our IT ...
user3696153's user avatar
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RegQueryInfoKey and RegEnumKeyEx fails to get the correct number of subkeys

I have used RegQueryInfoKey and later RegEnumKeyEx in a function to enumerate through all the subkeys in a registry key, but this does not seem to work as the number of keys I am getting is not ...
Anandu Ramachandran's user avatar
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Shell extension in Explorer run as administrator

I have a shell extension(COM server in a dll adding a new menu item in the context menu) that runs well in Explorer run as a normal user. I want to see if it can run in Explorer run as administrator, ...
William's user avatar
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