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Questions tagged [.net-5]

The previous version of .NET, successor of both .NET Core and .NET Framework. Use this tag for questions about .NET 5 and .NET 5's formal specification.

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ASP.NET Core 5 Identity reset password token is randomly invalid

Using IdentityServer4 + ASP.NET Core Identity with .NET 5. Our password reset endpoint throws errors, however, if I re-send the request a few times (the exact same request), it works again. Here's a ...
Tabris's user avatar
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While building the Azure pipeline getting an error like .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), usedotnetcli/restore

While building the azure pipelines with classic editor i am getting the below error in build .NET 5 has some compatibility issues with older Nuget versions(<=5.7), so if you are using an older ...
divya bommerla's user avatar
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.NET 8 unable to send response with "application/octet-stream" header

The situation is. This endpoint needs to return the bytes of the file saved on the DB. [HttpGet("/GetTemplate")] [Produces("application/octet-stream")] public HttpResponseMessage ...
Vitor Lacerda's user avatar
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VsCode The framework 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.App', version '6.0.0' (x64) was not found

I created a new net5 project using this command dotnet new webapi -n UserService --framework net5.0 I can run the app with dotnet run. But I cant debug it in VsCode. I get the error below. In my ....
mustafa candan's user avatar
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How to config webhook in console application?

I have console application (in .net 5) that runs as window service with a lots of class libraries in the same solution: Commons.cs proj (Class library) BusinnesLogic.csproj (Class library). and more......
ofer gertz's user avatar
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How do I bind data automatically in controller action in .NET 5?

I'm very inexperienced with .NET so please bear with me. I try to send a post request: var postData = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "YearValue&...
Lã Ngọc Hải's user avatar
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Read email with attachments and convert to .eml file using Microsoft Graph API in C#

Need sample code to Read email with attachments and convert to .eml file using Microsoft Graph API in C# Microsoft Graph API - 5.49.0 Version Target Framework - Net 5.0 And please confirm whether am I ...
Akila's user avatar
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Package-References to Roslyn not working when calling from native App

I have a problem generating C# code dynamically when the calling process is a native Win32 C++ application. To narrow down the problem, I have created the following test projects: DynCodeDll: .net5 ...
suriel's user avatar
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Roslyn and .net5

I try to use the Roslyn-compiler to compile some sourcecode at runtime. To do so I did public static void compile() { SyntaxTree syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code); } Of course this ...
suriel's user avatar
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Debugging embedded Python code in .Net app using Pythonnet and Pdb

I have a worker service in which I need to debug Python code. To execute Python code I need to use Pythonnet. Pdb module is used for debugging. I'm trying something like that: python.txt: import pdb ...
AnMSLbR's user avatar
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Logger Not writing logs to the Log Files in .NET 5 Web API when deployed on IIS locally

I want to deploy a .NET 5 Web API project to my local IIS. The project includes a Logger.cs file, which writes exception messages caught in controller methods to a text file located in the root of the ...
BOO1's user avatar
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How to Enable Runtime Code Changes and Move Execution Pointer in Blazor WASM Client-Side Debugging with Mono/C#?

I'm currently working on a Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) .NET5 application and facing a challenge with client-side debugging: I'm looking to enable runtime code changes and move the execution pointer, ...
Arileth's user avatar
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Why won't .NET 5.0 website won't run from IIS?

I've a .NET 5.0 website that runs in the QA environment without error. I copy the same files to production, and when I try to hit the website in a browser I get: HTTP Error 502.5 - ANCM Out-Of-Process ...
Developer Webs's user avatar
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Invalid token error on reset password email in ASP.NET Core 5 Identity

I am getting invalid token error while I am trying to reset my password by clicking reset password link via email. I have been looking what problem would be and seen so many solution such as encode &...
Mukremin Buyukkulekci's user avatar
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Is it safe to remove .NET 5 runtime if .NET 6 runtime is installed?

From a purely user perspective, I am not developing applications on Windows, I merely install and uninstall stuff. Microsoft Defender tells me that the installed .NET 5 installation is end of service. ...
Dohn Joe's user avatar
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