I have a function in my database which retrieves all the columns of a table into a csv file. Now I want to omit only one column and show all the other columns in the result and I do not want to change the function.

How I am retrieving all the columns in to csv file is as following:

CPVCREATECSV := "Function_Name"('table_name') || UTL_TCP.crlf;

after this line, I want to omit only one column and get the rest columns. How to do that? Please help. I am doing it in Oracle.

  • I think you are going to have to change the underlying SELECT. Or, just live with a small amount of extra data in your CSV file. Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 7:27
  • 2
    You have three options: 1. Change the function to include a list of the columns you wish to select, 2. Write some code (in Oracle or - better - outside of Oracle) to parse the file to remove the column you don't care about or 3. Have a manual step that involves opening the file in Excel, and the removing the column you don't want.
    – Boneist
    Commented Jul 17, 2017 at 7:28


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