I'm using Unity 5.3.6. I'm new to Unity.

I can not import project correctly. On remote repository I store ONLY folders ProjectSettings and Assets. When i clone project to other PC and try to import it using the save Unity version - import fails.

I get the message "The saved project(before 5.0) does not match the launched editor (5.3.6f1)". When I click Continue Unity re-import project and .. all dependencies missing. GameObjects on scene have no Scripts, Materials and so on.

How can i correctly import project? As I sad before on remote repository I store only ProjectSettings and Assets folders. Maybe i should save something else?

  • Did you store .meta files on remote repository?
    – Harry
    Commented Oct 10, 2016 at 14:41

1 Answer 1


You need to save all .meta files to your souce code control repository too. They are Unity's way to identify references betweeen your assets.

s. for example How to prepare a Unity project for git? for details about how to set up a repository

  • Well, this did not help me Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 9:55
  • No pending changes on the original PC where it is working? Did you try to copy Assets and ProjectSettings manually?
    – Kay
    Commented Oct 11, 2016 at 10:04

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