I have huge amount of file pairs of the following filename format: <int>-<code>.txt in a single directory. I need to efficiently loop over the pairs of files with the same <int> part. I would like to avoid full list evaluation due to the number of files in question. You can assume that every file is guaranteed to be in exactly one pair.



The order is not important, just that matching files are returned. I've tried the:

import glob
A_files = glob.iglob('*-A.txt')
B_files = glob.iglob('*-B.txt')
for A_file, B_file in zip(A_files, B_files):

However, glob has no specified order, so I don't receive matching pairs. Sorting the iterators results in huge lists. Is there an efficient way to loop over matching pairs of files?

2 Answers 2


if you know you always have a pair of files one glob is all you need:

A_files = glob.iglob('*-A.txt')
file_pairs = ((file_a,file_a.replace("-A.txt","-B.txt")) for file_a in A_files)
for file_A,file_B in file_pairs:

this assumes you don't have any *-B.txt files that have no *-A.txt matching file, but since your example uses zip() i assume that is the case


Since you know that there are pairs of A-B files, you could just iterate on A files and create B filenames:

import glob
A_files = glob.iglob('*-A.txt')
for A_file in A_files:
  B_file = A_file.partition("-")[0]+"-B.txt"

A_file.partition("-")[0] extracts the digit before the dash so you can generate the other file. You could even make sure that the B file isn't missing (well, you can't do that for A-files, obviously)

  • Can't believe I couldn't think of it. Thank you.
    – Aechlys
    Commented Jan 8, 2018 at 9:22

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