I have an iteration vals: Iterable[T] and a long-running function without any relevant side effects: f: (T => Unit). Right now this is applied to vals in the obvious way:


I would like the calls to f to be done concurrently (within reasonable limits). Is there an obvious function somewhere in the Scala base library? Something like:

Concurrent.foreach(8 /* Number of threads. */)(vals, f)

While f is reasonably long running, it is short enough that I don't want the overhead of invoking a thread for each call, so I am looking for something based on a thread pool.

7 Answers 7


Many of the answers from 2009 still use the old scala.actors.Futures._, which are no longer in the newer Scala. While Akka is the preferred way, a much more readable way is to just use parallel (.par) collections:

vals.foreach { v => f(v) }


vals.par.foreach { v => f(v) }

Alternatively, using parMap can appear more succinct though with the caveat that you need to remember to import the usual Scalaz*. As usual, there's more than one way to do the same thing in Scala!


Scalaz has parMap. You would use it as follows:

import scalaz.Scalaz._
import scalaz.concurrent.Strategy.Naive

This will equip every functor (including Iterable) with a parMap method, so you can just do:


You also get parFlatMap, parZipWith, etc.


I like the Futures answer. However, while it will execute concurrently, it will also return asynchronously, which is probably not what you want. The correct approach would be as follows:

import scala.actors.Futures._

vals map { x => future { f(x) } } foreach { _() }
  • 8
    Be careful that vals is a strict collection -- if it's lazy (and in Scala 2.7 this includes the Range class), the futures won't be created until each one is needed by foreach, and nothing will happen in parallel.
    – Ken Bloom
    Commented Nov 18, 2009 at 5:34
  • I suppose we could solve that problem by injecting another foreach call between the map and the current foreach. Thus: vals map { x => future { f(x) } } foreach { x => x } foreach { _() } Commented Nov 18, 2009 at 15:43
  • That would be a map we have to inject, not another foreach? And it is not clear to me that the map of a lazy collection is strict. The safest way may be to call toArray. Commented Nov 20, 2009 at 22:50
  • You're right, foreach was (obviously) the wrong thing to inject since it returns Unit. My bad! :-) The map function on lazy collections is almost always non-strict, so we can either call toList (or toArray), or we can project and then force: (vals map { x => future { f(x) } } projection).force foreach { _() }. I don't know whether that's better than simply toList, but it is certainly different. Commented Nov 22, 2009 at 2:01
  • What does it mean when you say it "returns asynchronously"? Does it imply that it is non-blocking? (and why would that be a problem?)
    – Jus12
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 14:24

I had some issues using scala.actors.Futures in Scala 2.8 (it was buggy when I checked). Using java libs directly worked for me, though:

final object Parallel {
  val cpus=java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors
  import java.util.{Timer,TimerTask}
  def afterDelay(ms: Long)(op: =>Unit) = new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask {override def run = op},ms)
  def repeat(n: Int,f: Int=>Unit) = {
    import java.util.concurrent._
    val e=Executors.newCachedThreadPool //newFixedThreadPool(cpus+1)
    (0 until n).foreach(i=>e.execute(new Runnable {def run = f(i)}))
    e.awaitTermination(Math.MAX_LONG, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

I'd use scala.actors.Futures:

vals.foreach(t => scala.actors.Futures.future(f(t)))

The latest release of Functional Java has some higher-order concurrency features that you can use.

import fjs.F._
import fj.control.parallel.Strategy._
import fj.control.parallel.ParModule._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors._

val pool = newCachedThreadPool
val par = parModule(executorStrategy[Unit](pool))

And then...

par.parMap(vals, f)

Remember to shutdown the pool.


You can use the Parallel Collections from the Scala standard library. They're just like ordinary collections, but their operations run in parallel. You just need to put a par call before you invoke some collections operation.

import scala.collection._

val array = new Array[String](10000)
for (i <- (0 until 10000).par) array(i) = i.toString

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